New 14 Ply 24.5X32 Pro Puller Tire May 07, 2020 06:05AM
We have recently developed a 14 ply 24.5X32 Pro Puller tire. The 12 ply 24.5X32 was new last spring, and we saw great success from the tire throughout the summer in the Pro Stock and 4.1 Limited Pro classes.

There will always be new parts available to add more power to your tractor, and in an attempt to keep up with power increases we felt the need to build a stiffer tire. Our motto is "Power means nothing without traction", and we intend to keep you at the top of your game for years to come.

As of now, we built some test tires to inspect, we have approved them, and the new tires are in on pre-order from the factory. We should see them come out in the next month.

As a rundown of our tires, here is a list on how we have made tires specifically for YOUR TRACTOR! (These are just a guideline of what we suggest to customers)
24.5X32 10 Ply - Hot Farm, 8500 Limited Pro, Superfarm, Mod Turbo, Light Pro, Light Limited Pro Stock, Light Limited Super Stock
24.5X32 12 Ply - 4.1 Limited Pro, Pro Stock
24.5X32 14 Ply - Pro Stock

In this sport, any small change you make could be the 6 inch separation from 1st place to 2nd place. We want to help you get every inch you can!

If you have any questions, I would be happy to talk with you at 402-840-0244. You can also simply call your cutter to see which tire is right for you, or to put in an order for tires.

I hope everyone and their families are staying safe through these uncertain times.

Thanks again for the space Morgans

Aaron Docter
Pro Puller Tires

Re: New 14 Ply 24.5X32 Pro Puller Tire May 07, 2020 09:46AM
Aaron (and other builders as well),

Thanks for continuing to develop new products to advance the sport. I'd encourage all pullers to make sure you're supporting our suppliers during this difficult time if you're financially able to do so. I know some suppliers are diversified into other industries, but many rely heavily on pulling to make a living. Keep them in your plans if you're able to do so.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.


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