NTPA light unlimited, where is the class headed? August 27, 2014 07:54AM
Looking to see how people feel about the light unlimited class since the new rules have been introduced. Does the class put on a better show now than what it did? Are there any pullers out there looking to build or building now for this class. Personally, I feel that there is potential for this to be a great class. Also, why don't more regional mod guys make the switch? There were 12 hooks this summer and rumors to be many more next summer. Will 15+ hook make people build?

Re: NTPA light unlimited, where is the class headed? August 27, 2014 09:21AM
I think more would build if the payout were to go up there is a lot of travel involved and fuel is not cheap. The group of guys I went with to see them twice thought they put on a great show. Im thinking the light unlimited is here to stay now. Just need to pay them what there worth is the only complaint that we heard from a lot of other pullers.

Re: NTPA light unlimited, where is the class headed? August 27, 2014 03:27PM
There is no lie that it is an exciting class!! Its the thrill multi engine mods that ride like mini rods. I think that was made clear at Tomah.

Re: NTPA light unlimited, where is the class headed? August 28, 2014 01:43AM
From what I'm hearing there will be more tractors and more hooks for next year. There is a proposal to add more money to the class for next year but time will tell if this will happen. I think the main reason most RN pullers don't step up to the class is that they would need to step up to bigger blowers,then run only two engines at the RN events. It can be done with 8-71 blowers but you will be back 30' from the rest of the class. BTW if any mod pullers have any proposals for rule changes in any of the mod classes the deadline is very soon. They can be emailed to the NTPA office or sent to any mod committee member. The meeting will be held the morning after the Enderle Pulloff and any competing member can and should attend.

S'no Farmer


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