louisville December 28, 2014 10:53AM
Has anybody camped at louisville? If so, how was it and what did it cost per night and we're there hookups? Thanks!

Re: louisville December 28, 2014 11:49AM

Check out this website, it answers your questions and has contact info for the campground. This time of year it might be tough to get a spot for the show.

Re: louisville December 28, 2014 12:15PM
We have done it for years, (this year will be our first year to not camp there for about ten years) they have electric hook ups or you can use your generator. I think last year it was $53 per night with electric. Usually it is not full so if you call soon you should be OK. The only bad thing is the UPS planes landing after midnight and taking off in the early am. One year I counted a plane every minute for about two hours. If you sleep lightly it can be an issue :-) .

S'no Farmer

Re: louisville December 28, 2014 05:21PM
Do they have water hookups at this time of year for the pull or is water shut off?

Re: louisville December 29, 2014 01:45AM
I've never used water down there, I don't think it is availabe this time of year. They do have a dump station with a water supply that I think was turned on. I think I've seen people filling their water tanks at the dump station when they arrive.

S'no Farmer

Re: louisville December 29, 2014 06:14AM
Thanks snow farmer for the information


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