itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 12:32AM
I think its time to put term limits on the board memebers and how long you can be president, and maybe make it arule that you have to be a puller to be on the board or at least a vested intrest in the sport not somebody who used to be in it years ago maybe its time to get people who are more in touch with the sport now in there.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 12:46AM
Don't know what your issue is but sounds like a good idea. Where I from most of the pullers are stuck in the 1980,s and try to @#$%& us who are not by writing rules against us.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 03:10AM
Everybody is able to run for the board etc. and maybe you and I should. I am also not happy with some of the rule changes made over the years but where else are you going to go. Granted I know the board has no "clue" on what rules they are writing about turbo's, pumps etc. This is why they have to call everybody else that knows whats going on or atleast makes them think they know what they are talking about. There is too many outside voices telling them what to do for them to make a go of the classes you are talking about. Which its pretty obvious

I've watched BSTP guys for several years and talked with them about certain things like this. We have classes that have changes for a reason to get more color,tractors from other orgs, safety etc. and then we have the ITPA that just cant leave anything but the 2wd and pro stock classes alone. Go look at BSTP numbers in some of their classes. 20+ Hot farms in their class and growing everybody gets along for the most part. I dont see how the ITPA can walk around with the blinders on like this thinking its better.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 04:48AM
when everybody in the class votes to do something and then the board who are a bunch of back stabers votes in december for that and comes back in january and votes another way and says the reason is because basically there watching out for our pocketbooks when you know its a lie but if they want to watch out for our pocketbooks then how about lets tell those two wheel drive trucks they need a smaller blower then they will stay together also and save them some money

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 11:16AM
when you see less 12,000 pro farms next year and also 95 pro farms. Some are looking at other classes and organizations because of the non stop rule changes that seem to never end. It gets real tiring changing your tractor because the "board" thinks it better. Give me a break if they were looking out for "our pocketbook" they would just leave the classes alone because it would have been cheaper. Im pretty sure some of the pro farm guys have deeper pockets than most of the lim pro guys as the way they have had to change their tractors and it doesnt seem to phase them.

My only question is is that next year will be a "learning" curve again and then in 2014 when somebody figures out a turbo to run just like what was available this year but your going to have a clipped wheel which in turn drives up the price. The classes might drop back in hp but I see them regaining that hp within a year and then everybody will have to bolt on 11mm a-pumps or something ignorant because somebody found hp again.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 02:56PM
First of all ,we are not running an unlimited 3" turbo, second of all, we all voted to leave the rules the same for 2013. the director in the meeting said, we will go with what ever you guys deside. we desided 11-0 to keep the turbo we have, because its still fairly new. they even put it on their website, that the motion passed. so after we all send our money in they changed it. its not right, all were asking for is to leave our class alone. and as far as the break downs early in the year, that was people trying different things that didn't work. thats tractor pulling. I think there was even one guy that built a complete new moter for 12,000 and did not have one failure. as far as combining classes, fine, but remember it only pays 8 places, how long do you think its going to before tractors stop coming to co santioned events, furthermore i've been pulling since 1978 and i've never heard of being asked to give up horsepower in tractor pulling.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 25, 2013 11:54PM
And the dumb keep answering the dumber , good luck! Its only tractor pulling, teenagers are smarter

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 26, 2013 01:16AM
point is illini n badger state run smooth bore 90% of time they spin out n run 27-31 mph same speed or faster than super farm and 466, they put on a good show

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 26, 2013 03:32AM
Scott r You need to speak for your self, not (we) because by the books every one who wanted to vote should have been a paid member for the 2013 pulling season. If the itpa board really wanted to they could have voided that whole vote on sat morning due to people voting that are not paid members for the 2013 season. You can express opionions,give sugestions,give all your input but when it comes time to vote and your not a paid member thats Violating the rules of the association witch gives them the right to scratch that vote on the turbos. You seem to have all the information,why didnt you tell every one about this rumer? There was some other information that was said in that rules meeting that was false also. I would have to think that klint and mike have had a discussion over this and i would have to say mike mensioned that there were voters that were not members. You might want to read the rules before you run your mouth.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 27, 2013 10:05AM

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 03:37AM
Ask scott hoene, think hes probably the only guy who knows, or UPSET.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 07:44AM
on the itpa tech page the 9500 turbo ruling is the same as the 12000. im not a puller and im not happy.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 08:31AM
What r u unhappy about? Since when has it been wrong if the rules in separate classes r the same, they r both Profarm.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 09:39AM
should also limit the exhaust to 3"

profarm is an entry level class it should not be capable of having more horsepower than the next class above it.

you guys are killing your grass roots entry level classes.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 05:24AM
Or could it be that the board it actually looking out for these 2 classes in the long run I bet just as many pro farm competitors are in favor of the current turbo rule as there were for the "unlimited" 3" turbo rule

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 05:43AM
I think they are just trying to keep the rules close to what bstp and ipa have so that you can draw more tractors.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 06:08AM
thats crap they changed the rule on aluminum rear rims because they said they would draw more tractors and they came to one and since when does a reginal org. dictate to a state org. maybe they should of moved to our rules if they wanted to pull in the itpa but really why do we need them we have twelve tractors already, as far as bstpa im sure those guys are going to drive down to southern il for pulls NOT its a bunch of crap and its time for a new bunch of board members I think these guys havbe been around obama to long.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 06:22AM
Yep, it sounds like there are alot of smart guys out there that need to be on the board, all you have to do is get nominated and voted in.

