PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 03:06AM
Did they change any rules for the PPL 9000 Pro Farm class?

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 04:04AM
No rule changes at all they were proud of how the class showed up lined up and no cryin or whining from pullers at all but yes no changes none got voted out singled out or have to do something else like a neither association I know and pull in

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 05:04AM
U sound a little sour toonerville

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 05:50AM
Hey Robert, I did hear you weren't afraid to voice your opinion at the PPL banquet unlike the other association meeting you attended. Very much like the previous year when the shift rule was implemented. PPL adopted those same rules and low and behold there wasn't any better on the planet after that. I'm not saying the new deck plate rule is right or wrong however I do know that standing up and speaking your piece about why it should or shouldn't be voted out would have changed the vote that day and most likely would have passed. Moral of story: If you set back and let things happen without stating your side of the story you have no one to blame but yourself. If you want to play the whining card, the only one whining right now is you.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 06:57AM
Time to get the popcorn popping

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 07:38AM
Ok so If I or anyone how runs northwest should automatically come running to the hole class say who here blue prints to my new motor is ok to build it like this get real just call Scotty Wiederholt and ask him who he called and talked to before this all started the head cheese himself

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 08:05AM
Chucky cheese? wow

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 08:34AM
Lol I'm sure he did call Steve to see if it would be ok and I'm sure Steve told him that he was within the rules to build it that way as he should have, even Josh or I would have told him the same thing. However what he may not have said was that he did not mandate the rules for the class, the class voted on them themselves of which he had no control over their decision at the rules meeting. Instead of trying to keep everything top secret of which most of us knew about your plans anyway, perhaps talking the situation over with some of your peers could have prevented this outcome. Voicing an opinion on whether or not to have a deckplate is hardly giving out the blueprint of an engine, rod length, bowl design, pump mods, head work, cam #'s and so on are the blueprints that make an engine what it is. A deck plate is just a piece of steel that makes some of it easier to achieve and quite possibly not even necessarily a performance gain. Quite frankly I'm sorry this happened to Wiederholts and for the record I was against allowing deck plates for economic reasons of the pullers of NWMTPA of which the officers talked over more than once. My opinion on the deck plates had nothing to do with Wiederholts, or Prairie Performance or any of their customers. You may or may not choose to believe me but as a common courtesy you could have at least asked my opinion so you would know and you wouldn't have to assume you know why myself or others have formed the opinions they have.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 09:48AM
Money lol you better not pull if ya want to not spend money lol or be in top of the class haha so being competitor ya spend it well we knew what would take so we spent it !!! So is this same level playing field deal as last time with ta cuz it didn't work and where's all the new tractors that are being built because of it if anything ya boys lost four or five so ppl is has all us outcast pullin with em any so we r better off !!!

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 10:38AM
Wow Vinnie you realize that deck plates are not an advantage from a power standpoint in that class which is correct, but you were against them from an economic aspect? What kind of story is that? If someone wants to spend their money on something that in your own words "was not even necessarily a performance gain" why do you care? You don't think the playing field should be level or do you really think red needs an advantage? Well we can all see right through that, you all wanted to vote out the competition or force them to spend more money to play with you by this years rules. You want them to make them spend money when you admit what was voted out wasnt the key to theirs or anyones ability to compete in that class. All nwmtpa members involved should be ashamed.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 03:53PM
Here it is for you Craig, my story and why I care:

