My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 10, 2014 12:07PM
I wanted to do a follow-up on the NTPA leadership article I did on August 26th. In that article I expressed my opinion that a leadership change within the NTPA is sorely needed. Having had a chance to read the proposed 2015 Rulebook changes I noticed that there was as much concern about how the pullers wanted changes in some existing rules, but there was also a real strong underlying tone on how the pullers wanted to be valued. Maybe it's just me but it sure appears that the members want change.

There is a problem in some of the classes with puller and hook numbers and this is a great opportunity for the NTPA to start to make some changes that will not only benefit the pullers but also overall show quality.

To start with the NTPA needs to start limiting the number of events they have for certain classes. There should not be more than 16-18 hooks per class. To run the pullers all over the country

link to NTPA thoughts part 2

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2014 12:25PM by Dick Morgan.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 10, 2014 03:42PM
one option is to raise purses on in demand classes like SSD and offer a cheaper class (maybe add GN 4.1) to promoters who balk.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 12:58AM
I would love to see a change in the the NTPA .not sure if they can

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 01:40AM
Bob.thank for the great feedback. I believe you just described PPL.NTPA m
Needs to go one step farther if they want stay viable as a major organization.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 01:45AM just described PPL

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 02:08PM
Not meaning to change the subject but I think NTPA needs to get there logo's off the sled's at non sanctioned events. Have heard it more than once that people think they are at a NTPA event and they are not just because the sled a NTPA stickers all over it. Also seems like a liability issue if a accident would happen going up and down the road or at a pull. They don't seem in to much concern in protecting the image.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 01:30AM

Good thoughts, you touched on a topic that can fix all the underlying problems with income for the NTPA, SPONSORSHIP! Handled correctly, big sponsors can and will come to the table and there will be plenty of money without relying so heavily on Sanctioning Fees and Dues. NTPA is at a turning point in its existence, things have changed, and the decisions they make here forward affect wether they exist as a leader in the sport or become a second rate old school league. Anyone reading this article, is your business the same as it was say 20 years ago, no so you had to change to stay in the game! I'm including a list of simple things I can see need fixing from a Pullers standpoint too.

1---Assigned Parking spots for Pre Commit competitors (they should be the primo spots too)
2---A system for calling classes to scales to avoid the cluster that it is now!
3---$250 event show up money for Pre Commit (must at least match PPL)
4---Tech doesn't need to be confrontational, should be working together! (not all are some are awesome)
5---Sponsors awarded to top Teams in League( ie if Large sponsor came to NTPA a portion should go to a top team to promote that sponsor within the League)

From a Pullers point of view, we are not making a lot of money running either League, so at the very least Pullers should be treated very well, the little things make a big difference in were a Puller chooses to Pull!


Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 08:07AM
I have pulled with NTPA for 30 yrs. and never had a problem with tech, very polite and thank you for attending, my equipment also conforms with their rule book. Most NTPA pulls I attend have someone to park you also NTPA pullers are intelligent enough to wait until the class they follow has weighed. If your league gives the best teams all of the sponsorship money, how will they grow in numbers? Would it not be hard for a new team to start? PPL has the advantage of having a very wealthy owner, that goes a long way to finance their pulling.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 12:02PM
It appears that this year has been difficult for the NTPA and will be an interesting weekend in Urbana during the Enderle pull. Can the 800 pound gorilla in the room that cannot be ignored. Or will it?

Suffice it to say that whatever the prevailing thoughts are that come out of the Urbana meeting the load is upon the shoulders of leadership within the NTPA/WPI structure both in Columbus and Wisconsin to make necessary changes. Event/promoter relationships are a critical part of the revenue stream structure. Saying yes to more promoters isn’t the answer; it has become evident that the word no should be used more.
-No to over scheduling classes
-No to scheduling single sessions during the week
-No to booking pulls where a 1000-1500 mile round trip is required over the course of 3 to 4 days
And that’s a small start to fix a greater problem that pulling has.

