The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 03:45AM
I have had some interesting discussions with several people lately about the entertainment value of tractor pulling. I was wondering what does the fan see from the stands. Now I am not talking about the die hard fans of the sport, rather the fan that the sport should be trying to attract.

When you take away the nuts and bolts of the sport, cubic inches, turbo numbers and sizes allowed, etc. what is the average fan seeing from the stands.

Is there really any difference from a visual prospective of the SF, PS or Diesel Super Stock, or do they basically all look the same? They all pull on a 300' track, and with today's high tech sleds they all reach roughly the same ground speed, all put out tons of black smoke. Same goes for the Open/Unlimited SS class vs. the LSS class. Granted one is 650 cubic inches and the other is 504, but does the average fan really see and difference? And once again the Unlimited Mods vs. the four engine mod class. However it could be said that with the Unlimited mod vs. mod you at least have the difference [some times] of 5/6 engines vs 4, or 3 Alison vs

So this, for me begs the question, does more HP actually make for a more exciting show?

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2016 08:37AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 05:02AM
I go to see about 8 pulls a summer to me I like the smoke noise and the people who sit with and the thing over the years the bigger the show the more people come.I follow the outlaws and the great plains.I think when they do have a pull in a town helps lot people when they put those show on. I will keep going to the pulls until the day I die. I really enjoy the sport of pulling .yes I like my tractor to pull 300' ft all time .I hope u pullers have safe summer I'm ready for some pulling.

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 05:11AM
I have been to many pulls and had many ppl who don't follow the sport ask what the difference is between a pro stock 640 and a lim pro 466. All they see is a tractor going the same distance and don't understand what is the different. I have even had them ask me what the difference is between a 3000 rpm tractor and pro or DSS all they see is one goes a little faster.

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 05:25AM
Having a good announcer and a good sound system that can actually be understood, makes all the difference.
The announcer has to convey the tractor name and footage, placing, etc.
Now if he can explain clearly the different tractor classes and maybe get down to vehicle that has trouble on the track, explain to the crowd or interview the driver on the situation, that it's bonus stuff that makes the fan in the stand experience better!

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 05:27AM
There are a lot of people that attend pulling events that do not necessarily follow a group or circuit. They go to their hometown pulls, as well as those that are within reasonable travelling distances. Most of these individuals do their best to keep up with the jargon that surrounds pulling, but a lot of them couldn't recite the rule book to you. In there eyes, they couldn't distinguish between the Superfarm class and the Limited Pro simply by seeing a tractor make a pass. Some could see a Pro Stock with an ag chassis and still not see the differences. I think that what these people see that is intriguing to them is the quality of the craftsmanship that they see while walking around the pit areas with their kids, as well as the professionalism of the drivers/teams. The kids love the t-shirts, and the parents love to see the engines, plumbing, polished compressor housing(s). Someone who isn't dedicated to the sport, but is in attendance because of proximity and or convenience will become far more interested if they are made to feel welcome before the hook, and are engaged by at least one team in the pit area.

There has to be an interest to get people through the gate, but its up to everyone else that has a stake in the future of the sport to take a little bit of time and make them feel like they should come back. Tell them what you have been trying and what you hope to try in the future. Who knows, with any luck you might see the same face a couple months down the road wondering how things worked out.

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 20, 2016 05:44AM
After reading this post , its so sad- do you guys have no life?

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 06:39AM
IMO the casual fan notices mostly how fast and how far they went, whether Ford, Dodge or Chevy won or maybe red, green, or whatever color. The tractors they know if they blow smoke or not. Cool paint jobs, breakage, and speed however are noticed and talked about after the events conclusion and generally recognized at the next event the spectator attends.

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 07:22AM
Even for a newbie, they would have to blind to not see a difference between SS and SF (multi stacks, larger tires, etc).

I agree the announcer can help lots on differences between classes. For example, Light Pro = smaller engine, no turbo size limit; Limited Pro = larger engine, limited turbo size is a brief synopsis most people can grasp. When you have announcers that dont know, or know but dont bother explaining the differences, that is where thecasual fan is left scratching their heads.

