SUPER SEMI September 09, 2020 05:51PM
It would appear the super semi class could fall from the ppl an ntpa program for 2021..Lack of support is one of the reasons for this. It looks kike the true pullers are looking at other things. Remember, support your class or it will DIE.

Re: SUPER SEMI September 10, 2020 01:55AM
Well, Mr.Big Jack, since this post came from your family name, are you going to have a Super Semi in 2021?

Re: SUPER SEMI September 10, 2020 03:02AM
Semis have the same problem as blown FWDs. Just as SMFWD is concentrated in Ohio and Mid South, the Semis are concentrated in Minnesota/Wisconsin and Ohio/Pennsylvania with a few pullers scattered here and there (the 2 in Vermont come to mind). Too limited a geographic area to catch on nationally.

Once upon a time, I thought the Pro Stock semis were going to take off, but now Illinois doesn't run them any more. I believe Indiana Pulling League used to have the class but they don't run them either. Even Outlaws seemed to try to start the class and you don't see it run anymore in that organization. And, just like (imo) SMFWD is a good class to watch, Semis are also. Semis at Bowling Green are always a treat.

Correct me if wrong, but do NTPA, PPL, and FPP all have somewhat different rules? I thought the reason the NTPA Semis got dropped as a co-sanction with FPP at Canfield was due to some rule differences. I'd say look at rule consistency as a first step, and along with that come up with a rules package that will help with costs. A Super Semi shouldn't be cheap, but at the same time if guys can't afford to run them, then they need to be made less expensive, imo.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2020 03:03AM by The Original Michael.

Re: SUPER SEMI September 10, 2020 11:11AM
No truck for me. Lucky to sell when I did. The trucks better start supporting there investments an show up. The trucks are a big deal with the fans an promoters, but if nobody come to pull then there will be no class . Plenty of quality trucks out there but few true pullers. This is not what you want to here, but is the truth. Many factors to consider for reasons no to go. If you respond by not enough money, save your time. Thats not it. Money in motorsports? If thats what you think, think again!

Re: SUPER SEMI September 10, 2020 11:47AM
Big Jack
No truck for me. Lucky to sell when I did. The trucks better start supporting there investments an show up. The trucks are a big deal with the fans an promoters, but if nobody come to pull then there will be no class . Plenty of quality trucks out there but few true pullers. This is not what you want to here, but is the truth. Many factors to consider for reasons no to go. If you respond by not enough money, save your time. Thats not it. Money in motorsports? If thats what you think, think again!
It's too bad, that's certainly a crowd pleaser

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2020 06:36AM by NewGen4010.


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