You should check and see how many people think you are "smart enough" for the job.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 07:14AM

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 07:48AM
So why haven't you tried to get on the board?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 07:16AM
so only the guys we have are smart enough for the job wow I wonder how these guys got on the board then im sure there not any smarter than the guy they replaced and besides if were the ones building and pulling the tractors then why shouldnt active pullers be on the board not has beens from the seventies and eighties.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 08:36AM
they are just making it so that a turbo limit means something, if not it would have become a limited rpm 4.1 class. not everybody at the meeting wanted to go with these rules it was just we didnt have our turbo builder there to try and push his turbo. going back to these rules wont make anybody leave the class.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 09:08AM
Here is an idea, since all of these organizations don't know anything about being a tractor puller, you guys should form your own club and insure and promote all by yourself. That way you can get what you want all the time and you can be the premier group.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 11:18AM
when you see less 12,000 pro farms next year and also 95 pro farms. Some are looking at other classes and organizations because of the non stop rule changes that seem to never end. It gets real tiring changing your tractor because the "board" thinks it better. Give me a break if they were looking out for "our pocketbook" they would just leave the classes alone because it would have been cheaper. Im pretty sure some of the pro farm guys have deeper pockets than most of the lim pro guys as the way they have had to change their tractors and it doesnt seem to phase them.

My only question is is that next year will be a "learning" curve again and then in 2014 when somebody figures out a turbo to run just like what was available this year but your going to have a clipped wheel which in turn drives up the price. The classes might drop back in hp but I see them regaining that hp within a year and then everybody will have to bolt on 11mm a-pumps or something ignorant because somebody found hp again.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 02:37PM
first for best idea yet Mike whydo we need an itpa board we adopt the rules everybody else has all you did was take what ipa has that took alot of your own thinking, so maybe lets just get rid of itpa and just have ipa since they do all the thinking anyway they promote and have insurance also so lets send this no thinking org. down the road since like the one guy said earlier reginal org. dictate a state org.
second pf puller if you think this dsoesnt affect you now good for you but next year you will be buying another turbo because ipa has said they want 3 inch smooth bore and since itpa cant think for themselves guess what that will be the rule next year.
third to second guessing as far as getting out of hand when we voted no to the innercoolers and the board came back and said they were fine and made us spend all kinds of money that was ok but the board knows best we should just follow them blindly. All of the guys in the 12000 have the turbos anyway so why change they were legal by the rules. If some of you 9500 guys dont have them thats up to the 9500.
forth as far as running against a current board member, look at Doug Leecke look at how miller took him out anybody that was there knows that was fixed and thats why Doug went ntpa ask people that was there how they counted the votes behind closed doors and you cant find ANYBODY who voted for the other guy.
fifth whats wrong with term limits why should they stay in there forever lets get new people in and freash ideas every so often.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 12:36PM
The boards job is to do what they feel is best for the class over the long haul not just grant every wish the class has. I suppose according to some people's logic if the class voted for multiple turbos the board should ok it because that's what the class wanted. Just because a majority want it doesn't mean it is what is best over the long run. Ive been to the zone meeting where a director is elected or re-elected every fall for years and not once has anybody nominated someone to run against a current director so it would seem everyone is ok with the board in september but cant wait to bitch in january.As far as wanting to have more unified rules with other orgs why would you not want that. This whole my sandbox idea is what has held back profarm classes. Pro stock, 2wd, mod, 95& 85 lps all have more regionaly and even nationally a uniform set of rules so what's the harm in trying to do the same thing in the pro farm class? Also the 12000 had good #'s at the start but by the end of the year half were broke and parked. Finally if not itpa then where do you plan on pulling with your unlimited 3" turbo because it's not legal elsewhere. As far as numbers I can't comment on the 12 but most 95 turbos meet the current rule so I doubt it affects their #'s.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 18, 2013 01:38PM
I am assumming the board thought it through and realized the turbo's were getting out of hand. There are some tractors in the class that cant afford to spend big bucks to hook with those with unlimited dollers. The class has gone farther than intended. Profarm is no longer a beginners class. It was only a year ago that the 12,000 class was on its last leg,it started out strong with a good tractor count but went down hill fast after the first 2 hooks. Getting the rules with in range of other organizations will only make the class stronger if others can come and hook.

Re: ANY tractor pulling board & the future January 18, 2013 11:34PM
Wonder how many people read these posts and just change itpa with the name of the organizations in their areas. After talking with Jake last year at the NFM show about a standard set of rules for the whole country and how nice that would be but probably never happen. Maybe a set of standard tractor pulling rules should be part of the next presidential election. Just vote for the person that has the rules you like the most. Just think of the jobs it would create, every organization could form lobying groups. Probably cause other problems though, we all would need to put urea tanks on our tractors and deal with emission standards. That could open up a whole new market, and then it would be who is running illegal urea. We would all need to go "green" and switch to compressed natural gas engines. Just think of the endless changes that will come to this sport down the road.

Someone should just copy some of these posts and put blanks in so we could just fill in the name of the organizations and people we are mad at. It would help speed up the posting time for those of us that are two finger typers.

ITPA Board January 19, 2013 12:51AM
What the pullers who voted for this are not telling everyone is how certain rule came about. Dont think 2 MAP slots were ever talked about in the class meeting. That was put in when certain people went to the sunday meeting. As they were talking about the proposed rules a puller said well I have 2 MAP slots, and the board passes it. What gets me is that if the first set of rules was kept, the 9500 or the 12000 PF classes couldnt go anywhere else, other than maybe southern IL but not sure. Since the 12000 class has single digit hooks last year, Id think being more universal would be a better way to go, rather than be the ONLY CLASS around with rules like that.

What the board did although unpopular with some is the right decision. Lets see 3 in opening and two .25 map slots=big can of worms you dont want opened. What that will end up being is a 3" piece of pipe in front of a 3.9" turbocharger (if not a 4.1), and they will be legal. Make it unlimited charger would be cheaper for the pullers on turbo costs. The reality is that if they kept the unlimited 3" turbo rule most of the 12000 class would have been sitting in their shop about a third the way through the year with a crank hanging out the bottom of their block, going to take alot of billet parts to run that unlimited 3" turbo.

I think the ITPA board made the right decision, universal rules are always better.

