Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 08:32AM
What is with this guy infiltrating everything that is pulling and everybody just lets him run wild including Badger State. I know he thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I am not saying everything he does is bad. I, myself can't stand the sight of him. So beyond my personal views I can't believe some of the crap he does. That blowing smoke parade thing he wanted to do a few years back was about as dumb as you could get for public perception. He wants to grow pulling as long as it is his way. Preaching to the choir thing. Pulling already has the people you are appealing to. I don't ever want to hear him announce at a BS pull again with all of his personal views. Stacey is getting as bad too over the years. I want to hear about pulling not taxes or running WI down the state you are in at the time. I don't want to hear political bs and your views. Call me whatever, but I did not pay to hear about your views on life at a pull. Jason's FB page has all kinds of crap on it political and things not putting women in the best light. His page he can do whatever FB will let him do there. Lets face it a whole lot of kids are looking at that FB page. Should they be looking at some of the stuff he posts there? I know they can find it someplace else, but what does it have to do with pulling. Now I take it he has taken over the BS FB page and more of his crap will follow there. Lets grow pulling as long as you are what "I" find as an acceptable fan. I am sure we don't want any of them gays at a pull. I am sure we will have to hear how trump will save us all, all summer. Believe whatever you want, but that has nothing to do with pulling. I know many of you in the pulling world think this clown is the bees knees. Not everybody. I have talked to many that don't care for him or his antics. Most don't feel as strongly as I do about him. If I was back on my county fair board booking a BS show I would make a condition he was not allowed on the grounds for our pull is how I feel about him. I sure can say he is a pushy fella that sticks his nose in everywhere and thinks he is the keeper of all that is right in the pulling world and beyond. So bash away on me. I am sure Jake will take this down as soon as he sees it. No I did not post my name. I am sure the rednecks would heckle or even cause my family harm at pulls this summer.

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 09:44AM
Like him or hate him you can't bash him like that without him knowing.
who you are. I don't even know who the guy is. Lol

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 09:57AM
The only idiot is (old x puller) I think he is great
Don't see very many trying to make pulling better
Keep of the great work Jason

We are all allowed an opinion. Now we know yours. May 24, 2016 10:10AM
I hope Jake doesn't take this down. We are all allowed to say what is on our minds, thats what makes pulloff.com great. I learned a while ago, no matter what you do you can't please everyone.

Jason Schultz
Call or Text 608 604 5068
Email jason@beermoneypullingteam.com
Beer Money Pulling Team Merchandise [beermoneypullingteam.com]

Re: We are all allowed an opinion. Now we know yours. May 24, 2016 10:41AM
Jason Schultz
I hope Jake doesn't take this down. We are all allowed to say what is on our minds, thats what makes pulloff.com great. I learned a while ago, no matter what you do you can't please everyone.
Don't need to please people. Just stick to pulling when representing pulling.

Re: We are all allowed an opinion. Now we know yours. May 24, 2016 10:49AM
This topic has already been brought up on here a few weeks ago and Old X Puller you're not going to find much support for your cause here. Jason keep doing what you're doing. Building a brand through social media is what the big clubs should have been doing. Keep up the good work.

Re: We are all allowed an opinion. Now we know yours. May 24, 2016 10:51AM
I forgot to say Old X Puller your post violates the terms of this page by not posting your name and info when you directly called Jason out. So if this post does stay it will only be because of Jason requesting that it stay.

Re: We are all allowed an opinion. Now we know yours. May 24, 2016 11:03AM
Jason has had good topics, great guests and interesting interviews. Keep up the good work Jason!
Wayne Stine

Re: We are all allowed an opinion. Now we know yours. May 24, 2016 11:58AM
There is a spoil sport in every crowd,--pay him no mind,attention is what they want,--------don't play the game,let them whine and be negative alone.

