SBJD roller lifters March 01, 2023 02:54PM
What’s everyone’s go to roller lifter for the small blocks and what’s the simplest way to go about installing them

Re: SBJD roller lifters March 02, 2023 04:40AM
Roller lifters was the least my problems. I been 14 months and counting waiting on the camshaft lol

Re: SBJD roller lifters March 02, 2023 07:48AM
Well that doesn’t much help me does it

Re: SBJD roller lifters March 07, 2023 12:15AM
You can use automotive lifters of the correct diameter. You'll have to machine grooves in your block to keep them from spinning

Re: SBJD roller lifters March 07, 2023 03:15PM
The original setup was a Crower Chevy lifter with buttons in the side to keep it from rotating. SBJD lifter diameter is .680” and the Chevy lifter is .842”. You can use a series of reamers to enlarge the bores and Crower sold a tool that goes into the lifter bore to pilot a drill bit that creates the slot.

I think GMS and probably others are offering similar lifters now too. No clue if they are still .842” diameter or if they have moved on to another size.

Re: SBJD roller lifters Deere puller March 13, 2023 06:31PM
Hey Deere puller, I found an old forum where u mentioned that you have done it before, mind shooting me a text or call? 3157495530


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