ITPA Board January 19, 2013 12:51AM
What the pullers who voted for this are not telling everyone is how certain rule came about. Dont think 2 MAP slots were ever talked about in the class meeting. That was put in when certain people went to the sunday meeting. As they were talking about the proposed rules a puller said well I have 2 MAP slots, and the board passes it. What gets me is that if the first set of rules was kept, the 9500 or the 12000 PF classes couldnt go anywhere else, other than maybe southern IL but not sure. Since the 12000 class has single digit hooks last year, Id think being more universal would be a better way to go, rather than be the ONLY CLASS around with rules like that.

What the board did although unpopular with some is the right decision. Lets see 3 in opening and two .25 map slots=big can of worms you dont want opened. What that will end up being is a 3" piece of pipe in front of a 3.9" turbocharger (if not a 4.1), and they will be legal. Make it unlimited charger would be cheaper for the pullers on turbo costs. The reality is that if they kept the unlimited 3" turbo rule most of the 12000 class would have been sitting in their shop about a third the way through the year with a crank hanging out the bottom of their block, going to take alot of billet parts to run that unlimited 3" turbo.

I think the ITPA board made the right decision, universal rules are always better.

Re: ITPA pulling board January 19, 2013 01:24AM
the rule said grooves that why the turbo was made look at the rule for 2012 if it said groove then it would have been built with one then. Besides Muma came in to the meeting and said this is your class what do you want, this is what we want he said sounds good he was in on it then but mike changed his mind because mike said it at the first zone meeting he wanted three inch smooth bore and next year you can bet you will be at three inch smooth bore, and as far as being the only org. to allow it check with bootheel and down in kenten had a guy from down there pull with us for more than one pull unlike ipa boys and they allow it so maybe itpa better start talking to them oh and so does illinois hot farm.

Re: ANY tractor pulling board & the future January 19, 2013 02:15AM
Built 4 business actually hooked with the 95 6 times and 3 others got rained out. Plus not all the 12 pullers had a big turbo, maybe half if u actually counted. Also one "special" puller who got to try this turbo out last summer was changing wrist pin bushings every 4 pulls, that isnt something all those other pullers wanting this turbo were informed of until after they voted for it. The board did the right thing, go 4.1 if your not happy the rest of us wont miss you.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 12:19AM
Changing the turbo rule will not make pf an entry level class, it will only make the turbos higher as builders try to get around the rule....face it, this is not a poor mans sport anymore, and will never be no matter what you change!!!

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 01:49AM
Dont want to take anything from the 9500 guys that have the turbo feel for them but everbody in the 12000 has them so why change but you can always come south i just hope that the ipa and bstpa guys tractors can stay together for all there hooks plus itpa there was 12 tractors last year and alot of intrest for this year sure hope they can keep them together for all of them I seen built for business run twice and he broke twice the tractor that won gordyville (whos tach just happened not to read both times) broke the first time i saw him so changing turbos to theres isnt going to automatically make them live, you are taking these motors were the companies hadnt designed them to go.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 02:01AM
My point is how does the class vote to have something in there class pass and the board take it away but 3 years ago when the class voted not to allow the innercoolers the board puts them in it makes me laugh at how this board operates. But it seems to me after hearing a board members comments on here they think they are the itpa when in fact we all are the itpa and we all are looking out for the good of the sport that we all love. Like rds said its not a poor mans sport and never will be anymore. Now if the board has some information about this problem then they should have told us at the meeting not let us vote it in and then change it and send a letter out saying this is the rule with no reason why, to me it kind of makes them look a little like mother russia here it is boys take this and eat it if you dont like it we dont care anyway we got what we wanted and the annual meeting is a big show to make it look like we care about what you want.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 04:04AM
Not all the 12.000 profarm have the big turbo. At the rules meeting it was stated that all but 2 had it------not so much. Look at the results page and see who had one bolted on. When one tractor putts 15-18+ feet on the 2nd place guy almost every hook as a compitition stand point things need to be more equalled out. In the end result he done his home work and read the rules and got the most out of them. As a spectator going to see a good show and have all hooks with in 15 ft not 40 ft. I do not know how the itpa board operates but apperently they can do what they want because----they are and no one has stoped it from continuing.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 04:28AM
I understand what you are saying about changing the rules after you voted. But, for the good of the profarm class the rules need to stay close to the same as the other orgs. If the tractors from IPA , ITPA, BSTP, Illini State can make a few hooks with other groups plus there own it will make the class stronger.. i agree that BSTP tractor isn't going to go to southern illinois to pull but they may come to central illinois (which they have) and ipa and itpa tractors can go to pulls when the other group has nothing going on for them.. Do you want to buy another turbo just so you can go pull with another group. NO! you don't. This is why we need the rules for all pro-farm groups to be the same. Other wise were going to be like super farm,lt pro, ect. that can only run in a certain club. There are several tractors from IPA and ITPA that run both groups. I also believe that there should be only one class of profarms and not two.. IPA only has 11,000 pro farm and they have 466's that win and 640's that win. This makes for better numbers for the pro farm group which promoters like. If the turbo rules were to stay like you voted it would have been a 4.1 limited rpm class.. Industrial strenghth had a 4.1 wheel on at gordyville and was hauling the mail before it went under the charger.. Give the engine builders time and they will have that charger working.. For the good of EVERYONE the rule needed to be changed. The group of tractors that was at gordyville this year was very impressive, and we need to make the rules were Any of these tractors can go run with any group for the good of the class.. as someone said earlier these tractors are breaking more and more because of the torque they are making at the low rpm's.. Bigger chargers are not going to help fix that. This is why there are boards for these orgs. so that tractor pulling can become a bigger sport.. Were not going to always like what they decided but have to believe that they did not make that decision just to make people mad.. ITPA 12,000 Pro farm only had about 10 hooks last year and i am sure that the guys in ITPA would like to run more than that and with these rules they can with the other groups. Can not wait until June to see some pulling again and see the pro farm group again. In my opinion one of the best classes in tractor pulling..

