My opinion 2012 NTPA championship predictions

Published April 23, 2012 03:51AM, by Dick MorganViewed: 2853 times

On this cold snowy day I’m going to put up my 2012 NTPA championship predictions.
Tomorrow I will be doing my PPL list.

Let start with the Heavy Unlimited Mod class, after one of the most exciting finishes in year, the class once again wide open. However I think that this will be a close race between Dave Archer and Ken Veney. I think that if Brian Shramek where to solely concentrate on the Unlimited class he would be the champion, however with Brian bringing out a new DSS and his attempt to hook in the new Light Unlimited class he may be spread alittle thin for the 6 engine mod. However knowing Brian and the Shramek Pulling Team nothing seems impossible. Another exciting year for the Heavy Unlimited class. My prediction- Ken Veney

Next up is the Modified class. I don’t see any reason that Bret Berg will not repeat as champion in the class, however Bob Jostock and Scott Tedder will not make it an easy race for the “Money Maker” of Bergs. My prediction- Bret Berg

Super Stock Open at first looks like a two team race between perennial favorite Jordan Lustik and the Chizek-Blackbourn team. However Kevin Campbell is the wild card in this class. Kevin has the potential to make this a very interesting year in the SSO class. One thing for sure, a V8 will win the class, just not sure which one. My prediction-Jordan Lustik

One thing for certain in the Super Farm class 2012 will not have repeat winner. With Ryan Salenbien on the sideline with his “Never Satisfied” the class is wide open. However there are a couple strong contenders for the championship. Either John Pitt and Darrin Hunt have a real strong chance of taking the championship back to Kentucky. And you can never count out Brian Deck or Russ Freeze. My prediction - Darrin Hunt

I know that last year was the “Drive for Five” in the Diesel Super Stock class and Brian was able to achieve this amazing run. However not being sure if Brian and father Dennis will follow the entire circuit the class is wide open for a new champion. With Esdon in the class with two tractors and Jody Ross along with Steve Burge and Mike Beck this class will once again have a red champion. The wild cards in the class are the Boxlers and Jeff Demers. My prediction - Esdon Lehn

The NTPA Pro Stock class has the potential of having a champion that is neither John Deere nor Case-IH with the strong running MF of Carlton Cope. However neither the Schmucker/Shramek team, nor the Cain’s will make this a easy championship for the eventual winner. And as always the Lemke team of Dan and Robby have the experience and equipment to wind up in first when the season is over. My prediction - Carlton Cope

The Light Super Stock class has certainly lost some of the luster that the class had just a few years ago. With overbooking and long miles this class has been reduced to 6 tractors, sad! And with the only diesel LSS moving over to the SSD class this class is bordering on the boring side. However the tractors that are in the class are some of the strongest LLS in the country. With the Phillip’s down to one entry and Marcus Wettleson breaking in a new setup there is a definite favorite in the class. The only real issue here is which of the Chizek/Korth tractors will win the class. My prediction – Chizek - Korth your choice

Looking at the results from 2011 it would appear that only real question in the TWD class is which one of the Petro entries will win the championship for 2012. However I think that the Theobald team of Doug and Renee have a real chance of taking the championship back to Shelbyville Indianan. And the Knapp’s can never be counted out. My prediction – Randy Petro

The 2011 season in the FWD class had a real nice points race with Pete McKeeth taking a well-earned championship with Jus Rutt'n over the class dominators Holman Brothers. This field for 2012 is just as hard to find a clear favorite. The Davis two entries along with Rob Foster and the odds on favorite Holman Brothers will once again make this championship one of the hardest contested on the NTPA circuit. My prediction – Rob Foster

The lightest class in all of pulling, but certainly one of the most exciting is the Mini class. With Bruce Slagh making a return to the class and the Koester’s, Adam Bauer along with Scott Walker this is one wide-open class. However I feel that the team that will be at or near the top for the entire season is the Hathaway/Fairbanks team. My Prediction – Hathaway/Fairbanks

With J.R. Collins putting the Super Semi Buckeye Bulldog in the championship circle once again it would look like the winner is a forgone conclusion for 2012. However the Walker’s and Jack Kielmeyer will give J.R. a real run for the money. And the two truck team of Jeremy and Jerry Walker will be at the top when the season is over. My Prediction – Jerry Walker

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2012 03:59AM by Dick Morgan.


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