Earlville,IA tractor pull July 25, 2012 08:29AM
Earlville, IA tractor pull is on july 28 at 4:30. There will be a 9300 lbs Super Farm class if you would like to pull.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 25, 2012 08:43AM
How about semi's?

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 25, 2012 03:13PM
Any natural aspirated classes?

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 25, 2012 09:48PM
5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 8500, 9000

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 26, 2012 01:57AM
You no i think its pretty funny that heartland can come up with $500 for a super farm class but cant seem to pay back the classes they have every pull. im still waiting for my payback from a pull earlier in the year where they took my address and said they would send it to me. i was going to go to earlville but fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 26, 2012 02:46AM
The stamp cost more than the payback check would have been, so they just kept it.
I am sure the members thank you for your generous donation!

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 26, 2012 05:21AM
If anyone has had a problem in the Heartland club being payback or what ever please contact me and I will do the best to resolve the problem that I can.
Or look for the big red head at the pulls.
cell # 563 451 7930 home 563 585 2065
Thanks Chuck Steffens

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 26, 2012 05:40AM
There you go. Now if really have an issue give chuck a call. That would be too easy though wouldnt it! Quit the belly acheing. Have pulled with heartland as well as other clubs. As far as payback goes how big of a check would u honestly expect to recieve? 20 bucks a hook and the club does not recieve a whole lot to put on the pull. Just be thankfull there is a place to pull. I would not want the job or hassle of running a club ! Hope you get your payment..

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 28, 2012 12:01PM
heartland pullers would be ALOT better of Jim Vorwald would not be involved with the club,but he has to have his big mouth open all the time and it is only a matter of time before that club will be over all because jim don,t listen to the members and has to have it his way. as soon as jim vorwald is out of the club it will be fun to pull with and everyone will get thier payback money when they win.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 28, 2012 11:36PM
I think I would call the pull last night a flop. Too small of a sled with too many breaks. there was a point where they couldn't stop them so they added chain length.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 01:20AM
what sled did they have

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 01:58AM
The Dragon Wagon was the sled...

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 01:25AM
As a puller it was the worst pull ive ever been to. Sled was crap and Broke twice and then the president has the nerve to say the pullers were taking off to fast. Give me a break. That pull should've been called after the na classes but nope lets watch people tear their tractors up. I will never hook heartland again and would be surprised if its around next year. What a joke!

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 04:49AM
Then the president has the nerve to call up pullers and tell them not to go to the eci pull friday night which he is a member of himself. So because he wasnt welcome there no one else was suppose to go and support a club that he is a member of. Now maybe someone can explain this cause i certainly dont get it. If he wants people to not go to pulls that fine. Hes got it cause my machine will not see a heartland pull either.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull Update on Heartland Club July 29, 2012 09:02AM
I just had a very good conversation with Jim Vorwald and he and I have agreed that he will step down as president allowing him to keep a watchful eye on his equipment. After the damage that his tractors recieved at Iowa City and from the damage they have recieved in previous years he wants to spend more time with the tractors and enjoying the pull with his family.

I Chuck Steffens will be filling in as president of the Heartland club. I hope we will be able to finish this year out as good as this year started.

Please feel free to contact me with any concerns.
Home number 563-585-2065 Cell 563 451 7930

Also we need help finding a sled for the Olin pull. Currently the Dragon Wagon was booked for the pull but we are not going to allow what happened at Earlville happen again. If anyone can help us find a sled let me know.

Chuck Steffens

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull Update on Heartland Club July 29, 2012 09:58AM
I hate to say this but I think Jim Vorwald was going to step down before the New Vienna pull last year BUT after he blew his top in edgewood he backed out of his word and went against what the heartland members agreed on at thier winter meeting. It would be the best for the club if jim would step down and just pull and NOT say anything. IF he does back down and keep QUIET then heartland will survive, if he don't, it won't. thats is what Ive been hearing talking to pullers in the pits at the pulls. Good luck Chuck, I hope you can do it.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull Update on Heartland Club July 30, 2012 04:07AM
Now it went from bad to worse! You know what they say about red heads....

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull Update on Heartland Club July 30, 2012 06:13AM
What that we are fun and lovable???? Or is it that we are honest and true???AHAHAHH Have to hit me harder then that!!!

