The growth of the LLSS class

Published May 22, 2012 01:00AM, by Dick MorganViewed: 3713 times

The Light Limited Super Stock Class: there's not a more colorful class in all of pulling!
With the continual rise of the LLSS class I have to wonder what the future holds for this exciting and colorful class. Now that Mid-South {a NTPA member organization} has sanctioned the class will this lead to more state members clubs, both NTPA and PPL offering this class in their clubs?

I think that if you take an objective look at other classes within NTPA, PPL and Outlaws you will see that the rise or start of a new class always comes at the expense of vehicles in another class. Case in point is the SF class; the rise of the SF class was the beginning of the slow decline of PS. I know there are fans and pullers alike that will claim that the PS is healthy and SF were and are not a threat to the class. I think that numbers of new vehicles in SF vs. PS proves this point. While the PS class is exciting and powerful the SF and now the Limited Pro Stock and Light Pro Stock are forcing that class into a national only class. And with the growth of Limited Pro Stock we are now seeing a decline in Super Farm number in some organizations, interesting!

This brings me to the LLSS class and the potential impact this will have on other classes within an organization. The class that will be impacted the most is the LSS class. There is a real likelihood that as the LLSS gains a foothold in an organization it will drive the LSS class to become a National only class.

For those that follow or any other pulling news source it is crystal clear that LLSS is on the move. The class offers the pullers and fans color, variety, and numbers. As with any small cubic inch class expenses will be more manageable for a larger group of pullers, hence more vehicles. With the clustering of new organizations within solid, existing clubs, and a willingness to drive the class to a set of more uniform rules this class will explode.

While I think there’s room for LSS in pulling, just as there is for the PS tractors, I fear that LSS will become a national class and LLSS will become the small cubic inch, light weight, high HP class at the state and regional level. And while this may appear as a negative for pulling I think that the LLSS class will be a great addition for not only the pullers that work with a smaller budget but also for the promoters and fans. Now if only the LLSS pullers can get to a set of uniform rules the growth will be explosive.

I for one am looking forward to the continual growth of the LLSS class.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2012 09:39AM by Jake Morgan.


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