The NTPA shield is a long-respected and admired lynch-pin of motorsports. Casual fans know the shield and recognize it for the traditions and history of great pulling. However as the quality of the NTPA product is diminished, the problems of the NTPA could be construed as symptomatic to the entire sport: that is a significant issue that affects everyone who is a part of national level pulling. One overriding factor is that a bad show-shows by one of the major organizations taints the entire sport. To think that NTPA, PPL or Outlaws operates in a vacuum is to be blind to the reality of the sponsorship world. Like it or not the entire sport is viewed though one lens, the lens of the corporate dollar. For the first time fans or prospective fair boards you only get once to make a first impression. If there are four hamburger joints in a row and one sells spoiled product does anyone really believe that the other three will all of a sudden see an increase in sales, no! There are all viewed though the same lens, spoiled product. Witnessing a poor show 2, 3, even 4 years in a row at some venues can drive attendance down. If attendance goes down, promoters seek a new way to put fans back into their stands, and it may or may not be another pulling event if the promoter blindly considers that the NTPA has the best show to offer. The health and quality of the NTPA show affects how the sport is perceived nationally, even though it is not the only game in town.

Some people believe that the best case scenario at this point is that NTPA events transition to PPL and Outlaw shows in several cases and the PPL and Outlaw classes are put in to provide the best numbers and best show to reinforce that there is high quality pulling. The worst case scenario involves continued ignorance to the current state of things and NTPA continues down this path and there is an event in 2015 with 20 or less total vehicles in attendance and the promoters completely pull the plug on pulling.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 11, 2014 01:07PM
It is very unfortunate that time has almost destoryed what once was NTPA. While the forming of WPI saved the NTPA Logo. The lack of leadership for a number of years has almost taken what so many worked hard to bring to the fore front in a new motorsport at its beginning, to something that is no where close to the true NTPA of old.

Any motorsport cannot rest on its past and expect to carry it into the future. I have to say that the NTPA Logo has history that cannot be created by any of the other two present organizations. If WPI would have worked as hard as most any puller to present themselves as the true leader in the sport, pulling would truly be where it should be. Pullers have invested in their machines and themselves to bring a show of professionalism that WPI failed to do. Go to almost any pull and what do you see? Nice clean rigs, pullers with tow vehicles for their own equipment, ( i.e a less of an expense needed by the promotor. ) Pullers have team apparell, so as to present themselves better to the fan and for the organization they represent.

This is a cross roads for pulling and its future. Whether you think of it as NTPA or WPI and things do not improve. The history that was created by some of the best people and pullers will be lost and no way to get it back and that is SAD

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 01:16AM
It kills me how all you critics can look behind and point out the flaws, But can't come up with any good ideas to help the future. Sunday morning in Urbana would be a good place to start. All of you clam up when you actually have a chance to to speek your mind wher it counts.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 01:26AM
To wld 4x4;
I believe that if you look at my list recommendations you will see a couple ideas that I think will help the organization. And on a side note I don't really believe that I, or anyone else that is not a board member, committee member of either NTPA or WPI has a [ read here, none ] chance of having their ideas considered. But if you can get me in let me know. Thanks.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 03:36AM

The early morning meetings are open until each dividional committe goes in to discuss with both boards. In your case (if your not there) could put it in writing and have any puller (provided they are willing and agrees with you) to submit your ideas.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 02:54AM
The leadership of WPI has selected to not listen. If you go back in old Puller magazines the dead horse has been beaten into powder over issues that are still being discussed today.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 03:28PM
I know there's a lot of Tec people that could use some extra cash for doing there job. It is not always pleasant. It would be great to see there clothing have sponsors on and the money all go's to the people that Tec are tractors and make the pull run.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 01:03AM
Willy Makit was #2 Hook at BG this year in Sat night session, we went to the scales as soon as we could get there when they announced scales ready, 9 trucks were in line that were in the bottom half of a 49 truck field, and number 400 some odd, a pre commit puller was at scale, my number was 25! Frustrating! You can say as you please on here but the reality is, the issues I listed are what have Pullers griping, hear it now or wish you had later!