I hear you are opening your own shop and soon you will learn exactly what i'm about to say so here is a preview of life as a builder. Technology and advancement is an awe inspiring thing, who knew that a 466 was capable of putting out the horsepower that it can or in your case the duramax or cummins. What's the drawback you ask? It's money. We builders continue to push these limits with the new latest and greatest whatever part you want to insert here and for a price it can be yours. As any good builder knows 1 or 2 parts will not put one at the top of the heap, it takes a complete system to take advantage of everything each part has to offer. Builders know which of these parts are most responsible for the power an engine makes and what is there for convenience or what have you. Case in point we'll use the deck plate for example and Wiederholts tractor. You and I both seem to agree that the deck plate itself is not probably responsible for a bulk of the power that tractor makes right? However the perception of it's competitors will cause them to believe that they must have one to compete. They then will approach their builder and say I need a deck plate what's it going to take. Builder will say you don't need one, customer will say wied has one and they are kicking my @$$ I need one so I can compete. Builder says ok well if that's what you want you are also gonna need these rods and maybe a different crank and pistons and machine work and you know the routine. Then they are going to look at you in shock and say I can't do that what can you do to cheapen it up a little? But we gotta have that deck plate so not wanting to lose the sale although knowing you are contributing to a sinking ship you say well we can skimp on this and that and you should run ok. And they do they run ok and after investing more than what they comfortably had to spend so that maybe just maybe they'd beat that tractor. And then it doesn't happen so they call a pump guy or a turbo guy or another builder and they buy that one part they think they are missing to be on top and again invest in hopes of that top spot and nope still no luck. So what why should I care? I got mine, they are ready to quit or just generally pissed at the world, at the builder and even at his former puller friends. And for what $150-$200 prize money? a jacket and free membership? Does that seem like a logical use of 80k plus for a stock cube class? Should it matter to me since I got mine? Maybe not but it does. I can't mandate what a person can spend or wants to spend or what a class should have or should'nt or even what level someone belongs on. It is my opinion that grand national level spending doesn't really belong in a local pulling organization if that organization wants to stay viable. A perfect example of this is the 2.6,2.8, 3.0 diesel class we used to have a great class of 2.6's then poof they were gone, the money got out of hand trucks quit and those that didn't moved on to higher purses and more stature and greater competition. IE right where they belonged in the first place. Then in the aftermath with a local org with a bad taste in its mouth listens to a group of anxious guys just wanting a startup diesel truck class everyone can afford and just like that a new budget this isn't going to happen to us again class is born and the cycle repeats. Just as it is repeating itself in the p pump class. I have an opinion that nwmtpa has to have viable economic limits to keep numbers up and survive as an organization which for me means thinking about the group as a whole not of myself or my pocketbook or what's best for me. There is a place to spend all you want to spend and there's a place for those who don't want to or can't and that place is the nwmtpa or iamo or any other local pulling organization for that matter. Big fish little pond you know.

This is my opinion and my story, you have your own opinion and story and that's fine with me. However you have no clue what I've seen or what I'm thinking and why so don't kid yourself into thinking you do. Winking

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2014 03:58PM by AAR.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 04:27PM
Your customers track record (or better said lack of a high placing record) speaks for itself. I have forgot more than you will ever know about building power. I am not going to argue with you, what i stated stands. You and everyone associated with this should be ashamed, you all want your own sandbox and you are too ignorant to realize that no matter what rules that people with your knowledge will always struggle. A good example is your mentor, stewie has the most hp but rarely makes a respectable showing. Start looking out for the sport and not yourselves.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 04:50PM
I know Craig I don't have the resources or knowledge that some do. But I have seen you more often than not fail to move the sled and so on. Never for a moment think there isn't someone out there smarter than you. As for my mentor who has absolutely nothing to do with this BTW is playing on a level most of us only dream of, myself included. But I guess he could pull northwest's open class and dominate when he had limited success in the last year. But hey what would that prove? You sound as if your jealous of something I'm happy with what I have and what I've done. If it makes me a fool in your eyes so be it I'm OK with that

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 05:13PM
Name one time i me or anything i have worked on didnt move the sled? Your thinking of stuff you worked on. One example, i dare you.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 05:00PM
Stay to the facts two shops going one inspiring here, AAR and mentor stewie I bet he would appreciate proper identification, Craig m shop haven't heard the label name . You got off the topic and rolled to ego. We're you or how many ranting was at the meeting?? Cut the b.s. Let's get to the bottom of it. Is this all hear say or first hand facts?????

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 05:14PM
Post your name and your opinion.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 05:55PM
Mr Mcelfresh I think you've blocked out a bit of your past.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 06:32PM
2.6 fan post your name and the event that I didn't get the sled started. O and what year if you can count that far back. I have tried things that took a while but very rarely didnt get it going. I have tried things that didnt work as anyone that shoots for better has done. I was also I a new class with a very different setup than what had ever been tried before. It's not always easy or perfect and I am far from knowledgable but I do know more than some and less than others. I believe that and said so earlier, sorry but that's my opinion and the facts back it up. AAR stated earlier that more than not i failed to move the sled, that is bold from someone that had dyno tuned tractors not start the sled this year in a long established class. You think those customers got their money's worth? Come on now spout out facts not your imagination. Give me an example of when I went less than 100 ft?

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 11:28PM
The price tag to modify Mine was 20k with a deck plate.The problem is there was no guarantee that it would still be a top 3 tractor. So I am saying this u was going to loose more tractors in the class cause I was not going to spend 20k to pull profield when I can spend that and run limited pro FYI it was originally brought up in meeting to put a limit on thickness knw one had any opinions or rules so it got voted out

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 11:52PM
Craig, Grant City.

Why don't you name that tractor. I am certain you will find you have been misinformed, but that's OK it happens. Will you be forgetting more than I know when you hear the truth?

