Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 21, 2018 12:42AM
Can anyone explain why Jeff Hirt jumped off of Runin' Bare at the end of his pass and got between the back of his tractor and the front of the sled?

Just Jeff doing Jeff things?

Can't say that I have ever seen a competitor do that but I guess there is a first for everything...

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
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Re: Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 21, 2018 04:14AM
I talked to Jeff and the starter was cranking the engine when he turned off the ignition he ran to kill the main power

Re: Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 21, 2018 04:30AM
I love watching Jeff, always some excitement. Also, thing made an awesome pass.

Re: Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 22, 2018 03:37AM
He always jumps up, jumps off, does something to attract attention to him. you don't see other drivers doing that. just a show boat.

Re: Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 22, 2018 04:39AM
Maybe he is clausterphobic

Re: Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 23, 2018 01:50PM
I’ve seen him pull from the beginning and he’s always done that I believe it’s an adrenaline rush not a show off I know at the end of a pull I can’t wait to get the helmet off just a quick rush
But this goes back to how to fix pulling its needs more characters just like back when that’s his trademark you know who it is even when you can’t hear the announcer

Re: Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 23, 2018 02:57PM
What jake said is almost 100% correct. Had a plug wire off the first day with a dead cylinder. Makes for a good bit of unburnt fuel fumes. Second day at bg got things together and made a good run. Prolly the smoothest of the class. Jeff is known for jumping out of the seat at the end. He is getting a bit slower with age as we all are. There is good reason for it. He has a genuine concern for the condition of his equipment. Jeff pushes things to the limit constantly to better his position. I have been there for a good bit of it and helped out on some. One thing is for sure that he is willing to try/ risk on things most wont attempt to do. Not in a foolish way but in the pursuit of more hp and longevity of a setup. What most dont see is the constant trying and testing. We typically see jeff on our test track several times a year trying new ideas. Win loose or draw jeff is going all in at any point and you cant help but appreciate that kind of passion for it. Always makes for an entertaining show.

Re: Jeff Hirt - Saturday Afternoon at Bowling Green, OH August 22, 2018 03:10PM
It's almost as bad as watching the guys that think they are special waiting for a tow tractor. Back up, un-hook and drive away.

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 22, 2018 03:29PM
Anyone know what happen to the old running bear tractor?

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 22, 2018 04:20PM
Think Al Kocks Entertainer 2, was one of the many tractors to have had the Running Bear name on it.

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 23, 2018 07:42AM
He likes being the center of attention. he needs to keep his rear in the seat, and do just like the rest of them do.

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 23, 2018 12:57PM
On Jeff's first pass in BG the tractor was really fat on fuel and it looked like he sucked down some serious fumes. He jumped off because he couldn't breathe. It took him a while to catch his breath as he stood next to the tractor and coughed up a lung. One his second pass I thought he was pulling his kill switch at first but the tractor was already off (at least I think it was... darn ear plugs) and as someone else said he was turning off his main power disconnect. Both of those things seem like pretty good reasons to jump off.

If they held a competition to see who could jump off their tractor the quickest Jeff would win hands down! There's really nobody else even close, he's the Usain Bolt of the 2 meter tractor jump. Actually before his second pass of the weekend one of the Blue Shirts joked with me and wanted to know whether Jeff would be off the tractor before the tires stopped spinning. To say he's got a reputation is an understatement.

That said, what's it matter? He was safely off the tractor and then back on it before the tow straps were even hooked up. He didn't delay the show for a single second. Personally I don't care if he pulls out a piece of cardboard and a boombox while he jumps down to break dance as long as it doesn't slow the class down.

I was really happy to see him make such a great pass for a very solid second place.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2018 03:17PM by Jake Morgan.

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 23, 2018 02:33PM
He’s the John Force of tractor pulling!!

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 23, 2018 02:54PM
He's nothing like force in the tractor pulling world, that was funny !!!!!

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 24, 2018 11:30PM
I’m curious why you think it’s funny. I don’t know Jeff but agree that he is a lot like Force. If you statement is based upon Force being X time world champion you might want to look at who Force was before he got big money sponsors.

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 25, 2018 04:42AM
Its like a Harley "if i have to explain you wouldn't understand", and no disrespect to you at all, but we were at a pull a couple years ago and a grand national light super was making a test hook an detonated, he got off to see if something was on fire an someone made the comment as a joke that he was like Jeff and he got one of the worst cussings I'd heard in awhile.By tge way Force is 16 time champion not ten.

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 25, 2018 11:07AM
When he said “X” champ he didn’t mean it as ten. I don’t think I should have to explain that to you! Lol

Re: Jeff Hirt - running bear August 25, 2018 11:08AM
Jake I completely agree with you on this one



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