ESG and farming
Registered: 04/04/2008 Posts: 658 |
I just heard part of an interview with John Kerry where he said that in order to meet a carbon neutral situation by 2030 that the farming industry would have to come under control of the government because they produce about 30% of carbon emissions. WOW that is a scary thought...the government running agriculture!!! How could the government possibly do a better job of running agriculture when everything they run cost twice as much as the private sector.
My biggest question is what changes do they plan to make to reduce carbon emissions in farming...let's see their ideas. Most farmers strive to reduce trips over the fields in the name of efficiency and profits, how are they going to improve this situation? Socialism is coming to the farming industry if these people continue in power. S'no Farmer |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 02/23/2012 Posts: 571 |
It’s called solar panels, they plan on eliminating most of us, so less need for food, besides that they are already growing the meat in the factory, I don’t think we’ll be around to worry about 2030 |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 08/27/2019 Posts: 212 |
Food will always be a necessity.....can't do without it>
If you can control the food production, it's another way to control the people, and make no mistake about it, controlling the people is what they want. Why do you think countries like China and people like Bill Gates are buying all the ground they can get in this country. They are looking ahead at the bigger picture. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 11/24/2019 Posts: 280 |
Don’t you know food comes from the grocery store?
They plan to do what some of the European countries have tried- limiting fertilizer usage, restricting livestock production, making us go close to organic. Of course, “they”, the elites, will still be able to get their steaks and fresh fruit and vegetables, while the rest of us are supposed to eat bugs while they fly around in their private jets preaching to us about saving the planet I really hate to be preached at about food production by people who couldn’t grow their own food under any circumstances. John Kerry is an idiot. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 08/27/2019 Posts: 212 |
I agree with you 110 %......especially about Kerry being an idiot, but he's definately not the only idiot pushing this bull crap. Control is their endgame, always has been. |
Re: ESG and farming
Govt is way to big now, need less of it and more common sense in office, The dems/libs are so far out there, I doubt they will ever return to normal thinking, Just gotta vote them out of power once and for all. |
Re: ESG and farming
J BeGone
If the government would stop testing nuclear bombs and all the other @#$%& up @#$%& they do we wouldn't have to worry about carbon emissions FACT |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 01/31/2012 Posts: 110 |
How much carbon is/ was being emitted each day this summer from the wild fires in Canada? Some things are out of our control. It is totally senseless to attempt to get carbon neutral when other countries are not working with us. Even if the US would eliminate 100% of man made emissions, it would not lower global temperatures by .1 degree in 10 years. We cannot win the climate battle alone and every intelligent American knows this. The elected idiots are paid to take our tax $ and give them to the rich green energy investors. The system that needs fixed is not how we grow food, it is how our elected officials are being bought by the wealthy |
Re: ESG and farming
Just a hmm thought…
First off, I’m not a fan of most elected people in our government. It seems like the middle of the road politicians that we want and need get drowned out by the far left AND right. Secondly, I’m sure there will be people that will call me names and such on my thoughts… You say “Socialism is coming to the farming industry…..” . If you really stop and think about it, socialism is already part of our society, farming included. Could/would farmers be buying newer and bigger equipment, more land, etc. if the industry wasn’t subsidized by the government? I understand that without it, food prices would be a lot more expensive than they are but then again, people with some smarts would get back to planting gardens, raising cattle/hogs/etc. But, would farming dwindle down to nothing based on supply and demand? I could go on and on about this but its something to think about. J-when was the last time we tested a nuclear bomb? And BRB, I agree with your thoughts |
Re: ESG and farming
Look up Tucker Carlson on YouTube grocery shopping in Russia! This will totally tick you off. How groceries in Russia are 1/4 the cost of the same exact items in America!! This extreme inflation is nobody fault but our wonder government officials being bought out by the lobbyists!!