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 09:52AM
The occasional tractor pulling fan can't tell the difference between 1250hp and 1600hp. That is because of the sleds and the way things are set up in today's tractor pulling, nevertheless it proves that horsepower does not put on the show. 3 open superstocks will not draw the crowd that 15 hot farms will. Competitive diversification is what puts fans in the stand, ground speed, and paint jobs are also a big sell.

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 08:32AM
i consider myself a Die-hard fan, However, i have dragged people from all walks of life with me to pulls. Form the typical gearhead that loves anything that moves under its own power to Urban Chicks that never seen a tractor or a Cow in person before....

AAR nailed it! all i heard about on the car ride home was, " the one with the crazy paint" or the one that "exploded" or the "one that was taking the sled home " Basically the ones that stood out the most was what i would hear about for weeks. Food seems to make a big difference too. I have one friend that wants to come every year just to eat the Sausage dogs ?? weirdo

Mementos from the Pits are usually a huge hit too, specially with the younger one...

The best part, is when they ask you when the next one is, that's when you know you spread the disease we all love Beer

2 poor 2 pull :-(

Re: The entetainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 12:52PM
AAR says it all and Power of Red does a superb job of giving props. They have left nothing out and nothing needs to be added from my perspective. Great job gentlemen.

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 01:01PM
Must have some towel heads in this convo; AAR, ;Sabbaticanual wth is that

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 14, 2016 01:25PM
IMO Vinnie was spot on. Now we just need to clone Schultzie to emcee all the pulls. Mr. Jason does a good job of explaining the iron and knows stories on everybody. Buddy, it's time to give up driving. You're too good at announcing not to utilize your talent.

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 15, 2016 09:40AM
For your information, A sabbatical is the act of taking a break from normal duties, usually to gain knowledge through higher learning, before returning to the original activity. Example...I was a puller who is on sabbatical until I decide to return to active competition. I hope this clears up your confusion.

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 15, 2016 06:30AM
When those who don't follow the dirt drags on a regular basis go to an event, the only things they distinguish are tractors, modifieds, and trucks. On occasion they may pick up on different tire sizes. In other words, they rarely have a clue.

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 15, 2016 10:23AM
Yes they may not have a clue, but it is our Job as the diehard fans to teach those aspects to them, we have several fans here in KY now that travel a little farther, just because of stories that my father and myself have told the fan that has come to there local fair, and they here us talking about something we are trying or something that may be wrong. And then they are curious and start asking questions. and of course we ablige by answering any question they ask. Then in a few weeks we see them you know 50 Miles from home to watch again. All of that can happen at all levels and that is what it is going to take to grow the sport to the next level.

Eric Prewitt
The Prewitt Pulling Team
Public Relations for
The Pulling Radio Network

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 15, 2016 03:05PM
My son and I flew into Kansas City to watch the pull in Kemper Arena. As spectators we thought it was a very good pull BUT it was about an hour and a half too long. I personally did not see the need for 3 prostock classes and a super farm class when all the top tractors hit the sand. The announcers were excellent but if you did not have a program and just watched the tractors, you had no idea which class was running. We spent over $2000 that weekend between air fares hotels etc so we were there to be entertained, for the most part we were but after 6 hrs a night, it was getting a little long.


Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 15, 2016 08:26PM
Yeah, they could have dropped 2 classes per night and it would have been a long show.
You could run less vehicles per class, but it does take extra time to get from class to class, award presentations, sled settings, etc

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 16, 2016 01:05AM
We get quite a decent amount of fans visiting the shop from time to time to see the builds in progress and learn what really goes into the machines the love to see compete. For the most part I have found Pulling Fans are pretty well educated on the ins and outs of what they like. Some are Diesel Tractor fans, some Mod fans, some Truck fans and so on, some Fans are brand partial or particular driver oriented, but overall know quite a lot about what their interest in the sport is. They all ask a lot of pretty good questions, How much Horsepower is usually #1 , how do you hook multiple engines together #2 Tire Speed #3 so on. I love all the classes because I admire the craftsmanship and ingenuity in the machines, and many fans do as well. But at the end of the day an impressive run or win, a huge explosion or a rivalry fought out on the track is what sticks in the fans minds the most. The number 1 thing I've found that really helps an event is to run 2 tracks, keep the action going, even if there is a class your not really into running on one of the tracks it keeps something going on and the crowd engaged. One huge draw to our sport is the accessibility of the Drivers/Teams to the fans. Taking a minute to explain something to a young person, or sign an autograph or have your picture made yes can be inconvienent timing, but your taking that moment to make that fan feel part of an event can make a fan for life for the sport!

