One bad apple February 13, 2014 03:10PM
Why did it get dq'd?

Re: One bad apple February 13, 2014 04:01PM
Didn't pass the post pull fuel check.

Re: One bad apple February 14, 2014 11:05AM
so did he get caught for water or fuel? lets not just say he is illegal unless he was actually caught for it this time maybe he did learn, and doesn't he run the same water and fuel that is sold buy his dyno shop that sells it to everyone else that dyno's there too!

Re: One bad apple February 14, 2014 01:05PM
Yet again I see a bunch of finger pointers that can't post their name.

Re: One bad apple February 14, 2014 01:08PM
No need to point fingers or post a name the nfms has pointed out the obvious is all that's happened .

Re: One bad apple February 14, 2014 01:28PM
The NFMS pull is a joke its all about popularity and making the promoters big money.

Re: One bad apple February 15, 2014 01:41AM
Rod didn't pull because Bryan was told to give the trophy back and when he did give it back he had written one bad apple rules on it. They were so mad that they told them to leave and never come back.

Re: One bad apple February 15, 2014 02:48AM
I have been at pulls when Deck's are having their fuel checked prior to the pull and it passes fine. I've also seen other pullers fuel at the same pull not pass inspection. Thus the pullers are conscience about the fine line between legal and nonlegal fuel.
So with the attitude at LV about letting certain ones win, that could also be regulated by the fuel testing person. What is to prevent him (or her) to add a small dose of very hot concentrate of the illegal fuel substance to the pullers just sampled fuel as said puller is leaving the pull?

Re: One bad apple February 15, 2014 03:05AM
If your the owner driver and don't watch the test you stupid. If it fails the first then ask for a retest. Have seen the secound test clean more than once. Due to the testing tools getting dirty or something like that. Have a hard time believing that would be done at Louisville. But if it is it will catch up to them sooner or later. Will kiss the wrong guy off and they will be in court. For a defamation of character suit. Have seen it done over a whole lot less.

Re: One bad apple February 15, 2014 03:26AM
I thought they supplied water and fuel for SF's at NFMS?


Schaeffer Oil Representative


Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 05:17AM
If you think L-ville picks winners ahead of time, then you ARE crazy.
Pulling order has lot more to do with it!
Now if you get DQed by the officials when being inspected, lot of time that is your fault for not knowing the rule, or being too far into the gray area.
As far as DQs on the track, If you cause alot of friction by being a horses butt, then they probly WON'T let a rule infraction slide!

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 01:53AM
I think there's an awful lot of jealousy here

Let's look at some facts.

Have Decks run very well for a number of years now? Yes!
Do Decks spend a lot of time on the dyno, and consistently working on their equipment? Yes!
How many times do you see a pump or turbo or head or injectors for sale on here, under the name OBA? Quite frequently. And yes, it is decks, because Bryan is never satisfied with the numbers he get's on the dyno. He always wants more, so he's constantly on the dyno and trying new and different combinations, and when he finds something better, he sells the stuff that doesn't work or fit their combination. So have any of you ever looked at things like this? I doubt it.

There's a few facts for you. If you don't believe me, call Salenbien performance, and ask how often Decks are there. I also happen to know that they have dyno appointments coming up again soon. And frankly i'm getting tired of seeing the complaining and whining about them. Maybe if you all worked on your equipment as much as they do and have, you would run that good as well. Just because someone consistently runs at or near the very top doesn't mean they are always cheating. Doesn't mean that just because at one time they might have walked a fine line that they do it everyday. Gosh, a lot of you have probably cheated at a math test, stole gum from the store as a kid, you name it. So should that follow you everywhere you go from that point on? Are you all still cheating and stealing? Maybe they had enough years ago, and just decided to work harder and spend more time and money on it than everyone else, and just flat out be tough competitors and better than everyone else and just let the rumors spread because they are doing it the right way.

This is just my 2 pennies in a big conversation here. Just watch out who you accuse of what. Because they could just be working harder than you are and you could have a completely wrong impression, and a lot of misinformation.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 07:02AM
heres my 2 cents also, do the Decks work hard, yes. do they cheat, obviously yes, maybe not all the time but they have. they also choose to use a shop and dyno that has been caught cheating. I pull myself and pride myself on doing it fair and honest. I love to win and am very serious about it. The way I see it is if they had only been caught once in the past maybe everything would have blown over but it has not only been once. They choose to push the limit, they choose to associate themselves with a builder that has been caught so live with the outcome. I believe if your caught more than once you should be banned from any association for good. really after the first time but give them the benefit of the doubt. Most definitely Decks are not the only ones pulling this crap and it is ridiculous that honest pullers spend hard earned money and numerous hours to be cheated and stole from. It makes me wonder why I keep pulling

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 05:23AM
I was standing near by and heard what DECKS were being told by the head guys. Their water passed NTPA, and PPL rules, but it was too white. I wasn't sure what that meant so I talked to some other pullers and it turns out their water was white as well. So I'm a little confused about this part. I also heard Brian tell them he bought more water to flush system and they said they knew that but the decision was made and he had to leave. If this is the case that he passed all the rules but his water was too white, what grounds do they have to kick him out?!

