NYTPA December 10, 2017 06:40AM
Who is the club president is it Dan or Jessie. Why are they running the club in the wrong direction I have been apart of the club for many decades and this is been very hard to grasp. Even back when Bill Rockefeller was president they always left the voting from the annual meetings my the way it is. I don't even think Earl ever let them change anything after a vote. Why ?? Are the meetings getting out of control and Dan isn't keeping it calm?? Why would you change it so often?? Is this going to happen every year now?? After being involved in the club for over 20 years it's just hard to see it unbalanced. Any answers would be respected. This club has always been strong and I hope they get a handle on it Dan and Jessie are nice people I just don't think they are leaders. Happy holidays

Re: NYTPA December 10, 2017 10:41AM
Dan is the President

As thru any change in leadership there are growing pains and some learning to be done.

I for sure was not a big fan of the vote or change that was done last year on how to run the 2016 SS class after the membership vote was done but it is what it is at this point. I am sure NYTPA will will survive a few hiccups after all it has been successful for over 45 years.

At this past meeting nothing was really changed form the membership vote in November. Also at this past meeting, we that were there did discuss for a little about how to handle voting on items that was not mentioned in the news letters that goes out to all the competing and associate members.
I think the directors will have a better handle on it.

This past meeting the SS class was discussed again and the vote that was done in November did not change.
NYTPA will still offer the classes that was voted on in November.

it will also offer the traditional SS class that they have always had prior to 2014 and ran in 2016.

To me I would think that most all of NYTPA promoters would take the traditional SS class.

We will see how 2018 will shake out and will learn from it.

Please keep in mind.
Change is positive
whether or not it has a positive effect, negative one or neutral.
The positive part is you will always learn something.


Mark Hayes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2017 12:22PM by M HAYES.

Re: NYTPA December 10, 2017 11:10AM
So NYTPA promoters now have the choice of three super stock classes correct?

Super Stock Diesel (including pro stocks)
Super Stock Alcohol
Super Stock (diesel, pro stock, & alcohol)

What will be the purses & pros/cons to each choice?

Re: NYTPA December 10, 2017 12:19PM
Yes that is correct
The purses will be the same so will the points

From what I see
the cons
1) if a promoter chooses just a Alcohol or Diesel class they May not (most likely not) get nearly the same number of equipment.
2) if a promoter chooses to take both fuel types as individuals they may have to pay more for the same show as the traditional class.
3) if a promoter chooses to take both fuel types as individuals, do to the possible price a promoter with less disposable fund may drop another class.
4) if a promoter chooses to take both fuel types as individuals as well as the normal classes it may effect the points payout for all classes and placements at the end of the year.

The pros
1) if a promoter chooses to add a individual fuel type class, a promoter with LESS disposable funds may be able to save a little money but they should keep in mind it may be a limited size class.
2) a promoter with MORE disposable funds may be able to add a one fuel type class to add a little more of a show if they feel they would benefit from it but they should keep in mind it may be a limited size class.

This is just what I see at this point.

Mark Hayes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2017 12:35PM by M HAYES.

Re: NYTPA December 12, 2017 05:04AM
Jake, while I agree there are multiple sides to a story, there are also often very valid reasons for a persons actions. So despite what information you choose to manifest to validate your presumptions and flap your lips about to further your personal agenda why not ask the person whom which you seem to have concern for his/her or their actions?

Re: NYTPA December 12, 2017 05:59AM
Ross. It's nothing about flapping lips. It's fact !! Their is no reason to ask. I simply stated the other side of the coin. Don't forget people always love to hear your opinion. One more thing I thought the Castner performance crew was going to start attending monthly meetings ? What ever happened to that or was that just the idea when they were talking about super farm topics. Don't worry like the old saying goes if you can't beat them join them. I bet you could find the Michigan super farm builders number on here to make your clients tractors run like their. Ouch.

Wrong again December 12, 2017 02:59PM
I really hate to break this to you.... You now have made not one , but multiple presumptions not facts. Get out your shovel and dig your hole a little deeper. Take your time replying this time as thinking does not seem to be your strongest attribute. And yes you can find Ryan’s number in the builder directory. We will just have to settle for our customers points championships in multiple classes from multiple states.

Re: NYTPA December 13, 2017 12:00PM
I am just a pulling fan from the Midwest and I check in on pulloff at least twice a day and I see a lot of hard work on growing the sport on this site but those threads get very little attention it is threads like this that get the most attention and I hate that as a pulling fan I do understand there are numerous organizations across the usa and they all have different views but internal bashing and complaining within organizations does nothing to help promote the sport maybe I am wrong but I sure see a lot of that going on on this site

Re: NYTPA December 13, 2017 02:26PM
chris h
I am just a pulling fan from the Midwest and I check in on pulloff at least twice a day and I see a lot of hard work on growing the sport on this site but those threads get very little attention it is threads like this that get the most attention and I hate that as a pulling fan I do understand there are numerous organizations across the usa and they all have different views but internal bashing and complaining within organizations does nothing to help promote the sport maybe I am wrong but I sure see a lot of that going on on this site

Where is the thumbs up button for your post?

Re: NYTPA December 10, 2017 12:00PM
I have watched all the conversations on this post with more and more disappointment. The sport of truck and tractor pulling is changing in ways where it is almost hard to keep up with. Equally with that is the cost to host an event, lure a family in, provide food and entertainment for a resonable cost. While it is understandable to have a difference of opinions. What does getting on this post with out signing your name accomplish?
Most pullers like to pull in front a crowd and on a good track. Why? Must be the entertainment be it the big crowd rooting for their favorite color or puller or the bragging rights for the win. As “Clubber” stated he/she had been around nytpa for 20 years. Imagine being a promoter booking the same show for 15-20 years to be told “oh by the way figure it out we split the classes” As no history exists for numbers in each of these new segregated classes possibly it is not a bad idea to offer a combination class. If promoters book the combination class over the diesel or over the alky it must mean that they feel their event is stable the way it is. As a puller you are subject to the entertainment business.. that is if you want to get paid for pulling at what ever venue your at. So wether you like it or not entertainment does dictate the amount of revenue available for your pocket be it the payout that day by a promoter or a points fund that ppl and other sponsors contribute to.
As far Dan and Jessie being leaders. Define what makes a good leader. Does someone who drives 10 hrs sometimes to work an event despite the fact that their completion vehicle is disabled because they made a commitment to the club? does a good leader present all options despite being chopped off at the knees because there are more classes that make up the club of the nytpa that the just the super stock class? Dan Jesse and the nytpa board keep up the hard work.


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