NTPA Light Mod possibilities - 9 months ago
Going to a 14-71 limit appears to have been a wise move. Please let me know if I missed anyone or if some if these are no longer pulling. If pullers from last year run the class: 1. Simons 2. Wayson 3. Todd Feiss 4. Tarry Feiss 5. Les Korporal 6. Wayne Sullivan 7. Schoeneman Others who made at least one hook 8. Chase Smith 9. Ken Miller 10. B. Jostock 11. Kent Urban New tractorby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
No EFI, too much cheating (random Euro ? also) - 10 months ago
One interesting thing Jackson said is he would be against EFI in pulling. Coming from the drag racing world, that was an unexpected take. If I umderstood what he was saying, the guy that gets EFI figured out could have a traction control advantage. On this board, several have advocated for allowing EFI (including me). Isn't EFI allowed in Europe? How tightly do they control it?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
NTPA and PPL precommits - 10 months ago
By now, surely someone has a preliminary list. Any new faces?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: We need your questions! - 10 months ago
In the US, we are familiar with the announcers at the top level. Say the names Dan, Miles, Doc, etc. and no last name is needed. Who are the top announcers in Europe? There is one dude I've heard on videos who I'd love to have over here at Bowling Green, and I've heard him speak some English. It would be neat to have a European perspective join the BG crew.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
? for pullers& officials (test puller) - 10 months ago
Hi all. One thing that's a part of the sport, but is horrible when it happens, is the test puller has a monster pass, blows it way out the end, and they reset the sled and he cannot come back. My ? Is: If you're the test puller, and you can feel you're on a monster pass, would you have the presence of mind to realize they're probably going to reset, do you shut it down earby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: original michael/Brent yaron/Dan meyer - 10 months ago
Quotepatches Talking at the diner,the subject came up if the sport is really growing ?.we talked about ntpa in 1984 vs 2024 amount of pullers at the state,region,gn level. Do either of you guys have a way/means to answer this,we jumper the 1984 classes together to compare with today's, as follows 1984. 2024 55mod. Lt unlm 55/75 mod. Mod 95 mod. Unlm 10/12by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: original michael/Brent yaron/Dan meyer - 10 months ago
Quotepatches Talking at the diner,the subject came up if the sport is really growing ?.we talked about ntpa in 1984 vs 2024 amount of pullers at the state,region,gn level. Do either of you guys have a way/means to answer this,we jumper the 1984 classes together to compare with today's, as follows 1984. 2024 55mod. Lt unlm 55/75 mod. Mod 95 mod. Unlm 10/12by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Apples and oranges, but how long is a PBR show? - 10 months ago
I've seen several PBR shows on tv. It isn't motorsports, but just curious what time a PBR show starts and ends, and do they have other things going on between rounds?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
facts - 10 months ago
Both Bowling Green and The Fort have ran Unlimiteds as the first class multiple times on the Saturday sessions. Also, in the dirt late model world for both Lucas Oil and World of Outlaws, it is not uncommon to run the main event feature, then run the support class features after. They did that exact thing at the Lucas Oil race at Brownstown 2 weeks ago.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Pulling related current events re: diesel trucks - 10 months ago
Biden Admin cracking down on diesel trucks Yes, there is a current event forum. However, since many pullers pull diesel trucks and even more pullers and fans use diesel trucks in pulling-related endeavors or driving to a pull, I think this could have impact on the sport, even downstream impacts.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: We need your questions! - 10 months ago
What are the biggest competition rule differences that would make it a challenge for European minis, mods, and super stocks to come to the US and be legal for PPL and NTPA mini, mod, and SS classes? Or, flip it around- what big rule differences would make it difficult for a U.S. tractor to pull in Europe?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Video question - 11 months ago
Is the $9.99 for livestream only, or will they have replays where someone could watch the session later? If they will allow replays, how long will they be available?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Interesting NTPA media announcement - 11 months ago
Full Pull Entertainment to take over NTPA live streams The story lists Chase Richardson as co-founder. Is this part of the Full Pull Bets group? I didn't see pricing.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
RIP Fred Sanders - 1 year ago
Just saw on NTPA website that Semi puller Fred Sanders has passed away..by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Ace Chassis getting out of the sport? - 1 year ago
Per post on Facebook it looks like Ace Chassis getting out of pulling business.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
? for pullers: Do limits cost or save money? - 1 year ago
