Bill Maher, making sense, some of the time April 26, 2021 05:18AM
Think what you will of Bill Maher, he is a proponent of free speech. This is but one of several recent hit pieces by him on those of his own ilk. Taken from a tweet by one of my favorite first amendment absolutists Clay Travis:

Real Time with Bill Maher

Re: Bill Maher, making sense, some of the time April 27, 2021 01:51PM
I used to watch him years ago but it got where I couldn't watch him without getting upset. Having said that he does use more common sense than any liberal I've seen even a few moderate Democrats.


Re: Bill Maher, making sense, some of the time April 27, 2021 02:40PM
A broken clock is still right twice a day ....He’s still a moron

Re: Bill Maher, making sense, some of the time April 27, 2021 05:07PM
Todd I am like you - he was tolerable at one time but unwatchable for the most part. It was funny to watch this clip - and a couple others - where the audience was kinda like "oh, are we supposed to agree with this comment and clap? He's knocking the woke folks"

Maher is smart enough to know if he goes full woke, he'll go full broke. I'd bet he edges towards the center more and starts lobbing verbal bombs to everyone...


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