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 05:15AM
That was well said. The rules that took place in dec. should have been worked out then,not after a rule gets done and people have ordered there new chargers. The president stated that the chargers were getting out of hand,but at the rules meeting there was all to many hands in the till voting that were not even members,a engine builder half way running the meeting and then they were voted in. as far as itpa there has only been single hooks for the past few years. I looked at the other organizations and they are not the best either. Illinois hot farm is trying to get on there feet but only a hand full or tractors will support them,they try to follow itpa rules to get tractors to go south. ITPA did the right thing but just went about it wrong.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 06:39AM
I will agree we need a set of rules to follow and one for all is fine but why does a reginal group dicatate to a state org. and maybe the guys in the top part of the state want to play with ipa and bstpa but for the guys down south thats along way to drive and the this all went down those other groups seem like a big bunch of cry babies and dont want to pull with them anyway, so now if the southern guys go south we can get our buts kicked by smaller org. tractors. State org. should set the rules not follow.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 07:59AM
So you are saying that whatever ITPA says everyone else should do. That sounds to be as if your being a hypocrite. I would not act as if the IPA or BSTP or ISP or Illinois hot farm are inferior groups. The IPA had 20 some hooks last year and the tractors did very well at gordyville. All of the orgs. need to work together(which it appears they have done) and create one set of rules in which all tractors can go play under. I understand that you are upset and want the rules to be the big charger because so many already have them and don't want to spend the money for another , but to think that the charger you have on today will be good enough tomorrow is dead wrong.. I believe there are only about 3 or 4 tractors that have this bigger charger.. This is just the begining of this charger being played with and if you know anything about chargers, which appears you do, the bigger the holes the bigger the wheels. Look at the changes this class has taken in the last five years.. The best tractor from 2 years ago could sniff the tail pipe of the tractors now. No matter what the rules are guys are going to spend money to win. I believe that these orgs. are trying there best to what is best for us all.. The new rule will limit how much you can do with the charger. No matter what the groups done, someone was not going to be happy, so they made the best decision with the information they had and that is all you can ask for.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 09:21AM
i guess we are also suppose to adopt the rule that lets the466s run 3500 rpm since its stupid to have two profarm classes but since itpa board just lets ipa make profarm rules i guess thats what will happen goes to the point why do we need both boards ipa does all the thinking so get rid of one of the boards at least and since miller is king yours has to go.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 10:42AM
As far as turbo rules go,unless ipa changed theres for 2013 the rule was no better than itpa. (Pro Farm tractors are limited to a single turbo charger bolting to factory exhaust manifold. The turbo charger is limited to a 3" inlet on the compressor side.) what does that mean? 3.9---4.1 wheel?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 11:02AM
Maybe say by the end of the profarm guys should all meet at a chicken and beer dance(in a centeral location so no one gets screwed on milage) and hash this issue out and come up with a set of rules(make it effective 2015) every one can play by so everyone can hook 7 days a week if they wanted. That should give all pullers plenty of time to get there tractors with in the new rules.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 03:26PM
If we all have the same rules why have more than one organization

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 19, 2013 03:39PM
Put both of the pro farm classes back to FARM STOCK!

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 01:01AM
Why dont you guys go by klint tuckers rules! You play in his sand box at gordyville. If these guys wanted a farm stock they would build one dunb ass.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 06:00AM
What is wrong with the a 466 run 3500rpm, the v8 run 35o0rpm. It sounds like there is some 12000 lb tractors that are afraid of a 466.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 21, 2013 08:42AM
i agree with itpa know it all hit the nail right on the head, thats why i think there should be term limits on the board and espically on how long you can be president its not a dictatorship or is this millers ship until he dies by then he will have this thing so @#$%& up nobody will make heads are tails of it.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 03:09AM
If you don't want a turbo size limit then there is already a pro farm class for that and it's called10000# pro stock. The class was always designed as 3 inch class not a unlimited turbo class

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 08:43AM
If we go back to 3 inch smooth bore there feeding more to the capacity of there motor than what the 640s are even more so if they run 3500.they live on rpms in the middle of the track and are right in the power band at the end, but we could let things go but raise the weight class up there and let them try and pull something instead of racing.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 06:10AM
What is wrong with a 466 running 3500rpm, the v8 run 3500rpm. It sounds like there are some 12000 lb tractors afraid of the 466.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 06:20AM
Theres a few 466 guys that dont want the 3500 RPM rule as there is 640 guys. I say join the 2 pro farm classes together for the 2014 year and then itpa can start over again with the 9500 farm stock class. All the safety rules,20.8 cut tires,p-pump, 3000 RPM, water injection, 466 cubic inch and 3" turbo rule just almost like what they had. It would take a few years but it would be the starter class and a reliable class.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 09:21AM
466 puller you have no idea what it takes to make a V8 run competitive with a inline 6. In the profarm class you run what came with that make and model. Some farmers grew up with those brands and continue to so. It was never an issue with itap for the 466 to run 3500 because it was never brought up in a meeting.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 03:04PM
Why was 14000 lbs and 9000lbs FARM STOCK classes even thought about with ITPA in the FIRST PLACE? Oh wait, I bet it was "cheaper".

Not a dog in this fight January 20, 2013 04:33PM
Not stiring the pot , but every farm stock orgs have trouble policing turbo rules and inducer limits. Teching mwe slots, let alone dual mwe slots opeans a can of worms and some interpretation of the rules by both builders and tech men. Why have a restrictor plate class in which all the air doesn't have to go through it? Why give the turbo shops a update check every year? Smoothbore, It just seems to me like it would be best route and get more hot farms on the same playing field.And could be easily checked without pulling the turbo apart. Just my opinion, am I missing something? Is there any way to misinterpret SMOOTHBORE

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 25, 2013 04:14PM
This looks really professional and entertaining!

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 21, 2013 12:59AM
dont kid yourself
Theres a few 466 guys that dont want the 3500 RPM rule as there is 640 guys. I say join the 2 pro farm classes together for the 2014 year and then itpa can start over again with the 9500 farm stock class. All the safety rules,20.8 cut tires,p-pump, 3000 RPM, water injection, 466 cubic inch and 3" turbo rule just almost like what they had. It would take a few years but it would be the starter class and a reliable class.

