Hero cards July 24, 2014 05:46AM
Does anyone know who makes the hero. Adds that some of the pullers have to pass out ?

Re: Hero cards July 24, 2014 07:36AM
Bryan Lively and Jesse Post should be able to help you out.

Bryan Lively's Info

Jesse Post's Hero Cards

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
Like LGP on Facebook

Re: Hero cards July 24, 2014 09:18AM
I'll be honest I'm five sets behind as it is, Just finished the Pro Pulling Magazine and gonna try to catch some up tonight. Email me if you don't mind to wait!

Re: Hero cards July 24, 2014 01:58PM
MAD pulling pics

Link to MAD Pulling Pics

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2014 10:46PM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Hero cards July 24, 2014 02:19PM
Harold Card ... www.propullingphoto.com

Re: Hero cards July 24, 2014 02:21PM
Tracy Waters with nitrozilla did mine.

Re: Hero cards July 24, 2014 03:51PM
Our son Tad has done ours as well as several other pullers. You can reach him a tfeiss@gmail.com. His company is Brain BKT Design and sign.

S'no Farmer

Re: Hero cards July 25, 2014 12:41PM
Apparently I have to get on here to toot my own horn.
Link to Dave Dann Photo's

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2014 01:16PM by Dick Morgan.


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