NTPA rule question June 29, 2022 01:39PM
I was wondering if a puller that has broken on the first day of a two day event has to stay for the second (next) day/session to bump the sled to stay in the points race?

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Re: NTPA rule question June 29, 2022 01:51PM
If they paid for the second session then they will get 15 points for scratch. They would have to bump the sled for last place points. I feel for a two day hook if you break the first night you get last place points without having to hook. Let them get on the road and go home to get fixed up for the next event.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: NTPA rule question June 29, 2022 02:08PM
There have been rule proposals to do just that in recent years but they didn't gain much traction with the powers that be. As a puller I find it embarrassing to bump the sled, in some cases you're just trying prove you're not broken as bad as the other puller because you could drive to the sled and they couldn't.

S'no Farmer

Re: NTPA rule question June 29, 2022 02:36PM
That's what I thought but wasn't sure. So what good does it, nothing but slow the show down, give the fans a false sense that they are going to see the puller hook, and it keeps the puller from getting on the road and back to the shop to fix their broken vehicle. There is NO good reason for such a ridiculous rule. Must be a hold over from the DPS days.

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2022 02:40PM by Dick Morgan.

Re: NTPA rule question June 29, 2022 02:57PM
It depends on the integrity of the person saying they are broke. I've witnessed pullers enter a pulling vehicle and never make a pass at the event just to get the crew on the grounds for the event...especially at BG. On the other hand, I witnessed Edson Lehn grenade a motor at BG and work all night to rebuild it for the next day.

List of "FP/broke" pullers would be too long to list, just so they didn't have to come back for a pulloff. We all know that many of them were not truly broke.

Re: NTPA rule question June 30, 2022 02:43AM
How does ppl do there broken issue


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