KC nick name January 21, 2023 10:16AM
Why have the libtardPC jackwagons not gone ofter the KC Chiefs nick name yet??? Must be getting paid off or something/ Cash talks, ask BLM!!!

Re: KC nick name January 24, 2023 05:40AM
Do you want them to go after KC? I sure hope not. I don't quite understand why they haven't but let's keep it that way.

Re: KC nick name January 24, 2023 10:31AM
Any bets on when they go after them?? I didn`t want nicknames changed for any team, This PC BS has gone way to far!!

Re: KC nick name January 24, 2023 05:57AM

Re: KC nick name January 28, 2023 02:22PM
Then they go after Dallas because their name is offensive to the cattle rustlers and not to mention the Indians are offended because they are not allowed to have Redskins used as a team name and the Cowboys get to! Pure discrimination I say!!!! PC is destroying our country to the very core. What a sad state of affairs we in in here in the USA.

Re: KC nick name January 29, 2023 10:56AM
Libtards didn't bring this up, neither has anyone else. People should stop creating controversy when there isn't any.


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