We peasants are not willing to take our country back and get the control back in the hands of We The People!! A Tea Party and Revolution is the only fix at this point. God help us all!! Which by the way, I believe is preparing his great and triumphant return!! Watch!! Watch!! |
Re: ESG and farming
... and that's exactly what Putin wants you to think. He is destroying our country from the inside out and you're helping him. |
Re: ESG and farming
Putin aint doing a damn thing to our country, did he open the border? The commies are taking over and it has nothing to do with Putin, quit voting Demoncrat. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 02/23/2012 Posts: 571 |
I agree with Concerned! Saddled up and ready to ride,tired of settin around waitin on them, time to go on the offense and take it to them while we have our health, but can’t do it alone! |
Re: ESG and farming
Lets stop and think about this….Putin is interviewing with Carlson. Do you really think that Putin is going to show the real Russia? No, he”s going to show the Americans what he wants them to believe. He’s a master manipulator from way back in his KGB days. And, let’s compare apples to apples….average USA wage vs. groceries and a country like Russia. Use percentages and you may see something other than what you think.
As for the open borders, come on man. The border has been an issue for as long as I can remember. Social media and the far right/left extremists have made it sound worse than it really is. Is it bad, yes it is and it does need to be stopped. BTW, I thought DT was building a wall….oh yea lol ?????….really? Putin isn’t doing anything to our country? He knows what he is doing and as long as people want to deny he’s innocent, the more power he has. “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme” |
Re: ESG and farming
Get real
Why dont you explain exactly how Putin is affecting this country, like policy for example. By the way illegals are costing this country over 500 BILLION a year and rising not to mention the murder and rape you now hear about. ??? Dt was building a wall, you dont know why he is not any more??? Russia Russia Russia, sigh. By the way the way the intelligence agencies lied, Russia actually wanted Billary Clintoon elected, open your eyes. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 2,578 |
There are NO far-right politicians. It's not a real thing. Sure the media and the democrats talk about these far right politicians but I can't think of any. Could you name some for me? If you listen to some early speeches from Obama many of his views are considered far-right by todays standards (and that wasn't that long ago). The goal posts have moved so far to the left that a moderate is now painted as far right and the left is now the middle... the radical left is now just left of center. I agree with most of what you said regarding socialism... it's already invaded too much of our lives, including farming. A select few social safety nets for people who absolutely have no other options is OK, but we've added social safety net after social safety net. It's unsustainable. Roughly 84% of our federal budget is from bipartisan spending bills, 11% is from Democrat only bills and 5% is from Republican only bills. It seems like the more they Republicans and Democrats work together the more they work against the American people. Jake Morgan Owner, PULLOFF.COM Independent Pulling News This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated. Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 01/31/2012 Posts: 110 |
Part of the reason that our groceries are higher than other countries is the added cost of the advertising and sponsorships that the major companies are spending. We all pay a big part of the salaries of overpaid professional athletes via the advertising dollar. If those professional teams needed to charge enough for attendance to pay those salaries, a ticket to a ball game would cost $1,000s. If you were to see a pie graph of expenses for some groceries, advertising dollars would eclipse even labor expenses. The cost of raw materials for producing many products, such as breakfast cereal or a 12 pack of beer would be a small fraction of the retail price. Some of these exuberant, professional athlete salaries are costing us a ton of money at the grocery store |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 2,578 |
Advertising doesn't cost money. Advertising makes money. For every dollar spent advertising they better bring in more than a dollar or there's no ROI and there's no reason to advertise. Advertising and paying athletes for endorsements makes money for products.