Re: We are all allowed an opinion. Now we know yours. May 24, 2016 03:29PM
Don't know what got old x puller so fired up , but the sport needs people like Jason and Stacey. Not enough people are willing to give back to the organization that helped get them where they are in the pulling world. I didn't see Jason climbing over people to volunteer to do a lot of the things he's doing for pulling. If your going to talk about people like you did , at least state your name. It's great to have Jason and Stacey as pulling friends.
Patrick Hack

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 12:17PM
Pretty spineless move old x puller..... Grow a set and put your name to it! I've been in the same shoes someone trying to stir things up hiding behind a screen name. I don't agree with Jason on everything especially his loyalty to badger state

Re: Jason Schultz May 25, 2016 08:36AM
I find some of his interviews entertaining but could do with out some of the vulgar comments and the ppl rah rah all the time but that's understandable since he pulls with them, but overall he is pasionate about the sport and that's a good thing..

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 01:20PM
Hey, old x puller, if you want to know the pulls I will being announcing this year, let me know so I can save you from spending your money listening to me!! Jason keep up the great work! Hopefully with open minds we can grow the sport!! Stacy Butson, 815-389-2047

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 01:32PM
I find it ironic that old x puller calls Jason an idiot. Having a take on life, pulling, or anything in general, is actually the opposite. I enjoy a lot of what i hear from Jason and i also disagree with some. I guess i will just take my ball and go home!

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 02:13PM
Jason gets a big thumbs up from me, I personally enjoy him as an announcer along with Stacy. I would drive an extra 100 mile to listen to either one announce. I do think that if old x puller put half as much energy into the sport as either of them in a positive light verses that sob story rant....

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 25, 2016 12:02PM
Old guy, please get the hell outta here, stand on the sidelines and wish; I coulda done that; these guys are doing it ; your time is obouisly gone, get in the now

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 02:35PM
Old X Puller: If you have an opinion or maybe a better term would be a bitch about someone, no need to splash it all over this board. Grow some balls and pick up the phone and call him, I'm sure he would talk to you. when your conversion was over I'm sure you would know much more about pulling than you do now !!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 04:58PM
I don't know about the rednecks but if someone points you out this summer I'll dam sure take a shot at you.

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 24, 2016 11:23PM
Another pull fan
I don't know about the rednecks but if someone points you out this summer I'll dam sure take a shot at you.
Open minds? Don't agree, shoot them. Grow pulling? Already have this type locked in. Just want the cookie cutter pulling fan. No need for any other type I guess.

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 25, 2016 12:54AM
Their no such thing as bad publicity! I think pulling is the only Motorsport that is seeing any growth currently, and 6500 people at a red neck rodeo in early May is proof in the pudding that things are going the right way.

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 25, 2016 02:20AM
I don't live in WI and have never met Jason or heard him announce, but I generally love what he is doing. Pulling is long overdue for a social media presence and doing our job to CREATE publicity. Also his show is by far the best one on the pulling radio network, I'd love to like some of the others but a couple are only tolerable and several are simply un-listenable. So keep it up Jason!!!!!!!!

Re: Jason Schultz Is an Idiot May 25, 2016 07:03AM
the fact that this topic is still up leads me to believe Jason wants it up. either way it doesn't affect me one way or the other. I have zero issues with Jason and less with Stacey. my problem is, that if his facebook page pisses you off that much then what the hell are you looking at it for then. I don't know this old x puller from adam but stereotypes can easily be created by his rant and I am the king of stereotyping someone. Gary Sullivan 608 574 3529

Support A Good Guy May 25, 2016 03:32PM
What Jason has done for pulling will go far beyond what any other one person could ever do. He works hard, volunteers tons of time and always puts the good morals of pulling first. I have respected him from day one and continue to do that to this very day. Proud to say I'm a friend and a colleague of his in the field of pulling. Keep doing what you're doing, I'm a fan!!

The old man is welcome to add me to the list of folks who would love to chat sometime about pulling, politics and general information like filling out a full profile. Anytime!



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