Don't April 09, 2021 11:32AM
Let a family member test positive in Communist Republic of Illinois. My 6yr old son tested positive on Wednesday. What a mess. School sent him home because he had a small headache "can't return without a negative test" can't be a rapid test has to be mrn? Test. So he tests positive. Wife goes with him gets same test. Negative.. 3yr old gets rapid test yesterday.. Whatever.... So i'm off work today, got tested and re tested him with the rapid test thinking I could go back to work Monday.... We both test negative..... doesn't matter. I'm off until at least Thursday. Wife has to be om quarantine until May... All because of a false positive.... "No such thing as a false positive " bullpucky

Re: Don't April 14, 2021 02:29PM
why is wife in quarantine when you said she tested negative?
Great example of proving how this whole covid thing is nothing more than a huge social control program.

Re: Don't April 15, 2021 03:58AM
I would move out of Illinois

Re: Don't April 15, 2021 04:04AM
Then I wouldn't live so close to Supertiquer.... It was a nice place when I showed up here 42 years ago. Family and to broke to move keeps me here.


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