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 08:31AM
I really get a kick out of bitchy old men bashing my brother and father online! It's even better when you hide behind "screen names" when you don't have the balls to state who you are and all of your acquired "expertise" of the matter. I stand behind my family on this matter. We have two of the best super farm tractors in the country as well as two of the BEST motors. I think these allegations of cheating are completely bogus and I hope my family takes this to court. Go ahead and keep your Happy little fingers typing away online but they both will beat you on the track. This is why i could never pull myself, most of these clubs are worse then a bunch of women! Shame on you all.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 09:25AM

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 10:43AM
So Michelle, clear this up once and for all, get rid of all the rumors. Why the dq for Bryan and the no show for Rod ?

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 11:24AM
I use 1.5 ounces of Napa air tool oil per gallon of distilled water for lubrication on my 4.1 motor. It is pretty darn white too. Ran points in PPL last year with no problems. Seems kinda unfair to me to DQ for that. Surely more to it than that.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 11:35AM
The NFMS is very clear that you run the fuel and water they provide (no exceptions). You aren't allowed to alter the fuel or water in any way. That way when they re-sample fuel and water after the class it's easy to see if it's been altered. Anyone who doesn't obey that very simple directive is cheating.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 12:09PM
Never pulled there so didn't know about water and fuel. Clears that up.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 12:46PM
Jake Morgan
The NFMS is very clear that you run the fuel and water they provide (no exceptions). You aren't allowed to alter the fuel or water in any way. That way when they re-sample fuel and water after the class it's easy to see if it's been altered. Anyone who doesn't obey that very simple directive is cheating.

So you are telling me no other tractors at that pull run oil in with their water at that pull.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 01:16PM
I never said what any other tractors were or weren't doing. I actually never mentioned any tractors in that post at all.

As for what other tractors are doing... I would say something like "Jimmy's mom lets him do it why can't I?" Then you would say something like "I don't care what Jimmy does, this isn't about Jimmy". Yes, it's a childish example but I think it fits perfectly. This isn't about ANY other tractor. This is 100% about One Bad Apple. Other tractors are for another topic, not this thread (that's why I tried my best to delete other names from this thread). I don't want to speculate about who did what to the water tank on the tractor. How the water became doctored, I don't want to speculate about what anyone else was adding to any other tractor. All I know is that One Bad Apple was DQed for illegal water, and that is a fact. End of story.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 12:38PM
Michelle Deck,
If your brother was NOT cheating(as you claim), then why the VERY unsportsman-like act of defacing the 2nd place trophy??
What did that prove??

Your family has been caught cheating numerous times over the years; if you truly have the 2 best tractors AND engines in the country, why do you have to cheat? If you're all truly the outstanding competitors you claim to be, there should be NO drama or rumors EVER about your family cheating.

Your family is CONSTANTLY in the spotlight for cheating scandals.
There has to be a reason; either you're cheaters, or your family craves the attention and you don't care how it comes your way.
It's amazing any association allows your family to pull, even with all of the proven times your family has been caught cheating. You're lucky it's always been a slap on the wrist instead of a full-out ban.

Brittany Bolte

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 01:14PM
Brittany Apple dumpling gang were in the spotlight a lot last year u are right! NTPA GN super farm champ, bowling green winner, cover of the puller magazine you are right that is in the spotlight ALOT. How did Brian win all that? Are the tech guys in NTPA blind? They tech quite a bit. Explain that one you seem all knowing.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 01:37PM
The biggest issue with Deck's is their poor attitude whenever they don't win.
If they win, they are golden, perfect tractor pullers. If they lose, everyone else is cheating and the world is out to get them.
I distinctly remember Bryan running around the Hawarden Outlaw pull in 2012 looking for Doug to protest the winners. Yet, whenever they do win(hopefully fairly), no one says a WORD or runs around like a fool protesting their win.
No one else has EVER defaced a trophy(that I'm aware of, to be honest) when they were asked/told to bring the trophy back.

Let's give them the benefit of the doubt; Bryan truly didn't cheat in Louisville this weekend.
Why would you write on the trophy?? Why not start the process of protesting the "cheating" ruling the officials declared?? Why act like children who lost a dodgeball game on the playground, throwing a hissy fit, making things personal on pulloff and/or email??

THAT is my issue.
People are more than free to defend them. I am MORE than willing to see proof that the world is always out to get the Deck's. Please, prove me wrong. Show me your proof that Deck's have NEVER cheated EVER.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 01:56PM
Brittany Bolte,
If u want the proof you need to come talk to us! I will show you ALL the containers of water, and the check that was written to Dave Nelson for more water at the show! If you want the proof than come get it! We have tried to start the process to protest the dq but everyone kept passing the buck. What steps are being taken now don't need to be discussed on this page.

