Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 18, 2017 12:50AM
Seen this on another pulling forum and thought it would be an interesting topic.

How is the Reg 2 Light Pro hook at Tipton on the same night as the Hoosier state light pro hook in Lynn going to work?

Would love to hear from some of the pullers on this.

Re: Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 18, 2017 04:28AM
Because the NTPA likes to make money !!

Re: Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 19, 2017 01:02AM
They will pull first at lynn. Then load and go to tipton. Tipton starts at 8 and will run them last. They will have designated parking area when they arrive. It's only 2 hour drive. Not all will do it. I have attended quite a few daily doubles it's fun. Some will get 2 checks that night.

Re: Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 20, 2017 11:58AM
Why do you say the light pro's will pull first? I would think you shouldn't have booked a class that has been established for several years at a different location, on the same night.

Re: Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 21, 2017 03:33AM
Hey Hitchpin, not sure you should answer for the Lynn folks. I don't think NTPA should schedule 2 hooks on the same night hoping that one place would hook them first and the other hook them last. From speaking to competitors they don't want to load up and travel 2 hours, pull and then travel 2 more hours to pull again. Lynn has been running the light pros for several years and to put another hook on the same night is pretty stupid. I don't care how much money the NTPA wants to make. The NTPA may find themselves out at Lynn if this is how they are going to treat them. PPL looks pretty inviting if this crap keeps up. Just sayin

Re: Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 21, 2017 07:10AM
I say every dang light pro in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, etc show up at Lynn just to prove a point. Maybe some individuals at NTPA will get their heads out of their keister and realize they screwed up.

Re: Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 21, 2017 08:59AM
I would love to see every light pro go to Lynn just to prove to the powers to be at Tipton that they aren't better than everyone like they think they are!

Come on Light Pro Pullers August 22, 2017 08:52AM
Lets get the word out to all the Light Pro Stock Pullers to show up at Lynn. Having 15-20 show up to Lynn at a state hook over a region hook should ruffle their feathers a little bit. Lets see all you boys who pull in the region 2 east division show up and help out with numbers.

It would also be something to see a ton of region 2 and grand national 4wd trucks show up to make the show BIG.

Re: Come on Light Pro Pullers August 23, 2017 09:10AM
My question is, if they pull first at Lynn then haul @ss to Tipton, who is going to do the tech once they get to Tipton. The pull will already have started and tech guys will be on the track.

Final Decision August 23, 2017 01:29PM
After some very serious conversations, we (Lynn Indiana Tractor Pulls) have decided to run the Light Pro Class 3rd at our HSTPA hook on September 9th. Hot Farms and 4wd trucks will run beforehand.

We hope all of you Light Pro Pullers will come out and help support our event.

Thank you for your time and support.

Jordan Austin

Re: Final Decision August 23, 2017 01:45PM
Thumbs Up

Re: Come on Light Pro Pullers August 23, 2017 02:18PM
Way to go Lynn Pullers. Maybe finally the guys at tipton will realize there sh** does stink and they don't rule the world. I hope every light pro in this country shows up to your pull!!

Re: Come on Light Pro Pullers August 24, 2017 12:12PM
I guess if the light pros want to leave the 12 places of purse money and a enderle bid at tipton they're choice. Plenty of tractors to make both events a success. Why would 40 tractors want to chase 10 spots. When they could divide and 22 tractors could get checks between both places.

Re: Come on Light Pro Pullers August 24, 2017 01:24PM
Did it ever occur to you that maybe there is a point to be made here? Did it occur to you that maybe enderle would already be clinched?

We all know there will be a few show at Tipton. Who has the better track record here though?

And from what I have heard, multiple pullers enjoy going to Lynn. Don't think it's a matter of getting a check, more like where you enjoy pulling.

Plain and simple, you don't schedule same classes on the same day, within a couple hours of each other.

Re: Come on Light Pro Pullers August 24, 2017 09:44PM
Kinda curious how the points will work considering both Lynn and Tipton are Hoosier state points hooks.

Re: Come on Light Pro Pullers August 28, 2017 02:05PM
They haven't checked a tractor at Tipton for years. I've seen them run bigger tires than the rules allow and nobody said anything. The scales is a check your own with no one around for miles. Tractors that were way over weight pulling along side of honest pullers that check their weight. Anything goes at Tipton.

Tipton classes August 30, 2017 02:14AM
What other classes are they having at Tipton besides lt pro and mods?

Re: Lynn Indiana......Tipton Indiana August 29, 2017 12:30PM

Attn Lgt Pro St pullers:
Due to the scheduling conflict of classes between Lynn and Tipton, IN on September 9th, the Executive officers of HSTPA has decided to not Co-Sanction the light Pro class at Tipton, IN. It will be a Region 2 points event only in the Lgt Pro class.

Note: the SF and TWD classes are still co-sanctioned and will receive HSTPA points.


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