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull Update on Heartland Club July 31, 2012 09:10AM
Charles in charge!!! You have ben our new president for two days and have already lied. You said you had a very good conversation with Jim. We all know that is not possible.Lol

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull Update on Heartland Club July 31, 2012 01:35PM
That is not a lie, that is SPIN!
I will close gitmo in my first 60 days, now THAT is a lie.
I will repeal the patriot act, that is a HUGE LIE.
Describing a visit between president and former president as a good conversation, doesn't mean it was a cordial one! Just "productive".

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull Update on Heartland Club July 31, 2012 03:51PM
Thats funny sh!t there!!!!!!!!

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 09:28AM
As a supporter of both clubs I can't believe the resentment that still exists between members of both clubs. It's a shame because weather you like it or not both clubs are supported by members who pull both. This whole maquokata fiasco was just that a fiasco. From the letter which stemmed from an argument among grown men , to water being put in someone's fuel, to the letter being past around at monti by eci members,to pullers being put in the middle of going or not, to some eci members scoffing at the fact that Jim was banned,to giving double pts at Maq., to telling htpa members if they went to Maq. They would be shunned forever, what a bunch of childish bickering on both sides! After earlville which was the perfect storm for disaster, a pres. Who has been wound up all week, a sled that no way could stop anything , to a tractor that went 18 mph in the 10 mph that just happened to break the sled, (the jerk that tractor gave the sled was nothing that should have broken it, sh!,t happens). The end result of this incident was another black eye for pulling. Unfortunately htpa will not survive this. So that leaves eci as the only club around. Two yrs ago this club struggled with numbers as well but added a few classes and there show became a good show. Be interesting to see if they can keep the numbers esp 466 class week in week out. I don't see many new light limited or heavy being added for next yr to pick up the drop and doubt there will be any new profarms with the speed limit as such being built either. heck those guys seem to have a diff speed rule each wk. I wouldn't put up with that either.
Anyway just don't understand why people on both sides had to be soo bull headed. They had a good thing going and unless the powers to be in both clubs put their egos aside for the good of the sport guys will get tired of the drama and quit going. I am amazed at how many diehard pullers are considering hanging it after all that has went on this last couple of weeks. You can scoff at this notion but I suggest you ask around at the next pull, guys r gettin tired.
What do u think, can either survive or will there always be division because of what happened 10 yrs ago?

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 10:31AM
Some important information #1. The inadvertant water (or whatever it was) that was added to tractor fuel tanks in Iowa City was done by a pit crew member of the affected tractors....no one else. There were many accusations that night that it was done by some evil-doer, when in reality it was a simple error by a volunteer helper. The track officials were asked to allow a bit of time for tank draining and refillling and that was granted. There seemed to be no delay to the show that anyone noticed. What was noticed by many spectators and other bystanders was the finger pointing and yelling about what had happened to the tractors fuel. That was very unprofessional and unneccessary. #2.The Jackson County Fair had a court order that Jim (and only Jim) could not set foot on the fairgrounds for this years Pull. This was done after what had transpired last year....nothing to do with any other person or any other club. #3. ECI was expected (by Jim) to stand up for Jim on this Court ordered ban when ECI had nothing at all to do with it. It was bad behavior from last years Jackson Co Fair pull. #4. Many Pullers were called by Jim to not support the Jackson County Fair because of this Court ordered ban.....some came anyway....some stayed home. It's a free Country and they can do what they want.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 10:48AM
To Theendisnear: The only "letter" that I am aware of passed around (your words not mine) at Monti, was a copy of the Court ordered ban, so that ECI Officials were made aware of the fact Jim wasn't allowed. Don't try and spin it any other way. The letter was from the Jackson Co Fair, not ECI.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 29, 2012 11:48AM
So what does one have to do to have a court ordered paper telling you u cant pull at a fair