Do limits on pulling parts/accessories wind up saving or costing money in the long run? Does it make a difference if anyone can make or buy the part as long as it meets specs, vs a puller is required to buy the part from only one or a few approved manufacturers? What do you think?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
New Galot LSS - 1 year ago
I cannot get the PRI pic to add, but maybe someone can upload JP Pulling Productions photo from Facebook. I wonder if the team is running this in addition to the 2 USS, or dropping to 1 USS and 1 LSS.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Bowling Green announcement - 1 year ago
Who is Maxam Tire? Will payouts be increased?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Prediction - 1 year ago
If the economy doesn't implode, within 5 years there will be a new subvariant of the LLSS class when the current version either becomes too expensive for some pullers, or someone finds a winning formula to win 75% of the time. Whatever the new "flavor of the month" class is will then be popular for a little while before someone complains a certaim combo cannot compete. Why should LLSS beby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Cost per run? - 1 year ago
This varies by class, but what is an average cost per pass for different classes? Mods, DSS, USS, PS, trucks, mini, etc? For experienced pullers, what was the average cost per pass in your class when you started running in that class?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: Can't access pulloff on Chrome? "404 forbidden" - 1 year ago
Chrome works on my phone but not on pc. Firefox works, but see other email. I can't sign in on pc w/Firefox. Makes me wonder if Pulloff is hacked.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
70 hot farms under one roof - 1 year ago
The Shipshewanna entry list has 70 Hot Farms split into 3 heats. Other classes, like LLSS, are very thin with 10 or fewer entries. Of note, there appear to be a few more 5.0 Pros than I expected.by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
How many events should a Champs Tour or GN tour have? - 1 year ago
I used "events" instead of "hooks" because most but not all CT/GN events are 2-hook per class, multi-day affairs. Of course this may differ by class, but in general, how many events is reasonable for a national points series, in your opinion. ("Trip" and "event" could be synonyms) Is 8-10 reasonable? Should it be limited to 5-6 trips? # of hooks would be nearly double the # of events exceptby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
No qualifying in pulling - 1 year ago
QuoteDeere Puller IMHO this is more like the points chasers getting to qualify as a group in NASCAR or NHRA. In the race(s) everyone is running at the same time, qualifying is when track condition changes could make a big change in results because they are competing against each other, but at different times and potentially different track conditions. ... except the new NTPA rule is not qualifby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Why this rule is a trainwreck - 1 year ago
As someone without a dog in the fight, this rule seems illogical, especially compared to other motorsports. Even in series with an regular season/playoff format (NASCAR, NHRA), the ones battling for the points are not starting the race together (NASCAR) or racing in designated qualifying spots (NHRA); those drivers have to qualify and start wherever on the grid (NASCAR) or ladder (NHRA) theirby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Historical pulling question - 1 year ago
Anyone who was around in the early days- When NTPA started, classes were 5,7 9, and 12. Sometime in the 1970s, it became 5500, 7500, 9500, and at some point didn't the 12 SS become 12,200? Why did the 5,7, and 9 increase by 500 lbs? Did guys want to make it easier for their 4010s to make the 5 and 1066s to make the 7?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: Text of rules here - 1 year ago
Light Limited Super Stock Besides corrections to 2023 rules for LLSS previously posted to NTPA Tech Page in early 2023, the following rule was adopted Light Limited Super Stock – limit all diesel engines to 3.4 x 4-inch smooth bore turbo including those engine sizes that allow two turbos. Use of a 3.0 x 4-inch turbo with MAP ring is no longer allowed Pro Stock – 5.0 Approvedby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: Associations in Bowling Green - 1 year ago
QuoteTomah winner I have been watching some videos from the old days and the new from Bowling Green, and I've noticed that NTPA hasn't had Bowling Green all the years. Can somebody please give me a timeline of who ran Bowling Green at what point in time? Did USHRA ever have it? Is USHRA the same as RED MAN TNT at the time? NTPA sanctioned BG through 1986. TNT took over the BG sancby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Re: Very important announcement regarding NASOA - 1 year ago
Also, as an aside, the statement about insurance companies cracking down has me wondering: For anyone in the know, what other aspects of pulling are insurance companies cracking down on?by The Original Michael - Pulling Forum
Very important announcement regarding NASOA - 1 year ago
Saw this posted on facebook from Southern Express Sled Rental, but it reads like it will be across the board for all NASOA members. It will be interesting what ripples this may have down to farm stocks and antiques. Attention All Pullers!!! If you not aware most all the sleds you hook are leval 8 sleds under the North America Sled Operator Association and this organization is the liability inby The Original Michael - Pulling Forum