2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 02:01AM
Added to are rules , decubing of engine's will be allowed, engine must match manufacturers clutch housing and rear end. No front air bags

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 01:35PM
Is that it? Any talk on alcohol?

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 01:43PM
I just still don't understand...the fastest growing class in the sport, and no one wants to just run uniform rules so that everyone can play. Makes no sense to me. Your playground, your rules.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2016 02:07PM by Newalkyholic.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 02:11PM
Why not build a diesel? We as a group felt that we are not ready to commit to alcohol tractors . So what are a fair set of rules? Tire size, cubic inches, and weight so that everyone involved would be happy.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 03:11PM
In NY we run SCWTP rules. 370 alcohol 3x4, 470 diesel 3x4, 315 diesel 2 stages, 410 diesel 3x4 I believe can run intercooler, 24.5 tires run 6500lb and 30.5 tires are docked 250lbs down to 6250. Decubing is legal as are air ride front ends. Heritage rear end, axle and transmission housings. Engines are heritage based except 5.9 Cummins can run in anything. BOB is a little lighter at 6000lbs, but similar. I believe they might allow 480 on the diesels. I may be mistaken. I follow the alcohol rules because that's what I'm building.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2016 03:12PM by Newalkyholic.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 10:23PM
I have pulled with SCWTP and there tractors run really good, but won't give on the weight like you do for tire size. We get to have sloted covers for our chargers. But they only have 2or3 diesels the rest are alcohol. We have smooth bore in badger state.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 10:40PM
I don't have a problem with the weight difference for tires. I know BOB is 6000lbs for everyone. I'm not looking to argue weight, because I've seen that thread here, and everyone gets all sensitive. I really do like the travel series for the LLSS , because it allows a bunch of tractors to move around the country and pull with people and at places they never would. That's my only reasoning for endorsing uniform class rules is that I'd like to build a tractor that, on a whim, I could just load up and head to any pull in the country and meet new pullers. To me, that's what a big part of this is about.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 10:42PM
And David, please don't think I'm singling Badger State out, because I'm not. You guys are just one of the groups I've followed, and thought I'd pull with you at some point, but sadly I will not fit your rules.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 27, 2016 11:59PM
Maybe in few years we may need to consider the akly tractors, most of are class feels that the rules need tweaking, but people need it to be fair for everyone

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 12:49AM
rules need tweaking ????? duh !!!! hawthorns got a 2nd out of 10 or 11 at the cheese city challenge, and a 2nd in Brooklyn wi. on labor day wknd , and yeah omg , they ran there normal 24.5s ,,,,,,,,,,most of the crying bout 30s is b.s. 50 percent of the time if not more 24s will get in2 the trac better .....oh crap I gotta go now and put my head bac in the sand.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 12:57AM
John in your finals they got 8 out of 10. At your pull we had no idea who was pulling at what weight, this was guy at that , that guy was this. One weight, and if you can't pull at that weight , then your tractor needs a diet

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 01:23AM
Also John, only 2 diesels in finals and maybe 6 out of 20 for the show . And how many diesels in SCWTP maybe 3 out of 10 . So why isn't there more diesel tractor is the point here?

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 01:52AM
So with the decubing of motors now does that mean you can put a 400 series in a 656/666/686 chassis?

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 02:05AM
Just a reminder Dave, that all rule changes must be brought to the board of directors at the annual meeting to be voted on. A class on its own cannot change any rules without board approval.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 04:59AM
Craig, i just people to know what we are thinking, i put the cart before the horse. But talk like this is good