-If this class was ever offered I would come back and pull ITPA and so would others.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 10:06AM
That is the same as the rules now just minus an intercooler, doesn't make much sense to have 2 classes so similar. Let all those people keep brush pulling cause they don't want saftey equipment.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 11:04AM
i only know chris was there and he didnt say anything during the meeting, Chris only spoke when he was asked a question from someone in the class. I also agree that being a sponsor doesnt give you any say anything so why was KLlint Tucker seen pointing his finger at Mike Miller and lookiing very hot about something, This whole thing stinks to high heaven because there are people behind the scene pulling this chain and it shouldnt be this supplier having his people that do business with him who is a engine builder in the pf classes working to get teh rules in favor of there supplier. As i see it this is a itpa 12000 pro farm problem and if you have a tractor in the itpa 12000 pro farm class then you have a say in this blog if you belong to another org. then work with those rules for yours and dont tell me you want to pull with the itpa also because if thats the case why werent you at any this year we didnt see any extra tractors even up north.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 01:50PM
Brad Ingram was there also, nobody voted for 2 slots, chris and brad told miller after that it needed to say that. Limiting the turbo or not doesnt affect the cost. People are gonna try to find an edge no matter how u limit the rules. The board just saved a lot of pullers from breaking a lot of parts, run 4.1 or prostock if a 3 inch turbo isnt doing it for you.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 10:29PM
I wasn't "upset" at all Mr. Upset. The ITPA President and Vice President simply asked me a couple of questions and I gave them the best answers I had. I just wish you guys could get this figured out and quit airing your dirty laundry on this board. I don't know this for a fact... but just asking, "Did all of you that were voting in December, join the ITPA for 2013,after the meeting? If you didn't and there was only a handful of members for two classes in 2013, just guessing here but that is probably how the ruling got changed.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 25, 2013 01:20AM
Klint I was just reading a thread from a while back and seen that your guessing the rule was changed because we didnt signed up before the meeting. As a puller in the class we stood together and didnt pay because of the rumor about this rule change in the meeting we even voted together. You seem to know alot about when we pay our dues which leads me to think your in this mess up to your eye browes, maybe you could tell us what all happened at the january meeting like what the vote count was. I was glad to see your thread on here and after reading all of them i see you really like the red 9500 class which is fine but doesnt do much for a big block deere.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 25, 2013 01:34AM
Scott r
Klint I was just reading a thread from a while back and seen that your guessing the rule was changed because we didnt signed up before the meeting. As a puller in the class we stood together and didnt pay because of the rumor about this rule change in the meeting we even voted together. You seem to know alot about when we pay our dues which leads me to think your in this mess up to your eye browes, maybe you could tell us what all happened at the january meeting like what the vote count was. I was glad to see your thread on here and after reading all of them i see you really like the red 9500 class which is fine but doesnt do much for a big block deere.

I think you need to reread Klint's posts then rethink yours. It comes off to me as if he would like to see you guys use your brain more and maybe your checkbooks less..... Food for thought

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 25, 2013 05:49AM
Scott, you said the 12 class added color, just wondering what colors that was?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 25, 2013 12:13PM
just wondering we added three green brought back a red one and an off green so what i meant was it wasn't one color that was added.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 26, 2013 04:02AM
sorry scott, but when people say they added color it means you got another color besides the same ones you already have. the 95 class can say they added color after their rule change because they added 2 colors which previously wernt pulling in than class. ps: big inches is never a way to add tractors or color, it makes it a 2 color class then if you want to be competitive.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 04:22PM
I want to see a turbine or an Allison in the 2wd class. I think their rules need to be changed to allow that. It's really getting old to see the "same ones".

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 20, 2013 09:52PM
Cummis Diesel TWD, Boys call up the Austins, I think the old Raisin Cane chassis is for sale. Then call your Scheid and get you a 24v cummins, 12 cylinder pump, and then bolt on all of your double map ring tubos in three stages. Have Luke do the tunning, Hoene in the guys could be contenders

ITPA Board Changes January 21, 2013 04:21AM
For every one that does not know what the issue is--------This is the issue,in dec. the members vote on rules and the it goes before the board on that sunday,then they say ya or not. The problem is in january the board meets again and sometimes changes a rule that has been voted in by the members and blessed by them selfs in dec. The member ship recieves a letter stating what the rule changes are now in affect for the following year. As an example this year was a (turbo) ruling that was voted in by the member ship and reveiwed by the board. Now we know the rules and are acting on them. Here is where the problem comes to play,puller are ordering there parts and or already have them and around comes january and the board decides to change the turbo ruling. Some are stuck with this turbo. The point being is the board is changing rules after the fact they were voted in and then they blessed them. THATS THE REAL PROBLEM THAT PULLERS HAVE WITH THE BOARD. ALL SAY I THAT APROVE THIS MESSAGE.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 21, 2013 07:26AM
what was not mentioned was wheel should pretude into 3in opening, read super farm limited pro rules wheel shall pretude into 3in opening 1/8th in 4.1 in limited pro

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 21, 2013 11:36AM
The most overlooked and important four words in a limited turbo rule- ALL WHEELS MUST PROTRUDE!

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 21, 2013 12:53PM
Just get rid of the limits on the turbo, 640 at 3000 rpm's will only turn so big of a turbo{Which the ITPA is about there] then you have nothing to police, and the bickering can stop. But as far as the ITPA , they need to show their members more respect. After all without the members, there would be no ITPA!

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 05:28AM
If want a class with no turbo limit then one already exists and it's called 10000lb pro stock. The pro farm class was always intended to be a 3" turbo class not an unlimited turbo class

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 01:44AM
Fix this mess stated the obvious. You can only cram so much air through a 640 cubic inch engine at 3000 rpm period.

One thing someone said earlier about wanting to make th e rules the same in all organizations. Good idea. ITPA, IPA, IL Hot Farm, Kenten, and Bootheel had compatible rules. Then BSTP and Illini had there's. Well, now look where we are instead of 2 sets of rules we have three.

