Swamp Indictments June 08, 2023 11:56AM
Can I just say how obviously disgusting Washington DC is these days? That senile old coot that sits in the Oval Office that’s a puppet on a string for “the powers that be” and his entire family freely skate the legal system continuously….but someone who is an “outside-the-belt” guy is constantly under legal scrutiny.

I truly believe, with the way things are going - (Presidential issues, immigration/border, trans/gay/CRT in schools, China & Russia uprising) I can honestly say that’s it’s entirely feasible there’ll be some type of a civil war in my lifetime.

God help this nation and its people.

Re: Swamp Indictments June 08, 2023 02:50PM
Hopefully within days,ready to end this crap and cull the herd

Re: Swamp Indictments June 09, 2023 12:53AM
Marjorie Taylor Green is that you? WOW!

Re: Swamp Indictments June 09, 2023 02:09AM
What they are doing to DJT is just a preview of what they will be trying to do to all of us next!

Re: Swamp Indictments June 09, 2023 05:05AM
What exactly can be done. Honestly and dont just say get out a vote in the next election. I think its been proven thats not going to fix the problems with this country. No outsders can get elected. Trump did and look whats happened. Trump has done and said a lot of stupid things and i know some hate him but regardless of what side your on if you dont see a major problem with whats happening then your either stupid, naive or simply hate this country. So serious question what do we do as United States Citizens?

Re: Swamp Indictments June 09, 2023 03:37PM
As far as what do we do ?
Physically remove EVERY elected official from the school board to the POTUS
Preferably peacefully, no bloodshed, just clean their desk and go home and the good ones will be given positions after we start over
Elections no longer work it’s obvious no matter who’s in there somebody is blackmailing somebody so all they do is accuse but there is NEVER any action taken, they all know each other’s dirty laundry so it’s like little kids tattle tailing about who spilled the koolaid

Re: Swamp Indictments June 09, 2023 01:15PM
I don't see a Civil War coming. I expect people to simply fall inline. If Covid taught us anything it's most people will simply do whatever they're told. The J6 protestors have showed us that if you step out of line they will just make examples out of you. Even if you were non-violent and just walked past a barricade you will get harassed and prosecuted. They are even going after people who simply went to the rally and never actually entered the capitol. It's pure intimidation and it will continue to work. There will be little uprisings here and there from the right and the people will be vilified and squashed and charged with sedition. The left will have violent protest and violent rallies and the media will pretend that it's mostly peaceful or worse yet, the media will justify their leftists rage.

We've become a country of either soft cowards or cultists. We are at the banana republic phase of our life cycle. Hillary Clinton's server with classified documents and Biden's classifieds document scandal will continue to be swept under the rug. Hunter Biden will skate mostly free unless Joe is deemed not useful anymore. The only way Joe Biden will have to answer for any of the payments from foreign governments is if the Democrats feel that he can't win in 2024 and if they feel they need to get rid of him. The spineless, do nothing republicans and RINO's won't do anything to put real pressure on Joe.

One last thing... make no mistake, the democrats WANT Trump to be the republican candidate. They NEED him to be the candidate. They will make him into a martyr for the primary because they know they can beat him in the general election. Trump will lose to Biden or whomever the democrats decide to pinch hit for the feeble senile dementia patient if they decide Joe is just too much of a risk. The Democrats and the media will do anything to make Trump the candidate to win the primary and they will do anything to beat him in the general election. They will smear, lie, and fabricate what ever they need until the aveage American is so sick and tired of the circus that they will simply unplug and stay home.

Put your faith in something other than politics. What's happening to Donald Trump is an embarrassment to this nation, but he's not our savior.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Swamp Indictments June 12, 2023 05:16AM
Just Sayin’
I truly believe, with the way things are going - (Presidential issues, immigration/border, trans/gay/CRT in schools, China & Russia uprising) I can honestly say that’s it’s entirely feasible there’ll be some type of a civil war in my lifetime.

God help this nation and its people.

Yet another guy running our great nation into the ground. Stop believing everything you see on social media and the common group think that only associating with those who agree with you produces. So many issues are made up or exaggerated just to get people fired up. CRT? Nobody had even heard of this until far right said it was a big deal. None of that is being taught in farm country. You disagree? Go out and find yourself a summer CRT training to attend. If it's such a big problem, I'm sure there's a class to sign up for locally. Or in your state. Nationally? Good luck.

Signed, an real life conservative who isn't gullible

P.S. May God help this nation by giving people like you some common sense.