About the trophy, Bryan had it and can do what ever he wanted to do with it. It was on Friday that he was asked to give it back. I went to go get it and put it by the tractor. He was trying to clean the writing off it and it slid out of his hand and it broke, he offered to buy a new one. But the guy told him it cost 5,000 dollars and threw rod out as well.

So for now on if you or anyone else has a problem how about u come and ask the person instead of bashing the person on this site!

Connie Deck

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 02:13PM
Ok Connie.
When and where can we meet up??
Will you being pulling in Lincoln? I plan on being there. I'll gladly look at all the proof that you have, showing you guys got hosed on your 2nd place finish this weekend.


Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 02:25PM
Brittany, still waiting on the places where Decks were illegal at??

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 02:28PM
Connie, no one questions that water was purchased, the question is was it used during the pull or was it tampered with in any way by your team or anyone else that tried to sabotage you. As for any water samples that you have… there is a term called "chain of custody" and it would be like Lance Armstrong storing his own urine samples in his house to prove his innocence, it would not stand up to legal scrutiny.

To everyone,
I'm not saying if One Bad Apple cheated this summer or not (I wouldn't care to speculate about anyone's results this summer). They passed all the tests and they did have a great summer.

As for their past history in the class: they won the Outlaw points and later they admitted to not using the water that was mandatory and used their own water instead. In fact, they got on this very website and admitted to knowing the rules and still disregarding them. They also had previous issues at the NFMS with water; a few years ago their water tank was drained on its trip back to Broadbent from Freedom Hall, thus prohibiting a sample from being taken (I did not witness this because I was taking pictures of the subsequent classes, but I received a first hand account from multiple tech officials after the event). Competitors know full well that post-pull samples may be drawn. While it's not exactly cheating it prohibits the verification and scrutiny that all other competitors faced. They were not DQed because the officials gave them the benefit of the doubt but I think many would deem it as suspicious behavior.

One a side note: Lance Armstrong passed all his drug tests. So passing a test and having great results does NOT make someone innocent.

The benefit of the doubt has been given to One Bad Apple, and now that they have had issues twice it's only natural for people to speculate. I don't know if Alex Rodriguez doped for certain (I know Lance Armstrong did but it took a while for him to admit it), but I think there are plenty of people who speculate that Rodriguez did. After being caught twice (2009 Outlaws, and now 2014 NFMS) it does bring credibility of One Bad Apple's results into speculation among many people.

Let's deal in facts and not gossip, hearsay, jealousy, or personality differences.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2014 11:06AM by Jake Morgan.

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 12:06AM

Did the water pass the science test and not the visual test.

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 01:40AM
Smoking Red

It passed NTPA and PPL water tests. It just wasn't the right shade of white. That is what we were told on Friday morning, when we went to talk to the officials. But when compared to other pullers ours was the same color as there's.

Connie Deck

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 03:46AM
To get the story straight, on friday you guys took a sample and compared it to the others and it was the same shade?

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 05:48AM
Smokin Red, and Connie?

Thursday night we drained the water out after we loaded it and got a container of water, right from the tractor. We took it in Friday morning and talked to the tech guy about it and had it tested again, it passed all tech rules. But than he had a piece of paper and said it was off on color. I personally didn't see any difference. Than rods wife took a sample in and again it passed. And our water was the exact color rods was! And after talking and showing other pullers in the super farm class on Friday we have come to conclusion that our water was the same as theirs!!!

Connie Deck

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 06:22AM
any chance there was some lube/antifreeze left in system that didn't show up until the system circulated and settled back out the next morning?

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 06:35AM

We drained what was in there and added their water and blew the system out 3 times. We had to go buy an extra box of water so that we could fill the tank. And what we had left from One Bad Apple went into Dream On's tank, and he passed!

Connie Deck

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 08:15AM
And what you are saying, Jake covered in the chain of custody issue. You can take them a sample, but it's not the same as them pulling it from the tank! When I go in for a DOT drug screen they don't let me bring in a sample, I have to produce one there!

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 08:47AM
First off a dog can be beat only so many times before they will trust no one.

A water sample is only as good as the person taking it. Sooooo with that said, the sample that was taken that night was taken by a teck official. All the other samples that were taken were the the OBA group. With that being said, why would the only "bad" sample be from a controlled source. The uncontroled samples are good...the controlled are bad......with that all said, one has to lean to the side of the controlled source

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 02:05PM
First off a dog can be beat only so many times before they will trust no one.

A water sample is only as good as the person taking it. Sooooo with that said, the sample that was taken that night was taken by a teck official. All the other samples that were taken were the the OBA group. With that being said, why would the only "bad" sample be from a controlled source. The uncontroled samples are good...the controlled are bad......with that all said, one has to lean to the side of the controlled source
You have your opinion and that's fine, that doesn't mean everyone should believe it.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 03:01PM
Still. Waiting,

1)2011 in Louisville.
2)2009 towards the end of the Outlaw season.
3)There was rumor of them being caught at a Nebraska Bush pull, not sure of the year or event.
4) And we heard rumor of them being caught at a NTPA pull in 2011.

Again, rumors are rumors.