Turbo charger restrictions equal someone spending a lot of money to within the rules to get around it.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 07:01AM
pf puller do you even have have dog in this hunt because in pretty clear you dont know what your talking about, if you limit the cubic inches and you limit the rpms theres no way we will spin a pro stock turbo or evan a 4.1 we have almost reached the limit of how big those two factors will allow. pf puller are you a harts guy.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 07:35AM
Nobody at the meeting wanted no turbo limit, so one isnt worse than the other. Also id rather be a harts guy than a precision or scheid guy, don't see him trying to make a 3 in turbo into bigger.don't see him sitting in at the meetings telling pullers what they should do so he can sell more parts.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 08:24AM
No i seen jeff suits sitting in there whos not a sponsor but i did see one of scheid men there but i beleive scheid one of the bigger sponsors ot the itpa dont think harts is and jeffs name has been brought up alot as to how this mess all g0ot started, but nobody is saying anything about him, you have talked on here about luke sitting in there as our engine builder hes not mine but if hes a paying member then why isnt he able to sit in there. Harts could have set in there also and said something oh i dont know if there a sponsor of the itpa, Knocking scheid is kinda like cussing the farmer with your mouth full youll take his point money but oh dont buy anything from him, and there nothing wrong woth buying parts from columbus or anybody else if that works for you just dont knock somebody who gives the group money.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 10:00AM
There were 2 there from scheid, being a sponsor doesn't mean you get a say so on rules changes. And I understand buying from sponsors but if you can get something better from somewhere else for not even 2/3 the price its hard to support them. Especially when it is know that certain people get a little better products than everbody else.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 22, 2013 11:24PM
You just said above that I didn't have any right to effect the rules of any ITPA class. Just because I am a sponsor and an "paid in December" low life associate member, I shouldn't have a say in the Pro Farm rules. And for once during this thread I agree with you. It's none of my business what you guys decide to do, and I am behind you 100% on whatever you guys can agree on.....But I am going to give you a little advice, if you want to gain people's respect, and have them listen to your voice when you are at meetings, (like the ITPA rules meetings) sign your real name to posts on this website, where you point out guys like myself, Jeff Suits, Brandon & Dustin Hart, Brad Ingram, Luke Miller and Dan Scheid. We are all working in our own individual way to make this little game better for you guys. Ray Charles can see their is a disagreement on what this class should have for an air supplier. People like myself just want to see 8-10 of you guys show up each night... all summer long, and have a close and exciting competition. Everyone has their own opinion. I would enjoy discussing this with you sometime, just give me a call.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 23, 2013 02:07AM
Klint i never called an associate member a low life member, For the most part we had 7 to 8 tractors in the itpa class we did have 12 at the start carlye took out a couple and they didn't return till later because they weren't able to get parts, the reason i pointed out Jeff and Harts is Jeff sat in on the meeting also and pf puller kept going on about Luke as everybody's engine builder and two of scheid's guys doing all the talking i believe alot of pullers did alot of talking besides Luke, and if the 9500 guys don't want this turbo or any other orgs. don't want it that's fine work with your own org, and pull with them. As Bojoe said in his thread we did have compatible rules for for most orgs. so now we have three turbo rules. I could see a argument if the bstpa and ipa guys came and pulled at some of the itpa pulls this year but we went to peotone and mendota and never seen any of there tractors at our pulls only a couple came to carlye it seems to me the only place this really affects is goredyville, when you go to murfreesboro tn you can run our turbo, we also had a guy from tn come pull with us for more than one hook this year and he's allowed this turbo in his org. so now a guy who wanted to join the itpa and did come to some pulls can't come because his turbo is not allowed here anymore. Other orgs. allow water injection itpa doesn't how are we to police that when these other tractors come pull the itpa, there's more issues than just a turbo between all orgs. Another thing someone said its dumb to have more than one pro farm class well how many do you offer at goredyville.This is all about precision turbos and nothing else why else did your flagman from goredyville tell someone that next year at gordeyville precision turbos will be outlawed.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 23, 2013 03:05AM
As of today we have no turbocharger limit in the 11,000 Pro Farm class. We have a March and a November meeting to discuss the 2014 event. As far as outlawing Precision turbos... if we did go with ITPA/IPA rules, I am sure those guys can build a pretty good 3" inch inlet turbo that the wheel would protrude into the housing. About 90% of all NTPA Super Farms run a wheel and housing similar. And as far as combining the classes, I think it is inevitable, if the numbers keep dropping in the 95 and the 12 keeps quarraling about this turbo issue. I could see the ITPA following suite as IPA has and a new Pro Farm class get started similar to our 9,500 Pro Farm class we run at Gordyville. That is just my gut feeling. You guys are just not going to find many NEW people that will spend the kind of money its going to take to be competitive and DURABLE in the big Pro Farm class. You can build a nice 4.1, 540 Lt. PS, or even a mid budget Pro for what you guys are going to have rapped up in these 640 PF tractors. Even though I think they are neat to watch and you guys put on a great show for us at Gordyville each year, the facts of the matter is if you keep the the turbo limit of 2012 or if we take the limit completely off of you guys... you will be building similar horsepower to the 4.1 class in 2010-2011 and will have similar low end torque numbers as a full blown Pro. This will put a real strain on all of the bottom end parts. Thus you will need a billet crank, girdle, deckplate, rods, on and on and on, you get my point. I realize several guys don't think it was far that the rules got changed, but it is what they thought would be best for the promoters they work for.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 23, 2013 05:17AM
Well said Klint.. And thank you for the great pull you and your guys put on every year..