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 07:30AM
Oh gotcha it sure would be nice to have more parts readily available.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 07:45AM
There may be no point in trying to talk to the Badger guys on letting the Alkys run with them. They are being head strong and protecting their turf. So be it. I know there are a few alky tractors that would love to pull in Badger. What I don’t think BSTP realize is that they have the opportunity to try and make the alky/diesel split work their way. Maybe they don’t want to. I know set rules across the county would be great, but if BSTP wants to tweek theirs just to see how it works I don’t see the harm in that. You never know it may be the best way to match up the two fuels. They have an open book right now. They have their current rules, which for the diesels are a good set of rules besides maybe running a slotted charger. Right now they have the chance to make a set of rules for alky tractors however they like. They could make them run a lower weight, or less draw bar. Make the weight 6000, or 6250 against 6500 diesels. Put it in the rules it only stands for one year with the alkys and then revisit the rules at the end of the year weather they want to keep it, change it or end it. This bickering on Pulloff every other month is getting old. It is good entertainment though when the site is a little slow. If Badger doesn’t even want to consider this then I think everyone should just leave them be and let them do their thing and watch how it transpires for them down the road. These Badger LLSS guys don’t give themselves enough credit. They are tough tractors and could very possibly stack up nicely against any of the top alky tractors. It just seems they don’t want any new blood in the class that may threaten their standings. I was in Monroe for the Green County Fall Nationals. It was a great show. The USS was awesome. It was the only tractor class that had any alky in it. Now this is not a normal class for Badger to have either. The LLSS class was ok, but a little alcohol mixed in there would have been awesome. All of their tractor classes are diesel. Now don’t get me wrong I love diesel as much as the next guy, but getting that little bit of variety in that class would make it great. If you are a spectator what sets it apart from say super farm. We all know weight, cubic inch blaa blaa blaa… But to a person who just wanted to come and watch and knows nothing about tractor pulling, it may look very similar. Just another diesel class. Now add that extra noise and battle between diesel and alcohol it becomes more fun and exciting. I hope that possibly the board of directors with Badger will make this a part of their discussion. If it is left up to the LLSS pullers nothing may ever come of it, and maybe that’s fine. But if Badger wants to offer a better class to their customers. That being the venues they sell their show to they may want to consider this. It may just also make the class worth more to a venue which in turn could give the pullers more money in pay out. I guess maybe this is just food for thought or my uncontrollable rant.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 03:15AM
As it was described to me last fall when I took some interest in this class, I could build any IH combination that I wanted as long as the block that I chose would mount to the bell housing/ rearend using a factory rear engine plate without modification and followed the cubic inch rule. So I am going to run (or sell) a 466 powered 560 chassis.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 04:01AM
David, I know you guys like your diesels out there, but alcohol allows more guys to run. I can buy my fuel system and ignition system and still be cheaper than a good injection pump. I love the diesels, but can't justify building one at this time, especially since I plan to campaign an alcohol burning LSS in the future. Just makes sense to stick with what I'm going to run. I'd love to come out and play. I really do feel the SCWTP rules are very fair for all involved. BOB has some pretty good running diesels. Old Rags certainly mixes it up with the alcohols every week. I'd just be extremely pleased if all the associations got together and came up with acceptable rules to allow everyone to pull anywhere. Even if they don't fit in your exact rules, at least have an addendum that allows fair exceptions to traveling tractors. That's what this class is supposed to be isn't it? To get people into the sport? Why lock competitive tractors out that can help put on a great show, and entice more paying fans to come out?

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 05:05AM
One thing is that badger state all ready has a 466 class. Why should we step on there toes by adding that engine combo with ours

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 05:11AM
The other 466 class runs at 9500 pounds, and there are no 560 chassis in it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2016 05:38AM by neilsroom.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 05:20AM
Actually he's right Neil. They have a 410" cut off. Just pulled the rules up. Your combination won't be legal unless you're pulling 56 cubes out of it.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 05:22AM

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 05:27AM
Yup- So did I. I thought that their diesel rules followed the rest of the LLSS classes around the country with the 470 turbo/ 410 turbo + cooler/ 315 with twins. I should have double checked that. I was under the assumption that 470's were allowed after speaking with class members last fall. Better get the 414 crank outta the corner of the shop I guess! Sorry for jumpin' the gun Dave! A 312 would be nice on twins though.... I had one of those lined up for this build but lost the gentleman's contact information when my Samsung phone opted to melt down. He was from southern WI. I believe his name is Jeff......?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2016 05:37AM by neilsroom.

Re: 2017 rule changes for Badger State LLSS September 28, 2016 03:24PM
BSTP has their rules and if it works for them then LEAVE THE RULES ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone wants to pull BSTP llss class, then build to THEIR rules!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2016 03:25PM by Supertiquer.



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