Re: Swamp Indictments June 12, 2023 06:41AM
I have school kids in farm country.... it sure is being taught....

Re: Swamp Indictments June 12, 2023 09:18AM
My kids are in elementary school (in farm country). They haven't taken an American history class yet. Somehow, maybe by magic they come home with facts and data about American history. Weird right? No, not really, they are learning different fundamentals within their other lessons. That’s what’s happening with things like CRT. Tenants of things like CRT are hidden in other lessons. Certain teachers and counselors also push some of the gender nonsense in various lessons or discussions. Are there classes on gender or CRT? Nope, however some people in schools are pretty happy to push their ideology. Saying there are no CRT classes is a lazy argument that leftists use. Don’t be lazy. Critical Theory is a WORLDVIEW that’s being taught. The tenant of Marxism are being taught, but there's no Marxism 101 class.

I'm sorry but you're just completely wrong on CRT. Critical Theory (Critical RACE Theory is just a part of it) is definitely being taught. Groups like Project Veritas had undercover sting videos talking to curriculum writers who admitted to putting tenants of CRT and Critical Theory in curriculums. Critical Theory is being pushed everywhere. I'd argue that Critical Theory is now the most common Worldview in America. There was a time when most American viewed things through a Christian lens and had a Christian worldview but we are now a post-Christian nation. Critical Theory is the leading worldview and CRT is just one aspect of it. There's critical gender theory and gender studies, Critical Feminist theory and Feminism, Ablest theory and Able-ism, Ageism, Classism... etc... all are being taught and being pushed within other lessons.

Do you really think schools aren't promoting and pushing those things? It's being taught in cities and suburbs and even in farm country.

Do any of these words sound familiar:

Cultural Appropriation
Democratic Socialism
Gender Identity
Implicit Bias
Institutional Racism
Opportunity Gap
Racial Reconciliation
Restorative Justice
Social Justice
Structural Racism
System of Oppression
Systemic Oppression
Systemic Racism
White Fragility
White Privilege
White Supremacy
Stakeholder Capitalism

I’m guessing you’ve heard many of those words lately. Those are the talking points of Critical Theory. Race is just one piece of the Critical Theory worldview. I'd argue that more and more people are adopting this Worldview without even knowing. It's the "everyone is a victim" worldview... unless you're a white male, then you're the oppressor.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Swamp Indictments June 14, 2023 05:18PM
To believe the Marxist agenda is not being subtly , yet relentlessly taught in " farm country " just because the district does not advertise it as such is truly naive. It may indeed be advertised as such in Berkeley, San Francisco or countless other places where it would play well, but these people are not the senile fools you see stumbling around in elected office. They are highly trained " change agents" who know how to play to their audience & keep the funding coming. You lost control of your local school with the advent of standardized testing, done under the pretext of improving academics. While the state may not be legally permitted to set curriculum, it is easily accomplished by tieing funding to a statewide " standardized test ". When these test were introduced in Ohio parents were not permitted to even see them. Thanks to the actions of one parent, in a farm district I might add, Ohio's Supreme Court ruled the practice illegal. In preparing his case this parent found proof these tests contained physiological evaluation componets, also illegal, mixed in with the academic components. The state responded by changing the name of the tests. When I demanded my son's test I received it but with redacted questions. This was over 20 years ago. It has not gotten better. These people do not like you if you get involved beyond supporting the next levy. They can & will bankrupt you if you fight them in court & they" ll use you & your neighbors money to do it. All the buzz words Jake cited are spot on. I'll add one more. If you receive a warm fuzzy letter , usually early in the year, expressing what a great year it's going to be & how they are looking forward to partnering with you in the coming year, BEWARE ! If things get hairy at some point, this will be used to claim legal notification to you, mom & dad, the gov school are claiming themselves as " "partners" in your child's development. It would in my opinion be best to send written notification, certified return receipt mail, politely & respectfully notifying that district that you are solely responsible for your child's education, & while you are currently choosing xyz school system for that job, you are partnering with no one.

Re: Swamp Indictments June 15, 2023 01:43AM
In Illinois a couple of years ago, a law was passed requiring schools to teach transgender history in the schools, so I would say to a certain extent the state can set the curriculum. At least here they can.

Re: Swamp Indictments June 21, 2023 08:04AM
I have relatives that are school employees, and yes, some are teachers. It's pretty much exactly as Jake described above. If your children are attending public school, rural or urban setting does not matter, they are being taught CRT in some sort of fashion. Stick your head in the sand if you want, but that's how we got here to begin with.

As Earl Pitts used to say, WAKE UP AMERICA!


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