My Name

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 02:16AM
Bob, I think you bring up some valid points. I have been on both ends of the lineup situation at B.G. Usually you end up in a large cluster no matter what you do,teems that have multiple vehicles don't have much choice but to bring two or more vehicles to the scale,with one being very early. There are those that will go to the scale very very early then go someplace out of the way to fall in line when their time comes. One thought that I have had is to use cell phones to let pullers know when to head form the scales. One year with my mod we were taking out time to get to the scale,we went straight through and were on the hitch pad and we were not even close to being ready, I had to send my son running to the hauler to get help and my driving stuff. Last year we had three mods that had to drop positions because they were not ready. So it can work both ways,you tend to get gun shy. We went out to eat last winter,they took our cell number,when it was our turn they texted us. This worked very well,yea I know not everyone uses cell phones but I would guess that 95% of pullers do.

As far as parking, yea seems like an easy enough thing for them to do for the precommitted pullers.

Show up money would help a lot for travel expenses, if you pre commit you do get those funds but not until you finish the entire season without missing. I understand why they do it that way but it would help if they were to loosen up with the precommitt funds.

S'no Farmer

I'm not sure how I feel about "the top pullers" get sponsor money. Sometimes the up and coming puller could use more help than the top teams. Yes I know sponsors want to sponsor the top guys but often times they need it the least. What I will say is that more of the money from sponsors needs to go out to the people that put on the show. I know when I do my taxes each year I think I should be committed to the loony bin :-) .

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 03:52AM
You could very well be talking about me because I head to the scales when I see fit for my opperation. I'm the one in a points race at BG. Something I will always do when I'm in line is let everyone that pulls before I do around and that goes for anyone. I don't know of any pre-commited puller that doesn't do that.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 03:03AM
Ntpa gives every thing to grand national classes they put them on tv every year it's the same classes same places boring!!! You need to show your region classes that are different once in a while so people can get excited about the future. If you have region class at a gn hook pay them the gn money especially when it's the biggest class. Now as far as a better show tell the drivers to line up in the pull order tell all gas classes to get to the sled a lot quicker instead of waiting for everybody else to be ready.dont tell us you can't because your motor get to hot you sit in the Pitts and run them for ever! Sled guys need to hit the distance better like 320 is better then 280 if your going to miss the weight ! Everybody needs to get faster because the crowds are getting more impatient!!!!! Don't mean to bash just my opinion to make it better.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 04:52AM
Your comment about crowds getting impatient is right. No better example than the pull every year at Jefferson City. This year there was around 75 hooks and only 25 were NTPA, yet they drag it out and it takes them as long to hook them as it does Outlaws to hook the rest. Quiet frankly, Outlaws has the better pull at Jeff City because of the bigger assortment of vehicles and non stop action. Just one right after another. I have been to NTPA, Outlaws, PPL, and Xcaliber pulls this year and by far Outlaws does a better job. Maybe because they have lots of vehicles and can hook them that fast and not be done in a hour. I also think because they like to pull in that 350 foot range it makes for a faster and more exciting pull.

Re: My Opinion - NTPA thoughts part 2 September 12, 2014 05:17AM
The show at Canfield, Oh was the same way this year. The USA East classes were run efficiently with a good mix of pulloffs and floating finishes. Even the Semis did not monkey about getting hooked up and ready to go. I had not been to one of their shows in a while and I was thoroughly entertained. However, the NTPA classes (TWD and Unlimited Mod) seemed to drag on. I realize it takes a while to start a multi-engine tractor but it just seemed like both classes took forever to get hooked to sled and make their runs. I have been to several other NTPA 2 track shows and this seems to happen more when they want classes to end at the same time.


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