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 23, 2013 09:08AM
Klint i think we did add tractors to our class this year plus a couple of different colors and brought one that had not pulled in a year or two I believe the reason for not adding many tractors is the constant rule changes that goes on with this class evey year.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 05, 2013 11:53PM
This is to upset-Jeff Suits had every right to sit in on the meeting for several reasons-the biggest is that he signed up his son evan(1 of the 2 that were signed up for 2013)to run my tractor in ITPA 12000# Profarm. From what i understand he did not cast a vote even though he had the right too. The tractors that jeff is
involved with all run legal and run very,very well! He has been building and pulling for years and builds to what ever the rules are for the class. I don't have a problem with a bigger charger,but my personal position is that it is time to limit the size i want to run profarm not prostock. I want to run against the best pull after pull,if you do your own maintance as i do it takes alot of time and money to stay on top of things with a 3" turbo. I ran with IPA and was planning to run peotone last year,but had new tractor issues. The tractor was loaded on the trailer and ready for jeff and evan to run at pontiac,but it was rained out. You need to get some facts straight before talking about people.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 06, 2013 12:41AM
Oh boy so we have to change our rules because you might show up at 2 pulls. And if he builds by the rules then why did he go to miller and start this mess we had rules that the guys in the 12000 were happy with.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 06, 2013 01:15AM
Oh boy so we have to change our rules because you might show up at 2 pulls. And if he builds by the rules then why did he go to miller and start this mess we had rules that the guys in the 12000 were happy with.

Maybe it was because your rules that the guys in the 12k class were "happy" with was going to lead to the destruction of the class. Some people are a little better at seeing the big picture instead of the "me and mine" syndrome.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 06, 2013 01:28AM
Jeff did not start this rule change,ITPA/IPA were
talking about this before the end of the season.
Sounds like you are scared for everyone to have
The same size charger. I don't want anyone to change
The rules for me-my tractor was going to go to as many
ITPA pulls as possible,we don't run scared of competition
or big chargers!

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 06, 2013 04:23AM
what are the ipa turbo rules for 2013?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 06, 2013 04:51AM
Same as ITPA

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 06, 2013 08:58AM
if you were going to pontiac where were you at mendota its easy to say you were going to be there but the fact of the matter is we had a lot of other pulls how come none of you guys showed up to them sound to me like you are scared that's why we have to change our rules for you guys but i hear all about the pulls up north i guess the itpa guys have to run your rules at our southern pulls to make ipa guys happy but so you know we run 3000 rpms not over mr fanning (pennfield) and the guy at gordyville that won the pull and he never registered on the track all kinds of ways of cheating isn't there. There's nascar and nationwide i guess ipa must be the nationwide series. Oh and there is still another rule difference how do you guys plan on proving your not running water.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 01:20AM
scott r
if you were going to pontiac where were you at mendota its easy to say you were going to be there but the fact of the matter is we had a lot of other pulls how come none of you guys showed up to them sound to me like you are scared that's why we have to change our rules for you guys but i hear all about the pulls up north i guess the itpa guys have to run your rules at our southern pulls to make ipa guys happy but so you know we run 3000 rpms not over mr fanning (pennfield) and the guy at gordyville that won the pull and he never registered on the track all kinds of ways of cheating isn't there. There's nascar and nationwide i guess ipa must be the nationwide series. Oh and there is still another rule difference how do you guys plan on proving your not running water.

Are you running an intercooler? If so how are you going to prove you are not running water?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 02:08AM
so your telling us that the itpa rules and ipa rules are the same? where is this posted?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 02:51AM
When ITPA changed their rule, they matched the new IPA rules.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 07:35AM
Does the rules for V-8 tractors also apply?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 08:17AM
No it does not. It is 3000 for 467-640 across the board.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 08:29AM
ITPA allows 3500 rpm's to the v-8 cats in the 12,000.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 08:17AM
I thought ipa is allowed water injection. but itpa 12,000 is not. they only allow innercooler. ALSO,EXACTLY WHICH TURBO IS LEGAL NOW. Does anybody even know

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 08:49AM
hey scott didn't know innercooler was water injection but i guess somebody in your organization found a new way to cheat if your asking that.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 07, 2013 09:00AM
the v-8 struggles to keep up with the 6 cylinders at 3500.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 23, 2013 05:41AM
Dear pf puller,you should seek profesonal help,possiably anger managment.You lash out at anyone that dosen't agree with you,dont get your nose out of joint over this.Heed my advive and you might become a better person.
Who nose?Think happy thoughts, dont be so BLUE.
This is a free consultation,next time i will be forced to charge you for my service.

Dr Phil

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 23, 2013 08:55AM
Don't worry dr. Phil im not BLUE, im RED in the face that everybody is talking on here like its gonna change anything. PS how much do you charge for a consolation? Also think you might have a NOSE problem.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 24, 2013 02:11AM
pf puller---this is a forum page. look up the definition of forum. sounds to me like its called high blood preasure. you may need help as my brother stated.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 25, 2013 02:36PM
pf puller i was at the state fair 3 years ago and watched the 9500 class it was about 99.9% red and they all went down and snuffed up it was about as much fun as watching paint dry, this year you guys spun them out cant see going backwards but hey why stop at a3inch smooth bore lets take it to a stock to4 we can get across our local dealer and then we don't need scheid harts luke or jeff. We can go further red tractors didn't come with an inline theey can run a factory pump too,since it's all about saving money you can sell all the stuff you have and fill your checkbook back up.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 26, 2013 03:54AM
this turbo rule has virtually no effect on the 95 class, they cant spin anything much bigger than 3 inch at 466, example being shepards at gordyville, they couldnt hack it. had the lame excuse that there head gasket blew, right.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 27, 2013 04:21AM
itpa know it all 2 all who voted were 2012 pullers in the class the class stood together and didn't pay there dues because we all felt strongly about this rule i think dues aren't late until the end of dec and most of the guys paid them after the vote but if you want to go your way there was 2 paid and signed up members and they both voted for the turbo and i did check with someone else in the class to make sure my facts are correct so that was a 100% vote for the turbo. also since you brought it up it would be nice to have a copy of the rules and bylaws every member should have a set not that just a certain few have them and use what part of them that they want against the others, and since they were probably written when my dad joined the itpa in there first season maybe some laws need to be looked at things have changed in 40 plus years.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 27, 2013 08:24AM
hey thats a good idea maybe then we should call for an outside audit of the books.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 04:29AM
You guys want bad rules you should pull with the the 2 hot 2 farm class oh wait you can! Just have safety equipment and non cut 20.8x38 tires and run the 18 mph pace!!

