LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 16, 2018 12:00AM
I can hear groans now, and I would be groaning too. With the disagreements among different factions about LLSS turbos, best weight for the class, etc., how long will it be before a group of pullers somewhere propose splitting the LLSS into two separate classes (assuming they could ever agree about what those classes should be)?

Sounds silly, but that seems to be the way of the world these days ( Start class, disagree about rules, split into different class. Rinse. Repeat).

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 16, 2018 12:36AM
Since the PPL Western Series has added a few hooks . I would like to see how these rules work and how many participate ? All running the same size charger with a weight difference of 100 pounds. But I also see a 2 sets of rules, east of Indiana and west of Indiana . As you see now all the complaints about different chargers , this class only needs one charger size and that's the problem.

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 16, 2018 04:03AM
I agree David I can se the alcohol tractors in this area going up in charger size in the next few years because the 3.4 on a 470 cube diesle is also to much .Theres to many engine combinations trying to be satisfied

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 16, 2018 10:26AM
So Lewis your trying to say the 3.4 is to much when clearly the only diesel running it is at least 10 feet behind?

Why would the alcohols go up in charger size? It’s getting away from the basic of what the LLSS class is about.

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 16, 2018 01:18PM
Yes really go back a couple years ago and se what i said about the 3.6 trial junk I TOLD YOU SO IS IN ORDER and i told you so will come around again soon And to answer YOUR own question .Why did diesles go up in turbo size I am truly the one who knows what the llss was all about and its gone past that I did help make the origanal rules and was the second tractor to hook to the sled at the first pull,You guys can get pissed of at me for knowing what im talking about all you want im with Travis everyone should use there name

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 18, 2018 11:05AM
With your constant rants and post about LLSS rules you have made it where I wont watch the class nor do I want to ever hear about it anymore. Its a little version of Superfarm if you can read the name on the tires as they go round and round it needs to at a antique pull. You helped make the original rules then why are always wanting to change them? Let it go and go to the shop work on some or your 4th and 5th place tractors

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 18, 2018 12:04PM
If you read your statement in slow moition you will show yourself you dont have a clue ive got my rants across a couple organizations just getting started are going back to the 3x4 turbo this winter for both fuels

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 19, 2018 08:46AM
Im sorry but i had a call today needing to do some clarification The diesle running 10 ft behind is ONLY running a S 400 not even the new Collmbus 6 blade that makeng a 100 more horse than last years 7 blade model

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 19, 2018 09:30AM
Smoothbore 3.0 turbos some how make 100hp more every year. Yet in reality they have made the same power for the last 10 years.

Re: LLSS: What are the odds of this happening within 3 years? June 19, 2018 11:03AM
Bingo! Do something more then change plugs and oil. They ran the same way 35 years ago when they were in the 55SS. That clasd died off in the early 80s. Came back with Bluegrass then ATPA.
Open it up to 5500lbs OEM rear, run what you can fit under the hood. Spark plugs 420 cid. Smoke 504. Sit down hold on and watch the ride. The smarter ones will learn to lower the drawbar. Maybe it would not get messed up this time.


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