4.1 gearing February 05, 2018 10:23AM
Can someone give me an idea on what kind of gear ratio the 4.1's are running west of the mis river .

Re: 4.1 gearing February 05, 2018 11:24AM
19-1 18-1 17-1

Re: 4.1 gearing February 05, 2018 12:27PM
What gear ratio is a 706 in direct

Re: 4.1 gearing February 05, 2018 01:06PM

Re: 4.1 gearing February 10, 2018 11:04AM
Back to the top

Re: 4.1 gearing February 10, 2018 11:58AM
I ran 19 to 1 with 640 4.1


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