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 30, 2012 08:39AM
Hey coach, how was i trying to spin it ? Was there not something passed around at
monti? Call it whatever you want( copy of a court order).i 'll call it a letter. Where did anyone say the lettet was from eci? This is exactly the kind of behavior i was eludeing to! You sir are the won trying to put a spin on everything. If you would take the time to read with a cool head you would have seen that i am a supporter if BOTH clubs. Now let me clear something up for you. That does NOT mean I agree with the petty crap that has been going on this yr between certain members. If you don't see this then you my friend don't care about the future of either club.
I am in know way condoneing jims actions . His in ability to control his anger is what has put him in the position he is in today. For his health sake i hope somehow he can change.
You know i can recall an eci member getting in the face of somebody this yr as well. Everybody has a breaking point. The point of my post wad to show all the neg crap that has gone on. By you taking sides and pounting fingers proves my point. Its getting harder to convince the family to come to either club because of the drama. I just hope everyone involved takes a bit of responsability for what has taken place and we continue to put on a great show bar none.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 30, 2012 05:55PM
Been reading what everyone has been putting on here about the pull on Saturday and other things that have been going on. We want everyone that helped at the pull to know that we really appriciated everything you did to try to make it work. Everyone is blaming Jim for what happened that night. All that I am asking is that people please stand up for Jim. I think he did a great job for 7 year. He put everything he had in it to make it a great club. If you would like to call him his # is 563-543-2525. If the puller wouldn't have went to fast in the speed class, (18 mph) in a 10 - 12 mph class alot of this would not have happened.
The sled operater told us that he could handle the tractors when he was hired. When he got there he informed the members that he modified the sled (The Dragon Wagon) to pull antiques. He was the main reason the night went the way it did. We still had to pay him for a full show even though it was only half done. You would have thought that with everything that happened with his sled, he would have given us a break!!!!
Yes, Jim did resign from the club, and Chuck will take his place, and we know that he will do a great job. Last year when he wanted to resign there was no one that wanted to take over and some of the members asked him to stay on. Jim stayed on and it was going well until all this.
As far as Maquoketa, we are hearing alot of things here. I talked to Mike Franzen on the phone and he was telling me something all together different than what really happened last year. He would't let our one tractor pull in the same class that his boys where pulling in and said that it did not have the right rear end in it. Jim and Mike at that time had things talked over until one curtain puller from that area had to stick his nose where it didn't belong. This year though they let another tractor that is built just like ours pull in that same class. We know because Jim built the tractor. What does that sound like. Is everyone out to get Jim and our family. All I want is for everyone to get along and work together, but it is hard when things are wrote on here about my husband.
As far as the fuel goes, someone in Iowa City did tamper with the fuel in 3 of our tractors, while we were all watching the pull. The only people that put the fuel in the tractors is my boys or Jim. None of the pit crew that we have with us do that. The water that they had mixed up for the next class was all gone and was added to the fuel tanks. We have no idea who did it that night, but we were told by some people that we did it to our own tractors. Why would we do that and mess up our motors. Yes, Jim and all of us were very upset that night, but would you not be upset too if someone did it to your tractors?
If anyone has any questions please call Jim or Lynn. It is really hard for our families to keep reading all the negativity and we just want to move on.
Also if you did not get your check from a past pull, call me at (Lynn) 563-543-2435. I always try to get all the checks out within 5 days. If for some reason you never got it I will issue a new one. I sent Manchester's out on Saturday. I do have a few checks here that I have no address for the name, so if you think that you may have place in the top 3 call me.
Hope things can end!!!
Lynn Vorwald

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 30, 2012 09:13PM
I agree with what Lynn has posted here. With out the Vorwald family starting the Heartland Club many of these pullers would not have had a place to pull.

But now our (the entire Heartland club) main goal will be to look past Earlville and to making a better club. I know I have the support the the Vorwalds and every member of the club I have talk with so far. So lets please try to work together to get were we need to go.

Chuck Steffens

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 31, 2012 02:17AM
Forgot to mention one thing last night. Jim would like anyone that has anything to say to him just call him on his cell (563-543-2525). Anyone here that keeps bashing our familly, they are keyboard cowards. I agree with Chuck earlier when he said that everyone should have to put their name on here. We just want things to stop. Call us and let us know what you are thinking.
Don't forget everything he did do for the club to get it this far. It would be nice to hear nice things for once.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 31, 2012 03:03AM
Lynn and chucky are right jim has done a lot for hartland. If it was not for hartland jim and the rest the vorwald famley i wold not have the two tractors that i have.
so my thanks go out the the vorwald famley and hope we can keep on pulling and have some fun

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 31, 2012 04:28AM
who else thinks bob frieburger had a legit hook

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 31, 2012 02:26PM
Get off your high horse. Here's what Jim did. He was such a crybaby that when he couldn't get his way with ECI he thought that starting his own club was the answer. How's that worked out? You say Heartland wouldn't exsist without Jim. DUH!! Heartland shouldn't have ever exsisted to begin with!! Jim and Craig Brooks must be twin Brothers. When whining doesn't work, start your own joke of a club! Well, this may be brutal, but most of us are tired of you whining crybaby's who really only care about yourself and disguise it as "a new thing". So go on and get! Don't let the door hit you in the #$^%^#@!!

