BSTP Videos update August 13, 2018 04:32AM
when will more videos be posted it has been a few weeks?

Re: BSTP Videos update August 18, 2018 03:28AM

Re: BSTP Videos update August 18, 2018 02:03PM

Re: BSTP Videos update August 18, 2018 04:25PM
The videos are coming, its a busy time of year and there was some technical issues.

Re: BSTP Videos update September 24, 2018 06:33AM
Still nothing?

Re: BSTP Videos update October 23, 2018 12:14PM
Hate to sound mean but are they still coming?

Re: BSTP Videos update November 05, 2018 01:42PM

Re: BSTP Videos update November 06, 2018 12:09AM
I am not sure what's happening here. We will know more at the banquet on December 1 .

David Runkle class rep for Badger State LLSS class. 815-821-4686


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