Congrats Jason hootman June 25, 2017 11:49AM
Great job Jason! Nice to have different tractors in the top three in tomah

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 26, 2017 01:41AM
Is the chezik reign over?

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 26, 2017 02:33AM
It was a excellent pass, but the reign will be over if he can consistently repeat it, I always like the big celebration when someone beats them, yes it's a big deal but it can happen it is tractor pulling after all...

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 26, 2017 11:55AM
They may have had a bad batch of fuel had same problems at Mackville

Holy balls with the open supers WAY out front

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 26, 2017 12:14PM
They had 4 chances and couldn't crack the top three. Couple of no name state tractors got ahead of them.

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 27, 2017 03:13AM
One could only assume they are burning the same fuel in the open supers. Those two no name state tractors can run with anyone in the country.

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 27, 2017 01:35PM
I couldn't agree more, those "no name state tractors" are National caliber tractors.

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 27, 2017 02:15PM
Id like to compare the stats from about the last 3 yrs. I bet hootman has beat chizek more than any other Lss. Enderle, Louisville and now tomah. My hats off to Jason hootman. Might i add, it still has a ford engine!

"Super fan", U better re-evaluate June 27, 2017 03:15PM
Anybody that has been around GN LSS pulling during the past up to 15 years should recognize that the "Red Thunder" team is certainly not a "no name state tractor".

And anybody that studies pulling event results, via and / or "the PULLER" will recognize that the Case of Marty Nelson certainly has been making his mark in WTPA, Region 3 & 5 the past couple seasons.

My congratulations to Mr. Hootman, Red Thunder team and Mr. Nelson for a 1-2-3 Tomah sweep. Awesone performance. Keep up the good work.

Re: "Super fan", U better re-evaluate June 28, 2017 04:50AM
Congrats to the Commander team on a great hook and to the other place winners as well. It was a great show!! This is my favorite class and the Commander is my favorite tractor and I'm glad I got to see them win in Wisconsin. That being said, it's hard to imagine the Chizek team not being in contention every year. Paid driver, best alcohol motor man in the game, private test track and very deep pockets make them pretty hard to beat. There are some tough teams this year though so it won't be a cake walk for anyone. The Temptation crew is running real strong this year, Hootman has proven that he can run with anyone, the Phillips and Wettleson clans are always tough, Wilhite is back and those no-namers from Wisconsin didn't just get lucky. Glad to see all the tough competition.

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 28, 2017 06:52AM
I thought it was pretty awesome to see Hootman Beat Chizek, specially in Chizek's home state. GN LSS come to Langford NY first weekend of August; can Jason hold off Chizek in Hootman's home state?

I think the GN LSS class in Langford NY is going to be the class everyone is talking about for weeks after. NY has some great LSS guys that will jump up and be competitive, specially on a track they know better then the GN LSS guys.

It's great that Chizek is able to come in and set the Bar(Standard) for LSS and OSS. Chizek almost always brings his "A" game with his tractors, if you are able to sneak past him you know you have accomplished something. Takes a perfect run with a top notch tractor.

Thank You,
Justin Bennett

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 28, 2017 07:20AM
I will never forget ten years ago in Henry Illinois the back to back 370ft passes that no name Red Thunder tractor made. What a clinic he put on that nightWinking

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 28, 2017 10:06AM
Sully, Below are my videos I took that evening you reference. Like you, I will never forget it. Regardless of when the driver let off the throttle or was red flagged, I have not seen anyone in any class move a correctly functioning sled like that since that time. They had Red Thunder, 504 Rocket, and The Bomb in the pull off. I have to admit, this is the year I got hooked and became an addict.





Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 28, 2017 12:25PM
I someone had them videos I just couldn't remember who! That was a great track that night

Re: Congrats Jason hootman June 28, 2017 08:52AM
Great work Jason!



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