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 12:19AM
The real reason nwmtpa doesnt have a 2.6 class is people the run the association let it die. You have people that show up to half of the pulls vote in rules that single out the couple of trucks that showed up on a regular basis. Then the next year you had no trucks what so ever because of it. It had nothing to do with cost to compete. I was actually thinking grant city myself with craigs truck. But the only time it never got off the line was when he wasnt the one driving. The person driving had never drove a truck before just a tractor. Getting the turbo to lite with an automatic can be a bit of a chore even for an experienced person. Ive seen AAR get on a tractor multiple times and never get off the line so i dont think he has any room to talk.

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 12:28AM
What tractor do u pull kyle D

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 01:32AM
I never said I pulled a tractor. What tractor do you pull digging holes. If I am correct I would say you need to spend 20k at least so your tractor will actual dig holes.

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 04:09AM
kyle D.... lets see . You want answers I'll give them. "Diggin Holes" is the moniker for Josh Hulet my brother, I'm Jim Hulet 1/2 owner of the tractor. Im guessing you NOW know that them pistons I bought out of the shop you change oil in flew apart on the first pull. This caused a valve to be replaced, pistons to be bought again, and later on after it wouldnt run again we found out the exhaust wheel became extremly damaged due to chunks of pistons going thru causing a terrible lack of fins. The pistons was used, had some scaring on them, a few pieces knocked off them. We asked about this and was told that they would easily last a whole season. There is absoultly nothing wrong with them. They was good pistons. I purchased them and was told dont tell anyone that they was Ron Guinn's pistons. That People could get mad. WOW.. talking about learning things the hard way about what different people's opinions are, and a person whom builds pulling tractors...Hmmm, Kyle D ... As im thinking about this, when you was changing the oil in someones tractor how did our tractor end up with bean fuel in it? Was told by several people there was bean fuel in it. They could smell it I guess. Id also like you to know .. I guess Brian was exactly right when he yelled out over the tractor after it hooked, hearable while sitting on the tractor.. Quote......." Get that piece of @#$%& off the track"!! .. Of course this was after the fins was ate off the charger and before we found out.! Yes, the pistons came from you guys. Yes, they was junk for sure.. by the way.. the tractor has alot of money in it. It has good parts in it also. Anyone whom knows whats in it will tell you it has very good parts in it. Hey it did pull good on the first hook when it tore the pistons up. We actually got second place behind the winner. This piece of junk tractor beat out all of your stable of tractors that pulled there. There is a learning curve for sure to pulling, The first season We've learned that the clutch and tires we had just wouldnt work and we fixed it with a set of deep treads and a new clutch.. The 2nd season we learned dont buy JUNK PARTS off no one !! The one hook of the tractor basically set us on the sideline for the season. Thank you ever so much for your help, but, learned we dont need that kind. I surely dont agree with everyone whom works on or builds motors nor does anyone else for that matter . You want to point fingers, well.. i just pointed back

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 04:40AM
Jim I didn't know that I worked at a shop and changed oil. That shows your ignorance. Did you test the oil? Probably not. I don't need to argue with ignorant people because they will beat you with experience every time.

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 01:56AM
Graig M if you never had a tractor not start the sled, you need to work on more tractors. I have growed up tractor pulling at all levels of the sport and seen all the big name builders have it happen to them a time or two. But maybe thats why I never heard of you? The problem with pulling is there is too many egos around, sounds like you fit right in!!!

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 10:47AM
Craig McElfresh
Your customers track record (or better said lack of a high placing record) speaks for itself. I have forgot more than you will ever know about building power. I am not going to argue with you, what i stated stands. You and everyone associated with this should be ashamed, you all want your own sandbox and you are too ignorant to realize that no matter what rules that people with your knowledge will always struggle. AGrinning good example is your mentor, stewie has the most hp but rarely makes a respectable showing. Start looking out for the sport and not yourselves.

Never heard of you but would venture a guess your a door slammerSpinning Just guessin ,...................am I right??GrinningGrinning

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 10:19AM
Economic reason, really. You voted in that they can run puller 2000's which cost more than adding the deck plate. If you guys knew what they were doing then I guess it wasn't so top secret. Josh stood up and told them before they voted that they were singling one tractor out so I don't buy your you should of said something.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 10:29AM
Yes really

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 10:40AM
Puller 2000's $12,000
deck Plate $3,000
That awkward moment when you actually think 12,000 is less than 3,000........priceless

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 10:41AM
Well if in your opinion it's not an advantage then I wouldn't think anyone else would want to add a deck plate. If no one else adds one then there in no reason to vote it out because of economic reasons.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 11:02AM
How much are the long billet rods lslover? Or the new pistons, oh and the studs, or throw in longer push rods or a different crank? I can go on if u want.