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 31, 2012 02:38PM
Now that's the blunt way to put it. But you forgot to enclose your name and number lol

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 31, 2012 03:00AM
U have got to be kidding me that this could have been avoided because of one tractor. Jim blew his top because he went 18 and not 12 and he was the reason the sled broke and kicked him out of the club for life. I want to no if he kicked the other guy out for life that broke the Sled the second time. I got one question, how fast did kirbys go down the track? I'm pretty sure they go faster than 18mph and the Sled didn't break that run. Be honest this could've been avoided if Jim could control his temper. I heard Jim tell chuck from the stands to shut his f%&$@#g mouth and if he don't like it he could leave also. I no Jim has been blaming a certain person for the fuel thing and has absolutely no proof to back it up. Just because he was at the pull he did it. Then ur husband calls up pullers and tells them not to go to the eci pull because he can't go. No one is making Jim do these things so I don't get why you think everyone is out to get you guys. people simply state what they see from his actions. You say you want everyone to get along then I think you better start working on that with Jim.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull July 31, 2012 02:46PM
Jim Vorwald was just at my shop on Friday to help me get my tractor together. Jim I appreciate everything you have done for me and helping me with my tractor. If it was not for you, I would have given up pulling years ago. We drove 140 mile to attend the Earlville show. Yes, the sled was a joke and tempers did flare. At the annual meeting in February, Jim Vorwald asked if anyone else wanted to be President of Heartland, but no one stepped forward. This was your opportunity to make a change, but no one stepped up. If it was not for the Vorwalds, Heartland would not exist, We all know Jim Vorwald and his family started is organization. His family puts alot of time and effort into the pulls, everyone of the kids are doing something. Yes, there are a few others that help, but they are the same people everytime and we appreciate their hard work also. Jim has a big heart and would help anyone as you all know.

Dennis and Jackie Hinshaw

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 01, 2012 09:21AM
Our family has been HTPA members for 3 years now and has really enjoyed pulling with the club.We have met and become friends with so many nice people and everyone has made us feel welcome, including Jim, Lynn and their family. A couple years ago Jim was kind enough to let me pull one of his tractors. How many people would trust someone with their tractor, who has never driven one before, much less pull it down the track??? It was a thrill of a lifetime for me! Thank you Jim!!! We have been included in family events and when our son was in an accident and in intensive care, he called almost every day to wish him well. That meant alot to our family!

I don't want to get in the middle of this drama. I myself have said and done things in the heat of the moment that I have regretted. Life goes on. We now have a new club president and I am hopeful that we can get past all this and continue to have fun. This ENTIRE club has great members and we have made alot of good friends. Welcome aboard Chuck and we're sure you will do a great job!!! Thanks to the Vorwold family for all your efforts and hard work! See everyone in Olin!!!

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 02, 2012 11:54AM
Lynn V,

I'm just wondering whom the mystery puller is that you mentioned in the sentence below?

Jim and Mike at that time had things talked over until one curtain puller from that area had to stick his nose where it didn't belong.

I understand all aspects and frustrations as clubs of many kinds have issues with so many different views and ways of doing things but claiming to be bold and posting your number and follow up with Jim's number again isn't going to make things better. Being honest and upfront from the start is the right answer. If Jim had the idea of creating a club that would fit around his tractors that’s a grand idea, people have a choice to join and if they don't want to compete with him because of it fine. Your family has done great things with the club and I enjoying going to the pulls. I don't enjoy the drama and claims of Jim having a temper issue after every pull. Take control of the club from the members and their attitudes, to the proper payouts to avoid the accusations.

I'd really like to hear about this person in the Maquoketa area. Better yet, call them up and tell them your thoughts instead of laughing at the people talking big on here and then doing it yourself. I'm not going to reveal myself because I'm merely a spectator that would like to hear about the relations being better between club members. I'd like to get into tractor pulling myself but seeing the downfalls and complaints of this club I'm not sure it’s a good idea...

Apologizing takes a bigger person than spreading hate...

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 02, 2012 03:04PM
maybe someday I can get to pull again that would be fun. I hope the tractor pulls continue to grow in our area without all the problems.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 02, 2012 03:47PM
That will be great gary
Dale Holdgrafer

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 02, 2012 04:31PM
i agree with dale

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 02, 2012 11:56PM
I heard you were coming out of retirement for bellvue.

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 03, 2012 12:43AM
can set you up with a 1466 2hot 2 farm or pull hot farm you seen it at mauqketoa, you would look good on it gary

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 03, 2012 03:02AM
I was checking out that 14 friday nite Mark

Re: Earlville,IA tractor pull August 03, 2012 03:17AM
call Lee at 6084821216


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