Grooving case 504 for roller lifters March 08, 2018 03:45PM
Do both sides need to be grooved to drain oil from heads or make external drains?? Thx

Re: Grooving case 504 for roller lifters March 08, 2018 09:32PM
Nope, make sure groove is plenty deep

Re: Grooving case 504 for roller lifters March 09, 2018 01:44AM
Should the grooves be deeper than the lifter travel??

Re: Grooving case 504 for roller lifters March 09, 2018 06:39AM

Re: Grooving case 504 for roller lifters March 09, 2018 11:45PM
I only did one side and heads filled up with oil so I got the otber side done and had drains just in case.

Re: Grooving case 504 for roller lifters March 10, 2018 03:40AM
Where are and how many drains BM?

Re: Grooving case 504 for roller lifters March 10, 2018 07:33AM
Had a drain in each valve cover. I would groove both sides or make them deap so all the oil dumps on the cam. The more lube the better.


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