I will be honest in saying I contribute to rumors by just by saying it/them again. Even on


Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 02:21PM
Come talk to me!!!!
Brittany Bolte,
If u want the proof you need to come talk to us! I will show you ALL the containers of water, and the check that was written to Dave Nelson for more water at the show! If you want the proof than come get it! We have tried to start the process to protest the dq but everyone kept passing the buck. What steps are being taken now don't need to be discussed on this page.

About the trophy, Bryan had it and can do what ever he wanted to do with it. It was on Friday that he was asked to give it back. I went to go get it and put it by the tractor. He was trying to clean the writing off it and it slid out of his hand and it broke, he offered to buy a new one. But the guy told him it cost 5,000 dollars and threw rod out as well.

So for now on if you or anyone else has a problem how about u come and ask the person instead of bashing the person on this site!

Connie Deck

You have possession of said check?Confused

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 02:31PM
The fact that there was any suspicion at all speaks for itself. This isn't the first time, so I wasn't surprised when I heard the news.
But if you don't want to get called out for doing stupid @#$%&, then don't do stupid @#$%&. is a community of pullers that proves to be a feeding ground for ALL pulling topics, and the Deck name was brought up for what? Something Bryan had no control over? Yes, please tell us how he's the victim. Again.
When water and fuel are supplied, there shouldn't be an issue. But there WAS. IT IS WHAT IT IS.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 02:11PM
Brittany Bolte
The biggest issue with Deck's is their poor attitude whenever they don't win.
If they win, they are golden, perfect tractor pullers. If they lose, everyone else is cheating and the world is out to get them.
I distinctly remember Bryan running around the Hawarden Outlaw pull in 2012 looking for Doug to protest the winners. Yet, whenever they do win(hopefully fairly), no one says a WORD or runs around like a fool protesting their win.
No one else has EVER defaced a trophy(that I'm aware of, to be honest) when they were asked/told to bring the trophy back.

Let's give them the benefit of the doubt; Bryan truly didn't cheat in Louisville this weekend.
Why would you write on the trophy?? Why not start the process of protesting the "cheating" ruling the officials declared?? Why act like children who lost a dodgeball game on the playground, throwing a hissy fit, making things personal on pulloff and/or email??

THAT is my issue.
People are more than free to defend them. I am MORE than willing to see proof that the world is always out to get the Deck's. Please, prove me wrong. Show me your proof that Deck's have NEVER cheated EVER.
You sure seem to think you know alot being just a spectator. Very funny your granny panties are all in a bunch when you don't even know what you're talking about. I already have been munching my popcorn, very entertaining!

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 02:36PM
Facts are of all the tractors / trucks hooked oba was found to be illegal, the only one. You can't cry foul everyone was tested and you failed, simple as that

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 02:39AM
Jake please explain how we had issues with water at the farm show before..have been at the farm show every time Bryan or rod has pulled there and there was never any previous problems with water or fuel I am fairly positive you feed most the fuel to this fire. I am the main mechanic on the two tractors other then Ryan building the engines I know what is on the tractors I know what has been put in the tractors as I said before the decks have made some poor decisions in the past but this dq was absolut bulls$&@. As far as two water tanks and two fuel tanks no there is no such thing (trust me I would have been the one to engineer it). I get on here to stand up for what I know happened do you think I would get on here and post something with my name and number on it and drag my name through the mud along with the deck name for no good reason??! The water and fuel sample passed all lab tests and was perfectly legal and yes it was the water that the show sold us! The reasoning for the dq was that the tint of white that the water was was a little off. Friday in broad bent we began comparison of our water and fellow pullers water and the color of ours matched everyone else's just fine this is why the dq is complete bull. What is even more bull is that mike Witt did not let rod hook because Bryan's trophy was defaced, that trophy was written on when Bryan thought it was his on Thursday night. We did not know that the apple was dqed until we seen it on the website Bryan got no phone call and no one came to find him to tell him the news and no we were not hiding every member of our team was sitting by the scale house for over an hour waiting for someone to tell is what was going on. The whole tech crew including Witt mears and Nelson began walking out the door so Bryan caught up with them to see what the story was. Pretty sad not a one of them had the balls to come tell us the news, richwine was the only decent one out of the whole bunch so thanks Larry!! Pretty sad to see all of these posts on here of accusations and not a one have a name on them and no one seems to call and get the story for themselves they all have to hide behind a screen. If any of you have and questions or want to know the in detail story call me or any of the decks and we will be more then happy to share. We will also be sharing how we feel about the farm show and all of it's tech crew. I bet none of you truely have the balls to call. Just remember Dave Nelson still has a bone to pick with Bryan since the outlaw water scandal of 2009 oh and one more thing john mears also accused Bryan of having an illegal cylinder head in Lincoln because he was too dumb to know where the casting numbers are on an IH head funny thing was the head still had international blue truck paint on it.

