9600 ford big cube? April 04, 2017 04:33AM
How many cubes can I get out of a Ford block? Interested in building a motor up a little. Will be pulling in a 12,000lb open farm class with a 3×3 turbo rule 640 cube lim,3250rpms! Know its not possible to win with this package but would still like to run the best it could! Any way to get more than 540 or atleast 540 cube safely!
Their is other classes for this tractor but have know interest in them! Don't care about winning just wanna do something different!

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 04, 2017 04:43AM
I've heard only 524 cubes

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 04, 2017 04:59AM
Call The Forresters in chambersburg PA they know fords well and build a lot of motors that compete and win 540 CI classes

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 04, 2017 10:22AM
There are some fords running over 600ci in the super farm class so it can be done.

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 04, 2017 10:46AM
Of course it can be done Blue Bye U 2 is over 600.
Even won a WTPA point title in SuperFarm a few years back.
It can be done.

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 04, 2017 10:52AM
Yeap those Blue guys in Chambersburg Pa. know how to make them run. Will one of their engines fit in my 4320 ? Just kidding or not.

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 04, 2017 12:19PM
Watch your bill fold!

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 06, 2017 03:50AM
Why build a tractor if your gonna build a tractor build it red#

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 07, 2017 02:27AM
Got a class of 6 red power in our Pro Farm class. People don't watch it like they do other stuff. You need diversity when it comes to brand. The fan needs to see a difference in the vehicles. I joke with my guys and tell em that I will put a blue filter on your vehicle, a green one for yours, and an orange one for yours. But if you ask them, they want more diversity and that comes up all the time with them. You don't even have to mention it. Our 7800 Light Pro Stocks, get attention because it has pullers from 4 states, blue (Ford and Forresters New Hollands), Red and Orange (Case, IH, and Farmall), Green, and an Orange.Allis Chalmers D-21.

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 05, 2017 01:23PM
D21vs9600 is a ford Motor better than the 426 ac

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 05, 2017 10:21AM
All depends on what block you use 401, 456, or 474 truck block

Re: 9600 ford big cube? April 06, 2017 06:20AM
If you are wanting 600ci. You need the truck block, deck plate it and put a girdle on it. You'll either spend it later or spend it now. The Genesis block great at 540, yea you can get more cubes but it takes a lot more work. I'm sure there might be some 600ci fords sitting somewhere, might even find a 540ci sitting.


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