Ithaca tractor pull September 26, 2011 09:42AM
Just curious how many hooks there were at Ithaca on Sunday without sanity rules?

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 26, 2011 09:44AM
considering the rain, plenty

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 26, 2011 11:59AM
Considering the fact that Badgerland Insanity Pullers boycotted this event there was still a lot of good iron there!!!! The event ran smoothly and everyone had a good time. I will be back next year! PS, it was nice to attend a pull that wasn't run by a "Dictator"!!!!

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 28, 2011 02:16AM
i totally agree its funny how that dictator forgets where his grass roots are! he should remember that those grass roots pay his bills! jason kleppe.

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 28, 2011 02:55AM
Who is the dictator?

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 28, 2011 04:10AM
uh oh , what do you mean boycotted? whats the scoop???

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 28, 2011 01:47PM
I also would like to thank everyone who helped with the pull. we are all glad that we didnt have any fitting or complaining going on. we will hope next year we dont have to put up with some of the crap that we put up with like the boycot.

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 26, 2011 12:59PM
92 hooks for the day not bad for a stinking rainy day. Thanks to all that pulled and helped this year with the pull.

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 26, 2011 01:26PM
Thanks to all the people who made the Ithaca pull a great success this year even barring the rain,I thought that everything ran very smooth. I will look forward to seeing you all next year Thanks Again Jason

Re: Ithaca tractor pull September 26, 2011 11:49PM
I would like to pass on a few thoughts; first I would like to thank the fine people of Ithaca for putting on the pull, and the track crew, food stand and announcer for the extra effort it took to work through the rain. The sled crew did a great job,the first year of any new pulling tractor or pulling truck or pulling sled, is never easy. If some of you folks could have seen the look in the eye of the young puller making his first trip down the track on that little massey - it was a reminder of the reason towns have tractor pulls.


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