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 05:04AM
Scott r i strongly disagree with most of your statement! paying your does and feeling strongly about some thing. to be eligeble to vote at the rules meeting you must be a paid member for the new year,not the year before. you are correct you dont have to pay then nor do you have to join the association,if you will you can pay at every event. since the turbo rule affects the 9500 and the 12000 WE did not all stick together because WE were never informed of this until the rules meeting when it came up. WE must have been you and your freinds. i say that some one has the rules. any board member should have that information.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 07:04AM
we need to know if you are in the 9500 you should have your own rules not my class and don't care what you do as long as you guys are happy and putting on a good show more power to you. As far as paying dues then why did muma ask the ones that voted of they pulled in 2012 again i have checked with others to keep my facts correct, I did not join the itpa until they adopted the 640 rules at last years meeting so when we voted in the start of december my dues weren't a year old and planned on paying them which i did after the meeting but that doesn't change the fact that the 2 who did pay voted for the turbo, as far as not knowing about this it was brought up by mike miller at our zone meeting and after talking to others it was brought up at other zone meetings. This is just my thought and don't want to be speaking for the whole class but if 10 of the 12 guys have the turbo and i know that 1 of the other ones was ready and did order this turbo after we voted and the rules came out on the internet and we were sent a copy of the meeting minutes (which turned out to be nothing more than toiler paper) so I don't want to speak for all of the 12000 but from talking to several of the guys i think it might be the majority of the 12000 guys that were signed up and pulled in the class. And as Klint says i used my name, and i don't like to threatened as someone likes to use and i don't like to be toyed with either and that's what this all feels like to me.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 09:00AM
the difference is 466 has slots 640 dont both have water

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 28, 2013 02:33PM
i have a question... who makes the itpa rules? i called and talked to someone today in greenup, and asked about the 9500 profarm rules... the BS he spit out made no sense... you can have an intercooler, but no water and no torque at 3000 rpm... or you can have water and run your tourque and turn 3250. when did water make power? we would love to run some itpa, but these rules don't fit our setup, or anybody else's. if itpa would straighten these rules out, you guys could pull from madison wisconsin, to springfield illinois, you could run bstp and isp. everybody knows the profarms from these two clubs are the hardest running around.... my advice, put the cooler on, put the water on, and get some good leadership that will help itpa quit being the all out joke that it has become....

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 02:54AM
There is an easy fix for you guys, just turn off your water and come on down, nobody in profarm here wants the headaches of putting water on.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 03:33AM
Please enlighten me...what are the headaches with water injection?
I thought burnt pistons would be a headache

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 04:45AM
Well for one you have to adjust it, all u have to do on an intercooler is dump ice and pump water. The next thing is that there always a line leaking somewhere. Last is it makes for another place to cheat or another thing to be checked. I don't think any of our intercooled tractors have burnt any pistons either.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 05:15AM
come on illinois puller what was going on in deans tractor this year he had piston problems if this guy runs water then he probably better turn up the fuel they use water to keep the exhaust temp down we use extra fuel. Hate to see somebody come here and mess up a tractor. But your first impression of miller is probably the best reason to stay where you are.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 05:16AM
As far as profarm being a beginner class, try this on for size. The bstp tractor that won in g-ville prolly makes 1300+ HP with over 2600lbs of torque.. I am sure he runs water in. and an intercooler. He runs down the track at close to 30 mph. This makes profarms one; of the fastest ground speed classes of the smokers. If you want a beginner class, go get your 4020 and put a clevis on it. Profarm is real pulling.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 06:57AM
current rules that crap that you just said went out when the class voted out the innercooler and the board put it in they are the ones who made this class high dollar, they were told the innercooler would cost alot of money and miller told a puller if you cant afford it get out.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 08:14AM
Call it what you want upset but what i posted is an undisputable fact.

IF you knew then what the intercooler was going to do for your class then that's when you and your fellow pullers should have stood united and fought the board. Instead you all followed like sheep. Nobody's fault but your own

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 12:46PM
The intercoolers were actually voted in by the class by a majority. And they tried to get water but the guys wanting it now voted it down then because it would be to easy to cheat with it.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 02:42PM
voted and current rules the 12000 voted on innercoolers as a class and there was 1 vote yes the rest of the class voted no but we were supposed to fight that rule but not this one the board pushed this class forward then and now they want to cut it makes no sense but since you like this rule we should goalong but you don't like that rule and we should've fought harder it isn't doing any good now and wouldn't have done any good then.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board (illinois puller) January 29, 2013 09:15AM
To the guy that is trying to use my name (illinois puller) please either use your real name or pick another screen name. As you can see my name is blue because it is registered with my e-mail and my real name. when you put it in it is black because you can't log in with it. Don't want people to think what your saying is how i feel.

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 05:46AM
Thank you for proving my point! The profarm class was set up in the beginning to be an entry level class, a lower horsepower more economical class for people to get started in. Hot farm/Superfarm/Limited pro are the classes to grow into, not be surpassed by the lower level classes due to poor judgement at rules meetings. In doing this you have eliminated your lower budget classes that people get started in which in turn lowers numbers and forces organizations to rely on outside tractors to fill their show where once that organization had the numbers to fill its own show. Don't believe me, just look back at the number of entries in the classes over the past few years and let that tell you the story.

btw from stock to unlimited its all "real pulling"

Re: itpa tractor pulling board January 29, 2013 05:42AM
well put and if i'm not mistaken isp/bstp has two profarm tractors that are 466 that are anywhere within 5-15 feet of winner and i have personally seen them be right on top of the 640s and the only difference between is water injection if thats the case y wouldn't you put water on?

Re: itpa tractor pulling board February 04, 2013 04:15AM
i have heard through the grape vine that some guys may be sitting out this year due to the rule change in january,cant afford to buy 2 turbo's in one year.



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