ring and pinion October 29, 2012 11:47PM
Does Ih have a 14/49 ring and pinion or was that on the for sale a mis print and it is a 13/49 So what are all the different combos does IH have

Re: ring and pinion October 30, 2012 12:05AM
I believe that the 14-49 and 16-49 ring and pinions that you saw for sale were for the small chassis tractors, not the 706 and up style. Perhaps the 666 pullers could chime in and clarify the situation for you.

Re: ring and pinion October 31, 2012 08:01AM
The 656 series has 3 ratios to pick from, coming from a utility version of tractors. The 666 series did not have a utility version to pick from. The 2 versions do not interchange with each other.

Re: ring and pinion October 31, 2012 10:37AM
There is 3 diff. ratios 13/49 from the hydro 14/49 and also a 16/49 and they will interchange , for the 656 , 666 , 686 , and the hydro's all use the same rearend tub or housing > the 13/49 however is not splined all the way to the bearing and it is the smaller spline which is the same as a 460 ! BTDTCool

Re: ring and pinion October 31, 2012 12:14PM
What application did the 16/49 come in.

Re: ring and pinion October 31, 2012 12:21PM
656 utility , they had a shorter stance tire , so the 16/49 sped them up a little


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