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 17, 2016 01:50AM
Since we gave up pulling I spend more time in the stands. People that know me come around and ask what is the difference between the smoker classes. The classes usually are Mod. Turbo, SF, Pro Farm, LL Pro, Pro and super and an open class for those who don't have roll cages etc. and that really confuses people. A good announcer is the most important part of the pull. We are lucky to have a guy like Davey May in our area to announce along with fair announcer. Dave really keeps up on all the classes and does a good job explaining the classes. Sound system has to be good also. Our local fair has a terrible announcer and it takes away from the event big time even in the farm classes. The Keystone announcers are great but sound system hasn't been good in the past. Supposed to be better this year. Shooting the team and sponsor T shirts in crowd gets the kids going and fills in if there is a break down. STARTING on time is big too !

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 17, 2016 02:19AM
I have proved multiple times that the average paying fan does not know & does not care about the differences between each class. As long as it is loud, blows smoke, throws dirt, occasionally catches on fire..... They are entertained. Come to Eagleville, Tn the 2nd weekend in June & We'll prove this fact once again.

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 18, 2016 03:08AM
Some may not agree with this and it is not a ritual, but if a child comes around an especially with a parent. We let the child sit up in the seat of the tractor and take a picture if they wish. Kids are sometimes shy and do not do it, but if they want, we make it happen. The pits have become a money opportunity for the promoter, by charging to attend the pull but then also charge to get in the pits, it can get pricey for a family.

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 17, 2016 01:49PM
Horsepower always makes a difference!

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 18, 2016 03:05AM
One thing that I believe is very distinguishable to the fans is engine RPM. A diesel going down track at 5k sounds way different then one at 3k. A 466 unlimited fuel and turbo would be a crowd pleaser in my opinion. A sleeper is another thing that gets a crowds attention. I have a junker that runs well, and I sold out of $1200 worth of t-shirts in one season at local events. Lastly, announcers don't need to sound like WWE, just give some accurate equipment details, and a little driver bio.


Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 19, 2016 08:35PM
Good announcing is key to keep the knowledgable and the new "just learning" pulling fans interested in what's going on. Tractors going down a track only make up about half of the time you are at an event, if that. The time in between hooks and classes is just as important to fans. Dan Mayer is the best in the game. The information he delivers at a pull is what everybody in the stands is looking for. He is a true ambassador of the sport! At Langford we strive on entertainment value for our fans. It's hard in these days for a family of 4-5 to go anywhere and be entertained for 8-10 hours and afford reasonable admission and food/drink. For any event to be a success it's gotta have the "Disney World" feel but not the price tag. Have well prepared facilities, provide a good show, have good food, be able to get up and close to your favorite "characters", and be able to go home at the end of the day knowing you got good value. If you are lucky the weather co-operates and you get the Cinderella story finish, thousands of people that can't wait to come back next year! See everybody at Langford August 6-7, 2016

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 20, 2016 02:27AM
when I'm around my gearhead friends the general idea seems that motorsports has 2 things to follow at events or tv shows,ie;drags have the set distance of 1/4 mile or 1000 ft that is covered by a certain time.the time and mph are on display,small circle track qualifying is seconds per lap,one thing that the "nqs" pulling series does that I love is they display the distance and speed in real time.i think pulling in general would benefit greatly from trying to capture the general publics interest by having a speed display board in realtime.then the not so diehard fan would have something to talk about on Monday,other than "a red/green tractor won" it would be "man a red/green tractor won,he was going 'x' mph pulling the sled"

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 20, 2016 05:50AM
My response ended up in the wrong slot- and again do you guys have no life ! Whats the big deal of this pump and that gear???? The federal Government funds your playing around, shouldn't you be on a budget?

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 20, 2016 06:18AM
Awe, Poor Katie, don't get upset! LOL

Re: The entertainment value of tractor pulling March 20, 2016 09:57AM
I just love to whine about farmers when I get to buy the best food in the world and at a reasonable price



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