Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 03:12AM
Do my eyes deceive me or do I see a couple of light pro failed inspections at the Ship?

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 03:56AM
I’m glad they’re checking stuff. They DQ’d Dream On (super farm) at NTPA Ship last year for illegal water

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 05:58AM
I’m glad they’re checking stuff. They DQ’d Dream On (super farm) at NTPA Ship last year for illegal water

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 04:00PM
Some people never change

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 06:55AM
What does last years results have to do with the two light pros getting disqualified this year???

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 05:33PM
I don't understand why all organizations don't have uniform fuel and water specs. make absolutely no sense why ntpa,ppl,Louisville, and all other organizations don't have the same stuff. The guys in question had whatever Louisville water they bought in their tractors and it didn't pass ntpa specs. Neither one of them won and then Saturday night put what was (legal) in and 1 won and the other got 4th. So tell me why it matters anyway.

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 07:09AM
Nothing better than some grown men hiding behind their computer screens trying to start @#$%&. “Just Sayin”, “theRightRearTire183”, and “I see” let’s put your names on your post like a real man and then we can talk about pullers having illegal water and how the sky is still blue.
Gage Otte

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 07:29AM
Last time I checked it’s not talking crap if it’s a fact! Also, if you click on therightreartire183 you can shoot him an email if you’d like.

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 08:19AM

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 01:21PM
I’m not trying to start anything. I just seen where 2 light pros got DQ’d in inspection. And I’d say I’m glad inspections are being done for a level playing field - kudos the NTPA and their inspectors. No agenda against any particular puller, in any particular class.

I’ve said a couple different times why I choose not to put my name out there. Regardless, no finger pointing at individuals, just glad to see inspections being done.

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 19, 2022 02:38PM
Very well said !!! I agree, glad to see teching bein done and inspections cared out -- and for all those that have their skivvies in a wad -- probably ought to get use to it after the ford explosion at the winter pull-- i about guarantee that theres been several meetings about that very incident-- i know it was a hot topic during tech at the Ocala pull !!!!

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 20, 2022 12:34AM
Funny thing is a couple Hot Farm tractors failed water inspection but didn't get DQ and the Light Pro did. I guess is still about being in the click with Ntpa.

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 20, 2022 02:11AM
If that is true, why one and not others??????

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 20, 2022 02:19AM
I agree, if that happened( and im sure it did) thats not right, if a tractor/truck fails tech in anyway shape or form it should be disqualified period, i agree, theres still a good ole boys click in NTPA !!!! It shouldn't make any difference in who or what it is !!!!

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 20, 2022 03:29AM
I've been to pulls where a puller crossed the scales and had to remove several weights from their tractor and put them in their support vehicle, then pull off the scales and have their pit crew put the weights back on the front of their tractor before they pulled and cheated the class out of first place, all while the officials knew about it and did nothing. When caught cheating the name of the cheater should be announced that they were disqualified because of whatever their infraction was. Just saying. Oh and by the way, you know who you are that cheated to just say "I won". I say, you didn't win anything and you beat nobody. You are a cheater, nothing more nothing less.

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 20, 2022 12:18PM
Yes, the names should be announced and infraction told. I don't know why this has to be so secret sometimes. Sometimes it is deliberate and sometimes accidental but should not be kept from the fans or the pullers.

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 20, 2022 01:28PM
Didn’t realize it was a secret from anyone.

Re: Ship - DQ/Inspection March 20, 2022 02:43PM
It was a secret during the pull. The only announcement that was made was there was a change in placings from tech services. They couldn't even get that right. First they quit reading Cooks distance and had Tilton in first. Then they had Cook back in first and no mention of Tilton or what had happened. Even on the NTPA website when they first listed the dq it didn't give any reason.


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