Our inflation is directly tied to our money printing. We have a spending problem and we are trying to print our way out of it. It's called modern monetary theory and there are certain liberal economists that believe we can simply print more money whenever we want. The more money in circulation the less value it has. Sadly this is as much a democrat problem as it is a republican problem. George W. Bush had stimulus packages and we printed more money to pay for them. We started Quantitative easing (QE) under Bush and Obama continued it. Obama spent like a drunken sailor. Sadly Trump spent almost as much in four years as Obama did in eight years. Biden has continued the trend of printing money and we will continue to print more and more money and put more and more of it into circulation and it will continue to lower the value of our dollar. More and more counties will divest from the dollar and join BRICS. As more countries join BRICS our dollar will continue to weaken and our government will simply print more to compensate. It will drive the value of the dollar down even further. Our inflation is not Putin's fault, it's not (just) the dem's fault and it's not because or advertising/athletes. Our inflation is because we can't stop printing money, plain and simple. The Republicans are supposed to be fiscally conservative but sadly the party is dominated by trash RINO's and spineless squishy slugs that are easily bought off by lobbyists. I expect the democrats to be trash, but the republicans aren't a whole lot better. So what's the goal? The posts above in this thread already mentioned it... Control. The goal is to tank the USD and to bring about a new digital dollar... a central bank digital currency (CBDC). That way the government can track and control every purchase we make. The government will be able to track EVERY SINGLE purchase we make. They will no longer have to collude with credit card companies and banks, they will be able to harvest the data directly and then turn of the faucet (ban any purchase) for anyone at anytime. It's coming and we'll all be worse off for it. Where does ESG fit in? ESG will be the metric they use to see if your purchases should be allowed. Did you buy too much meat this month? Well the environmental whackjob "experts" will tell us that meat kills the planet so the government can't allow you to buy more meat so they'll deny that purchase. ESG will be the enforcement tool the government uses. Did you buy a Bible?... well the government is already tracking those purchases and democrat officials and the news is already telling us that Christian Nationalism is the greatest threat to our democracy so the government will take appropriate actions and limit all purchases if necessary to stop this threat to democracy. Your ESG score will be exactly like China's social credit system. Jake Morgan Owner, PULLOFF.COM Independent Pulling News This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated. Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 01/31/2012 Posts: 110 |
I agree with everything you said Jake. No doubt that advertising sells more product and it’s those additional sales that increase profits and create ROI. If you don’t think that advertising and endorsements raise the cost of the food that we buy, then that is where we disagree. |
Re: ESG and farming
You left out the part about record Corporate profits (Up 29% since covid) and how they are responsible for at least 50% of our US inflation.
Apple: $100 billion Exxon Mobile: $56 billion Verison: $21 billion Home Depot: $17 billion Visa: $15 billion Telsa: $12 billion UPS: $12 billion Coke: $10 billion John Deere: $7 billion the list goes on.... |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 03/31/2008 Posts: 787 |
The profit thing is chicken/egg. If our money supply has doubled since the China virus, then 29% profit increases aren’t keeping up because true inflation is more than 29%.
Jake, I’m curious, what % of Trump spending was before vs after the China virus start of lockdown? |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 2,578 |
Trump was not fiscally conservative by any standards during his first three years. He's never been fiscally conservative in either his presidency or his personal life. A HUGE portion of our inflation is directly because of his excessive spending. Yes, COVID didn't help, but he still made those terrible decisions during COVID and he outsourced the last year of his Presidency to Faucci which was a complete error in judgement in my opinion and he's still never shown any remorse over those decisions (even an absolute piece of slime like Gavin Newsom has had the humility to admit that he made mistakes during COVID, yet Trump won't).. Bidenomics are absolute garbage and Joe is barely cognizant and he is pouring gas on the fire but Trump wasn't some great fiscal genius before the plandemic.
"Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases" - Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRF ![]() Debt to GDP Ratio Borrowing for each President Deficit by President
Jake Morgan Owner, PULLOFF.COM Independent Pulling News This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated. Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 02/23/2012 Posts: 571 |
You are exactly right Jake |
Re: ESG and farming
Dont get it
You know nothing of inflation, zero. |
Re: ESG and farming
Then neither does Fortune or WSJ.
Fortune Magazine Jan24 |
Re: ESG and farming
That is one nut jobs opinion, and it is NOT WSJ's. |
Re: ESG and farming
Re: ESG and farming
Another opinion
Another opinion piece, the increased, unrelenting printing of money is whats driving inflation, through out history it is a proven fact. History is repeating it self. |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 01/31/2012 Posts: 110 |
I think it’s (funny) how some people (don’t get it). Appears to me like Marky Mark was right, and put the proof right in front of you. Maybe your next post should be authored by (never wrong). |
Re: ESG and farming
Laughing ogre
Big Red, the libs never get it!! But hey!! The last 3 years is the greatest economy ever!! Just ask " The Big Guy" Lol |
Re: ESG and farming
lewis c
A WAR IS THE ONLY SOLUTION snd could come by the next election weather DEMS win or REP everyone should be tired of both the Congress and the Senate needs taken out along with people like Bill Gates and 3/4 of the millionaires and billionaires ,Mexico needs taken over and California or or give it to Mexico i will vote trump although both are a piece of crap just one dont stink as bad as the other |
Re: ESG and farming
Registered: 01/31/2012 Posts: 110 |
I Realize this sounds impossible, but we really do need to discover way to do away with the Democrat and Republican parties. They buy and own politicians before they are even able to be elected. Candidates should run on their own merits and morals, not need to fall inline with a party. |
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