The Most Heated Rivalry is Back!

Published February 09, 2020 12:24PM, by Jake MorganViewed: 2754 times

February 12th-15th, Louisville, KY
It’s been exactly 20 years since the divorce. Twenty years of running apart at the most prestigious indoor pull in the world. This year the Diesel Super Stock class and the Alcohol Super Stock class are back together again. This Friday, Feb. 14, fittingly, Valentines Day, these two classes will reunite and see if they can rekindle the flame that was once the most heated rivalry in our motorsport.

The last time these two fuels played together. Was in 1999, and they didn’t play nice. They were spread across two Super Stock weight classes with an alcohol tractor taking the win in the 7,700 lb class while a diesel tractor took home the win in the 9,500 lb class.

Technology has changed a great deal for both fuels but one thing remains; the competitive spirit of both sides of this Hatfield and McCoy feud. Some of the toughest competitors to ever make a pass down the track will be vying for their shot to be the Champion of this reunification battle.

Time will tell if the two fuels can compete on a level playing field. While both proponents and detractors of this reunification have debated endlessly, this trial run will finally give us some data to see where each fuel stands against the other.

Every sport hypes up rivalry night, and this is poised to be the return of the greatest rivalry in the sport as well as some much needed excitement for either of these two classes.


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