Im not sure $3000 will cover those extras, but it'll probably cover the plate ;-)

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 11:15AM
Hmmm, I hope you aren't a mechanic cause you don't need a different crank.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 12:36PM
No I'm not s mechanic kyle d but you make me smile :-)

And hmm hmm you do too

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 11:29AM
I believe the rule change was no deck plate. When someone building a tractor from ground up, I believe they have to spend money on pistons and rods and studs and cranks, etc. So maybe the rule change should have just been "go ahead build it and then we'll change the rules on you according to how you build it if you build a competitive tractor". Bottom line, Wiederholts (the tractor in question causing this discussion to go on) built a tractor that would be able to pull and be competitive in the local organization as well as PPL. Now it is PPL that will get to see this tractor pull and compete and the local spectators that will have to decide whether to stay local or travel to see this tractor pull.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 01:05PM
I think its crazy to even think about doing that to a profarm tractor. If u have that kind of money u need to build for a different class to where money is unlimited.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 01:32PM
Musta finally got done shellin corn in Mo. cause they're hittin the KEYS. lol

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 01:36PM
I think you missed the point ih puller. if your looking for low budget pulling try garden tractors.

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 03:03PM
Now I remember why I bailed on any class with the word farm or field in it!

Re: PPL western series rules December 11, 2014 03:16PM
this crap for lack of better words needs to stop. Kyle you will have to travel. For the rest of this Craig M, Kyle D, AAR, you were all absent for the ass. meeting. AAR just trying to clear fog, from his veiw. Robert was at the meeting had to go to his pickup to check the ppl rulebook returned to the table yep they allow them, when asked to produce the book he didn't have it,(shot his creditabilty on the issue), Tim W was there and said nothing, NOTHING ... with a little opposition this would have never passed. Direct quote from majority at the table. AND FOR EVERYONE WONDERING IT WAS A RED TRACTOR OWNER THAT BROUGHT IT TO THE TABLE NOT ANY OF THE GREEN OWNERS.

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 10:12AM
The question was asked " Did PPL change the rules in Pro Field"? Somehow we all got off on pointing fingers, blaming others for rule changes, arguing who can get their pulling vehicle off the line! Everyone is allowed to voice their opinion. Opinion's are like a@$h&l@s, Everyone has one. It doesn't matter who or what shop you use. Sometimes you have to change horse's and find another tail to ride. Some will help pullers if they are having problems, other's keep secrets. It's up to the owner what he or she wants done and who they tell. Maybe the right coponents aren't put in. It's a game, used to be a fun pastrtime. Who would want to pull with a bunch of whining crybabys. As a promoter, I wouldn't have any of you at my pull. Who needs the drama, the crying, and worst of all the back stabbing. I know who some of you are. Don't worry, you'll have a night off this summer as other classes will be pulling, pro field will NOT.

This is my opinion and how I feel.

Back to the question at hand. As for rule changes in PPL Pro field, There are NONE

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 12:03PM
How about them Chiefs?!!

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 03:26PM
It brings out a pretty good laugh at what you folk's call an engine builder when the truth is most are assembler's of part's that engine builder's have sold to you or your customer, how many of you guy's talking make pistons, rod's, camshafts, crankshafts build deck plates, turbo wheels , machine housings or even have the machinery to do such things. This thread sounds like the normal routine for the northwest mo bunch you guy's never did want any one else in your play pen unless they ran at the bottom of the pack and now your doing your best to run one of the best off from your own area. Don't even use the word economy and tractor pulling in the same subject any more it just doesn't fit and changing the rules after a tractor is built to the current rules is just plain chicken @#$%&. PPL is the best thing that has happened to the Midwest as it brings a professional perspective to the public.

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 03:44PM
Set up the ring and get the boxing gloves out the natives are getting wrestles I'll put my money on Hollywood !!!!! He has been taught more about pulling than most and I hear he can hit Hard !!!!!

Re: PPL western series rules December 12, 2014 03:47PM
engine builder
It brings out a pretty good laugh at what you folk's call an engine builder when the truth is most are assembler's of part's that engine builder's have sold to you or your customer, how many of you guy's talking make pistons, rod's, camshafts, crankshafts build deck plates, turbo wheels , machine housings or even have the machinery to do such things. This thread sounds like the normal routine for the northwest mo bunch you guy's never did want any one else in your play pen unless they ran at the bottom of the pack and now your doing your best to run one of the best off from your own area. Don't even use the word economy and tractor pulling in the same subject any more it just doesn't fit and changing the rules after a tractor is built to the current rules is just plain chicken @#$%&. PPL is the best thing that has happened to the Midwest as it brings a professional perspective to the public.

