puller 2000 vs hp's December 06, 2014 05:35AM
Whats the differance between puller 2000's and HP Puller 2000's. 30.5x32 is it wieght or a ply diff?

Re: puller 2000 vs hp's December 12, 2014 02:13AM

Re: puller 2000 vs hp's December 12, 2014 02:55AM
Fireston Puller 2000s are found in either 10 ply or HP:

10 ply were the first ones made and are no longer produced. They are lighter, therfore more desireable.

HPs are currently still produced. HP stands for High Performance. They are heavier and I belive were originally produced because of the Unlimited Modified wheel speed.

30.5x32 means 32 inch rim, 30.5 inch wide tires.

Re: puller 2000 vs hp's December 12, 2014 04:28AM
lss puller
Fireston Puller 2000s are found in either 10 ply or HP:

10 ply were the first ones made and are no longer produced. They are lighter, therfore more desireable.

HPs are currently still produced. HP stands for High Performance. They are heavier and I belive were originally produced because of the Unlimited Modified wheel speed.

30.5x32 means 32 inch rim, 30.5 inch wide tires.


Puller 2000 10-ply are HEAVIER, there are more plys. Diesel SS guys love them and some Mod guys love them because they are more durable and tend to stretch less over time because of the extra ply rating. They were the original run of tires the first few years and are very hard to find and are getting very expensive.

Puller 2000 HP's are lighter and are either a 8 or a 9 ply but I've never gotten a straight answer from a Firestone rep. They tend to stretch [grow] more than some guys like. I've seen sets have 2" clearance to a fender when new and after a few years they almost touch the fender. It's still made today.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but I really wanted to correct false info

Re: puller 2000 vs hp's December 12, 2014 02:54AM
It's both. The puller 2000 10 ply (they will have a small circle on the side wall that has a 10 in it) are heavier considered 10 ply. My old puller 2000 tires that have been cut on for 13 years weigh about the same as a set of HP tires that have only been rounded then cut about twice. From what I have heard the HP tires are considered 8 ply.

S'no Farmer

Re: puller 2000 vs hp's December 13, 2014 02:21AM
When I mentioned the tires being cut for 13 years I should have noted that those are the 10 ply puller 2000 tires,some of the first made.

S'no Farmer


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