Blake Otte

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 03:17AM
blake otte
Jake please explain how we had issues with water at the farm show before..have been at the farm show every time Bryan or rod has pulled there and there was never any previous problems with water or fuel I am fairly positive you feed most the fuel to this fire. I am the main mechanic on the two tractors other then Ryan building the engines I know what is on the tractors I know what has been put in the tractors as I said before the decks have made some poor decisions in the past but this dq was absolut bulls$&@. As far as two water tanks and two fuel tanks no there is no such thing (trust me I would have been the one to engineer it). I get on here to stand up for what I know happened do you think I would get on here and post something with my name and number on it and drag my name through the mud along with the deck name for no good reason??! The water and fuel sample passed all lab tests and was perfectly legal and yes it was the water that the show sold us! The reasoning for the dq was that the tint of white that the water was was a little off. Friday in broad bent we began comparison of our water and fellow pullers water and the color of ours matched everyone else's just fine this is why the dq is complete bull. What is even more bull is that mike Witt did not let rod hook because Bryan's trophy was defaced, that trophy was written on when Bryan thought it was his on Thursday night. We did not know that the apple was dqed until we seen it on the website Bryan got no phone call and no one came to find him to tell him the news and no we were not hiding every member of our team was sitting by the scale house for over an hour waiting for someone to tell is what was going on. The whole tech crew including Witt mears and Nelson began walking out the door so Bryan caught up with them to see what the story was. Pretty sad not a one of them had the balls to come tell us the news, richwine was the only decent one out of the whole bunch so thanks Larry!! Pretty sad to see all of these posts on here of accusations and not a one have a name on them and no one seems to call and get the story for themselves they all have to hide behind a screen. If any of you have and questions or want to know the in detail story call me or any of the decks and we will be more then happy to share. We will also be sharing how we feel about the farm show and all of it's tech crew. I bet none of you truely have the balls to call. Just remember Dave Nelson still has a bone to pick with Bryan since the outlaw water scandal of 2009 oh and one more thing john mears also accused Bryan of having an illegal cylinder head in Lincoln because he was too dumb to know where the casting numbers are on an IH head funny thing was the head still had international blue truck paint on it.

Blake Otte

Heres a couple things wrong with your story here Blake. You DID KNOW for a FACT that you were Disqualified thursday night. I know that because I myself seen One Bad Apple get taken out Thursday Night and Maximum overdrive stay in. I also heard BRYAN himself say Im getting kicked out but i dont know why on Thursday Night. So dont come one here and LIE that you did not know you were kicked out thursday night cause you did know.

Secondly can you take a picture of all Bryans trophys? I would like to see if he writes OBA Rules on all of them? I know if i myself got a 2nd place trophy from The National Farm Machinery Show the last thing i would do is graffiti it.

Third thing is you said is that you have been to the national farm machinery show and you have never had a problem with water or fuel. This is also false Blake because if i remember a few years back when you got done pulling and when back into broadbent all your water was drained. Thats pretty fishy there. The problem isnt that your water passed all the test. I could have ran another type or the lousiville water and juiced it up and still make it past the ntpa and ppl test. The problem is 3 other tractors got checked that night and there water was excatly the same where OBA was noticibly different

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 03:34AM
To Blake otte, you must be a real dumbass and not know how to read.. Did you not read that we waited around broad bent Thursday night until the tech crew left and that's when we found out which was pretty close to midnight and yes we were out of there Thursday night and loaded up you have to remember we didn't know for a fact that we were dqed for probably 4 hours.. And as far as the trophy goes all I have to say about that is that you must not know Bryan deck and what size his helmet is to fit his head lol. And how do you know for a fact that water was drained on the way to broad bent? What tractor was it? What year was it? And why no troubles from tech officials then?? You must really know your @#$%& lets see your name or better yet let's see your number come up on my caller Id

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 04:40AM
Clearly the water didn't pass ALL of the tests if the sample failed a simple visual inspection. It might pass all of the lab tests, but if it didn't even look like the water they gave you, you expect them to just giggle about it and let you go?

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 12:52PM
Let me make this Clear, I have NO dog in the Fight, I attend three (maybe 4 this year) pulls a year. Tomah, Hillsboro, Ellsworth WI, and this year Hutchinson. I have utmost respect for Mr. Otte coming in here signing his name more than once and challenging anyone to call him. But yet, more and more people try to jump on this anti-deck train. If Decks cheat every pull as they have been accused of in here, why doesn't someone put the money up every pull. Seems logical that they would have to change their ways or be banned after a few times.

My .02, ball up and call the Deck boys or their crew and talk to them, dont come in here and complain about them behind a screen name.

Patrick Power

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 01:32PM
Patrick.. If you went to Ellsworth you would of seen Rod win the sf class. Btw they were teched afterwards

Re: One bad apple February 18, 2014 05:43AM
I also pulled at Ellsworth that night in the sf class and yes Rod did win the class. At the drivers meeting we were told that the top 3 from each class were to stay in the infield and not go back to the pits until after the class was over because they wanted to bring them back out on the track for awards. Both Deck tractors were loaded in the hauler and the hauler was gone before the class was over. Fuel samples were tested from the 2nd and 3rd place tractors that night but not 1st because it was already loaded up and gone, so Rod was not teched after the win because the tractor was already gone. I was there I'm not pointing fingers just relaying the FACTS

Re: One bad apple February 18, 2014 12:37PM
I should have clarified, I was not at Ellsworth this last year, I just moved into the city of Ellsworth so I don't think i could come up with a reason to miss it this year.