Wow you sound really smart. How would you know anything about the nw classes they must be beneath your level

Re: PPL western series rules December 13, 2014 01:21AM
Not arguing the engine builder aspect. they model the engine though the idea they think will work with the budge givin. Now on to the topic of best in area, the owner of said tractor was sitting right there and said nothing NOTHING. There is a time to cut the bs and speak up with opposition or agreeance. It did not happen. So one needs to take some responsibility in their own actions or lack there of. I'm not bad mouthing anyone just simply stating facts. It needs to go bad to what it was a hobby to have a good time these guys actually think they are making money doing this so far Fromm fact that is what makes this funny

Re: PPL western series rules December 13, 2014 02:09AM
Fact engine builders right nw got to be one off at everything they do p pump class started with 19 to 20 a nite it was a lot fun but then changed things to weere most of all left ! Now they r down to just themselves pat on the back boys job well done have fun jumpin classes wearing them out people will get tired of watchin the white hoods and two red ones pull BRAVO !! Nw once again playin in their on sandbox not want competition

Re: PPL western series rules December 13, 2014 03:20AM
Fact you said the Truth there!!!!!! Good Job!!! Very Well Said!

Re: PPL western series rules December 13, 2014 04:33AM
Fact, fact is pat yourself give yourself an attaboy, because no one yet has ever defended the actual facts of the meeting that lead to the rule change fact or fiction stated so it is so boguse or right on que with the event. Tru dat fact

Re: PPL western series rules December 13, 2014 05:31AM
Every association has, had issues. A few Nw pullers must think it is a must to put theirs on a main stage, it worked great job. End the end nobody has benefited from all this bad publicity. Do you know how long it takes to rebuild what you tear down in a few days or do you even for the sport of it care?? There just needs to be a very lengthy tech examination of all tractors involved. Run heads up end of the season put up or shut up! All tractors are not the same should not be the same run within the book is all most want. With technology no one builder puts on 40' ahead of the next most the time it comes down to driving, makes for fun atmosphere and great show. I'm out as most on this discussion should be

Just me December 13, 2014 12:33PM
We pull with nw and ppl.This is my take on this thread that has gotten out of hand in my opinion.Get your popcorn and call chucky cheese because I don't talk much but when I do it may take a while.I am sure 99..9% of you don't know me and that's fine,my name is Kevin Davison andI built Dirty Demonstator,,not much to brag about but having fun just the same as you I have been around most of the people talking on here and I really don't understand why you are at each others throats,I know this is a very competitive sport and it takes money to be on top but this IS NOT NASCAR, are you going to go toe to toe in the pits,,,we don't need someone to run over a fellow competitor and kill them like what happened a while back in nascar{ didn't run over him but he died just the same}!! We don't need that kind of publicity,do we?I didn't pull but 2 times this year,Ed did the rest,not that I don't love it I just didn't have time.Oh well BOHO for me that's the way it goes.One of the biggest reasons I love this sport is because I don't see all the negative bs like in other things,the last time I went to adams county speedway there was a brawl in the infield,not good for my kids to watch and I haven't been back since.Lets just don't get it to that point.Im done with that,,Hey scott Thomas I want to thank you for you info and that turbo woke that b!!ch up.

Re: Just me December 13, 2014 01:56PM
I told you Scott would figure it out. Should have mine back out next year. JP

Re: Just me December 13, 2014 02:12PM
I'm with Dirty Demonstrator. Yes I've bought a tractor recently to pull. It's nothing special but I'll have fun with it. Things have gotten way out of hand over the last two years with the sport. This keeps up and the sport is going to die. We are a dieing breed guys, we can't be at each other's throats and lose friends over a damn points jacket and $100. What happened to the days when everyone helped everyone and at the end of the night you gave the winner a pat on the back and said good job? Now everyone wants to stab the winner in the back with a knife and say "screw you you cheating bastard". I'm going to pull my tractor this summer and enjoy it. I have enough stress in my life with work, playing shouldn't be that stressful

Re: Just me December 13, 2014 10:52PM
You hit the Nail on the Head. Also there might be some Bankers putting a stop to some of the spending on Tractors this Spring when its time to get Operating Money.

Re: Just me December 14, 2014 02:43AM
All the bickering started when several "local" performance shops were born. Jus sayin'. All these shops primary customers are in this controversy. Throw in a know it all mackral fish and here you are. NWMTPA has replaced OTTPA on pulloff as the pile on association of the day. NW has a great group of guys, been a association for a very long time.


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