IH trans January 14, 2018 08:34AM
im looking to buy a trans from a friend he cant tell me i hope someone can how do you figure out the ratios for the speed trans
it has 28/45 26/47 25/48 with a 27/46 constant mesh gear can you please tell me how to get the finial ratio it will be a 1066 with a 13/49 ring and pinion
thank you

Re: IH trans January 14, 2018 09:29AM
1 under
1 over
2 over

Ratios are approximately

Re: IH trans January 18, 2018 07:26PM
can you please explain how you came up
with that thanks i would just like to how to
do this also myself

THANKS , Jim Shoots

Re: IH trans January 23, 2018 02:43AM
anyone please !!!!

Re: IH trans January 23, 2018 03:09AM
divide each gear set, (if a bigger gear tooth count driving a smaller gear tooth count you know it will be less than 1) then multiply the gear set ratio times the constant mesh ratio, times the ring and pinion ratio, times the final drive ratio = final ratio. do this for each gear set. Note: if you have a planetary gear, add 1 to what ever the ratio is. Example--if planetary comes out to 5.1, add 1 = 6.1. do this only for a planetary set, not a bull gear set.


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