Aluminum wheel options for CASE planetary, 38" rims July 07, 2021 04:38AM
Looking for options on aluminum rear wheels for CASE planetary, someone in the states. Thx

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2021 04:53AM by jonesy.

Re: Aluminum wheel options for CASE planetary, 38" rims July 07, 2021 09:06AM
Petersons moved theirs in against the rear,did away with the axle housing.

Re: Aluminum wheel options for CASE planetary, 38" rims July 07, 2021 12:52PM
Petersens still have planetaries, 32" rims

Re: Aluminum wheel options for CASE planetary, 38" rims July 08, 2021 03:59AM
I missed the 38 inch part ,my fault


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