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 04:35AM
Dear Darrin Sutton aka "Nebraskan" how exactly do you know the decks cheat every time they hook to the sled? Come on everyone wake up smell the roses and quit being jealous, that is thee one and only reason everyone hates the apple dumpling gang. I will tell you there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with the apples fuel or water at the NFMS go ahead bash me tell me I'm wrong but I know what went down maybe some of you will believe me over the decks I think I might have a lil better face then the decks but probably not much lol the otte name is almost as bad as the deck name and after this it will be just as bad. I have worked on the two tractors for quite a few years now and have the decks made some dumb decision in the past? Yes they have but any one on this board calling them cheaters just remember you have three fingers pointing back at you people in glass houses should not throw rocks. The NFMS literally f$&@#% Bryan and rod no one will believe me and this post will pry get deleted but I have my name on it and we know what happened. Bash away peeps

Thank you,
Blake Otte
Apple dumpling mechanic

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 04:59AM
Then why the dq ?

Re: One bad apple February 16, 2014 05:32PM
I don't see how jealousy has anything to do with it, did they have a successful season with the NTPA last year? Yes undoubtedly but was it done legally? Only they will know, recent (nfms) And past situations definitely bring legality about the 2013 season into question, but why would anyone be jealous about questionable practices and having a damaged reputation because of it?

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 03:41AM
The only place they fight this much over water is California!

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 04:03AM
If the water provided was green why would it turn white?

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 04:11AM
The water provided was white this year not green or blue like in years past

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 11:57AM
Obviously something was wrong with the water because they wouldn't just kick them out for $hits and giggles. Even getting testy with them DOES NOT HELP the matter ether or if one of the other members said something to make them mad. There were a lot of other applicants that got turned away that had just as much right to be there instead of the apple gang also. So they just need to fess up and quit pointing fingers at the tech crew and Kentucky fair board members and look at yourselves in the mirror on who to blame. It was their sand box and you have to play by there rules.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 05:18AM
Blake what did you guys put in it to make it a different shade of white than everyone elses?

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 05:36AM
That's a good question and what I've been wondering. Why would anyone add anything to the Louisville water knowing how picky they are about it? I'm not choosing sides on this because there's too many different stories and still details missing, but that question is what I've wondered since all this first came up. And I wouldn't fight the Farm Show too much as they generally don't invite people back who do that.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 05:44AM
Okay last time for all the f$&@! who can't read, the water was white NFMS water with absolutely nothing added to it the system was flushed and blown out several times with the white NFMS water. Our water in comparison to everyone else's water was thee exact same color the water right out of the apple even passed the very next day with a different individual presenting it to the tech crew. What I've been trying to say is the tech guys threw Bryan out for no reason at all except for the fact that "the shade of white was not the right shade" which we know is horse @#$%& because it was the same as a half a dozen other tractors that showed us their samples. Amy what is your big beef?? Haterid for the deck family must run deep in your family but hell your all chummy chummy in person. I think jealousy has gotten the best of you guys. Are you pissed your stupid farm sucked when it pulled in lville? I don't understand why you of all people are blowing this up you haven't pulled and your brother doesn't even have a stupid farm anymore that Is being pulled.. If all of you on here think that the NFMS isn't political you all need to pull your heads out of your asses and clear the @#$%& out of your nostrils and smell the roses

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 06:57AM
Again, jealous of what???? Everyone one I know try's their best to be the exact opposite of the Decks , not only in moral character but also in the way they act around fellow competitors, wether they get caught cheating or not their attitude is still a black eye on the sport and as far as I'm concerned there is no place for them in it. So why would anyone want to be like them?what is there to be jealous about ?

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 08:04AM
Lol the apple dumpling tractors will never apply EVER again. The tractors will never be in lville again unless they are owned by someone other then the decks... Even then the committee will never allow those tractors within 100miles of freedom hall. As for the decks attitudes at pulls I don't think anyone in the grand national circuit has a problem with them at all. Most of our day Friday was spent talking to the other grand national competitors the only ones who have a problem with decks are the ones who pull outlaw I.e red rock, magnum force, spankys toy, someday, turbo up, grey area, and Dakota Deere. Any that I forgot that were in Louisville? Most of the posts with no name I suspect came from one of those teams but only jake will ever know that. I'm not trying to leave anyone out you can probably throw the whole outlaw stupid farm class into the deck hate fan club those are just the ones that were in attendance of the NFMS.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 08:34AM
Blake, you couldn't be more right. The whole outlaw super farm class is part of the Deck hater club. There's an obvious reason too. I think I'm correct when I say that not only do super farm pullers dislike the Decks. Decks are just digging their own grave in the pulling world...Don't be bashing Amy, she's just one who has enough balls to make a social network comment about it. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 09:38AM
Glad to hear Deck's will never be applying again to Louisville. Too bad this wasn't the case for Outlaw hooks....

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 10:00AM
OBA Hater
Glad to hear Deck's will never be applying again to Louisville. Too bad this wasn't the case for Outlaw hooks....
They haven't pulled Outlaw in 2-3 years. They run Grand National. You really don't pay attention do you?

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 01:34PM
Wow blake you and the decks prove how pathetic you all are by calling the class that you are so proud to win in the STUPID FARM class. you got caught grow up and live with it..

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 02:34PM
What would make so many people against a couple of tractors from Nebraska? Well lets look at it this way, their have been a lot of tractors that have won big events throughout the years, but how come no one is picking on them for their success? Probably because they haven't admitted to cheating, been caught cheating numerous of times and unofficially their engine builder, act arrogant to other pullers, and the worst of it continue to cheat and deny it. This definitely should be taken into consideration by the NTPA and maybe have a better rule against illegal fuel/water because the decks have lost all of their credentials on why they won GN points.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 07:28AM
blake otte
Okay last time for all the f$&@! who can't read, the water was white NFMS water with absolutely nothing added to it the system was flushed and blown out several times with the white NFMS water. Our water in comparison to everyone else's water was thee exact same color the water right out of the apple even passed the very next day with a different individual presenting it to the tech crew. What I've been trying to say is the tech guys threw Bryan out for no reason at all except for the fact that "the shade of white was not the right shade" which we know is horse @#$%& because it was the same as a half a dozen other tractors that showed us their samples. Amy what is your big beef?? Haterid for the deck family must run deep in your family but hell your all chummy chummy in person. I think jealousy has gotten the best of you guys. Are you pissed your stupid farm sucked when it pulled in lville? I don't understand why you of all people are blowing this up you haven't pulled and your brother doesn't even have a stupid farm anymore that Is being pulled.. If all of you on here think that the NFMS isn't political you all need to pull your heads out of your asses and clear the @#$%& out of your nostrils and smell the roses

Will your team apply next year ?Grinning

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 06:59AM
Its very political how many years in a row do the same old tractors pull their I heard that some guys have pulled their 10 plus years when others just want to go their once in a lifetime face the facts its who you know don't go or apply if you don't like it

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 12:50PM

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 02:11PM
If they tested water and it tested ok but failed visual test, how much hp stands to be gained with this type of illegal water? I am not trying to be controversial, just asking the question.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 02:37PM
If they tested water and it tested ok but failed visual test, how much hp stands to be gained with this type of illegal water? I am not trying to be controversial, just asking the question.
That's a good question but I don't know if there's a good answer to it. I know this probably isn't the answer your want to hear but I don't think there's a way to really know without taking One Bad Apple and both water samples to the dyno.

One a side note for anyone saying it wouldn't gain them much: It's not about how much they gained, it's about violating the rules. Even if they lost hp running the water that isn't the point. The rules are clear, don't alter the water. Don't disobey the rules... don't alter the water.

Bigger Balls
If Decks cheat every pull as they have been accused of in here,
There are no posts in this thread that accuse Deck's of cheating at every pull. If people post comments like that I do my best to delete them.

Btw they were teched afterwards
Being teched and passing does NOT prove innocence for the Decks or anyone else.

We can continue to go back the Lance Armstrong example… he was never caught, although he is probably the most tested athlete in history, but he still admitted to cheating throughout his career. Much of society now views him as being one of the biggest frauds in sporting history and he's been stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles. Passing a test may just prove that the test is pretty crappy!

blake otte
Jake please explain how we had issues with water at the farm show before..have been at the farm show every time Bryan or rod has pulled there and there was never any previous problems with water or fuel I am fairly positive you feed most the fuel to this fire.
The last thing I want for anyone is a DQ for illegal water. It tarnished the class and the motorsport. I also don't want to babysit this page 24/7 for stupid comments. I don't like the drama, I would much rather have useful and positive posts about anything other than this. I've continue to post on other topics to try to move this topic down the page. Oddly the Deck supports continue to post on this topic and bring it back to the top giving the Decks a blacker and blacker eye. The sooner the Deck supporters let this die and stop posting the sooner we can put this soap opera behind us.

Lastly, do you have any idea how many posts I've deleted calling your team cheaters? Dozens! I do my best to delete posts that have hearsay by anonymous people. This thread has been trimmed down to include posts that contain facts or posts where people left their contact info. I do my best to defend everyone on this page (including you) but I can only do so much and then the facts speak for themselves.

To everyone who reads this:
I'd like to clear on a few things up
• I have nothing against the Decks. I've spoken with them on a couple of occasions, most recently in BG in 2013 and the 2013 Keystone Nationals. They seemed like nice people. I have no reason to dislike them or disparage them, I actually thought we got along pretty good.
• I don't pull in the class, I don't care who wins I just want to see good, fair, competition for everyone.
• I like their tractors (especially One Bad Apple), I've liked that tractor since Rapp's owned it and won the regional Super Stock titles back in the day and I still like it today.
• I respect the fact that they almost never miss their setup; they are almost always weighted correctly, driven well, and they read the track well.
So believe me when I say I have nothing personal against them in any way.

This is simply about playing by the rules and a DQ over water, and it's not their first water issue. I hope we can move past this soon and get back to less drama.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2014 04:13PM by Jake Morgan.

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 02:51PM
From just reading the posts, the decks appear to have been found illegal, I think that anyone found illegal should have the findings posted with that organization for all members to see the results for the full calendar year. Enough said. Jmo

Re: One bad apple February 17, 2014 02:41PM
If they tested water and it tested ok but failed visual test, how much hp stands to be gained with this type of illegal water? I am not trying to be controversial, just asking the question.
Visual tests are a matter of opinion. Don't forget, some people might be color blind. Chemical tests are CHEMICAL TESTS. It's not illegal if someone looks at it with an attitude that it is a different color so it should be illegal because it does not "LOOK" right to me.
NFMS!!!!!!!!!!!! GET YOUR @#$%& TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 01:50PM
How bout taste test. If you can not drink your water you are DQ!

Re: One bad apple February 19, 2014 02:02PM
Seen it done before at a pull in iowa. Back in the good old days. The guy who was doing the wrenching on a tractor done it to prove it was straight water. The protester refuse to take a drink and drop the protest.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 12:45AM
Easy solution to the water issue. Let them run what ever water they want. If everyone can then they are all just as even as running different turbos, motors, etc. Can you really gain that much HP. anyway. Same with fuel. If you think water and fuel should all be the same then make them all run the exact same parts all the way through the tractor. Less rules that don't matter = less controversy!!!

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 12:57AM
Why not just follow the rules that the NFMS already has in place? Maybe they should also do the same thing with fuel, why not just let any size motor, maybe even let alcohol 650 run in the class, maybe 2-3-4-5 engine. Do you believe that every class there should have that same philosophy, do what ever you want?

Why bother writing any rules. Or better yet follow the rules that everyone else in the class has agreed to follow.

The truth is you are just trying to justify bad behavior.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/20/2014 01:10AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 12:57AM
So you're saying anyone should be able to fill their "water" tank with nitro methane?

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 04:28AM
Heck put white lighting in there if they want and hope she holds together !

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 02:47AM
why dont they check the water in all classes? they all run water dont they. pros super alcohol super..

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 03:19AM
My question on this subject, Why hasn't anybody from the NTPA or Louisville stood up for their side of this? Seems to me they would want to save some face. This has got way out of hand. Im not taking anybodys side here, but it seems the OBA bunch have at least come on and stated their side. A simple comment by the powers to be would clear this up and put a end to all this. Right, wrong or indifferent, lets make this a transparent thing so we all can see. Thanks Donnie.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 03:44AM







Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 04:43AM
Dear OMG. I set here and typed a small book as yourself did, without the all caps. But then really decide it wasn't really worth dignifying what you were trying to accuse me of. I asked a simple question about this subject. Seems like to me that is a simple request. I guess the seven tickets that I bought for this event was to watch possibly a fraud? I guess that could be taken to the BBB of Kentucky. A simple explanation from the event promoters wouldn't be that far out of line. Do you see my point yet? This is a simple fix. If you can throw someone out, then you can explain why. Thanks Donnie

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/20/2014 04:44AM by Redaintdead.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 06:14AM
In Offshore boat racing we used to buy fuel at the event and fuel up in front of officials, they would then put a piece of anti tamper tape on fuel cap so it couldnt be opened without seal being broken. It was a factory 1 class and all parts and lines were sealed with anti tamper devices to ensure we were all on the same page. Same could be done with Water or Fuel (system drained with accessible drain cock) then filled in front of tech official then sealed. Problem solved.

How much HP stands to be gained by water that tests OK, but looks different? I asked before but have not gotten a good answer. I am not trying to start anything, just curious.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 06:31AM
with the emergence of today's chemists being involved in water enhancement it stands to reason that performance gain without surpassing the limits of an acceptable water test would be the goal. Just would be tough in my opinion to determine how it will react with every water type, or acceptable additive.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 12:43PM
If Richwine was the one that told them there water didn't pass, there must have been something really wrong with it. He is the head tech official for ntpa and I'm sure he saw there water and fuel samples enough times last summer that he would have stood by them. As for John Mears, he is the head tech official for ppl and you have to be out of you mind to believe he would doctor there water sample just to favor ppl tractors. The thing is when you get your farm show packet in the mail, I'm sure it specified in there to make sure all fuel an water systems are flushed before you show up to Broadbent.

Re: One bad apple February 20, 2014 01:18PM
Maybe just maybe the stuff they use leaves behind residue that is hard to clean out? Leaves just enough to discolor the water. As for power have seen additives add 50 plus horses.

Re: One bad apple February 25, 2014 12:23PM
Like the old saying goes " winners never cheat, and cheaters never win" !!! The apples are just a little slow at catching on.



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