Ken Veney July 25, 2009 03:32PM
Does anyone know what happened to ken veney. He is precommited to ntpa but not in the chapel hill results. Also saw he was in the ppl results for the same day

Re: Ken Veney July 26, 2009 01:03AM
Chapel Hill is an Invitational pull, maybe he didn't get an invite, maybe he did and decided not to go. I don't think he is obligated through the precommitment to be there.

Re: Ken Veney July 26, 2009 08:26AM
Chapel Hill is not an invitational. He pulls with PPL. Kind of hard to pull at Evansville, IN Friday and Fairfield, ILL on Saturday and also at Chapel Hill at the same time.

Jesse Post
JP Pulling Productions

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Re: Ken Veney July 26, 2009 03:27PM
If Chapel Hill isn't an invitational why does it say so on their web site?

Re: Ken Veney July 26, 2009 04:05PM
Top ten in points or so and whoever they want to invite on top of that!

Re: Ken Veney July 26, 2009 06:00PM
So Ken pulled a Bruce and since he is out of points race, is ignoring his comitment, and playing in whatever sand box he wants.
Hope he doesn't try to "pre-commit" next year.
Just showing how much his word really means.
Burning my funny farmall shirt tomorrow.
Will be ordering a MBR engine soon.

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 27, 2009 12:48PM
I dont think Veney will miss you as a fan.If you have 1/100th of the respect,energy,knowledge,and money as Veney at his age,then your opinion may weigh-in.Burning his t shirt just shows your stupidity and ignorance.Go back to "tending" your sheep and give your cuzin back her computer.

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 27, 2009 02:34PM
Just shows his "word" and signature on a contract isn't worth spit.
He is one of the smartest "head men" on the planet, and I love listening to him, and he IS very knoledgable.
Just his word isn't worth a crap.
A REAL man lives up to his contracts and promises.

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 27, 2009 02:51PM
You can't be serious ? You must be trying to start something ! Funny Farmall did the intelligent thing by supporting a pulling association that wants the competitors to have the highest purse possible. Sorry but ntpa dosen't subscribe to that same wisdom.Winking

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 27, 2009 06:00PM
So the FACT he signed a CONTRACT means nothing to you either?
He knew the payback from both when he signed said contract.
It is showing his character. That is an unescapable FACT!
But then look what we have for a president. Promises mean nothing in the white house, nor on a contract. Nor at the border, nor in the welfare line,

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 28, 2009 01:26AM
Why single Ken Veney out? There are lots of guys who have precommitted and not gone to all of the hooks over the years. Things come up. With the high cost and small payback pulling has to offer, I think pullers should be able to make up their own minds where they want to hook whether they precommit or not.

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 28, 2009 05:12PM
Figurator/Attorney is upset that Veney has chosen the PPL as his preferred organization to pull with rather than the NTPA.

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 28, 2009 06:26PM
I am disapointed he decided to not HONOR HIS CONTRACT, like an upstanding businesman would.
I understnad it is his toy and he can take it and play wherever he wants to. So why did he sign the pre COMMITMENT contract if he didn't intend to follow thru? He knew pay back for both orginizations when he signed a contract.
Would be the same if I ordered and SIGNED a contract to buy 8 sets of Veny heads. Ken gets them done, calls, and I say, sorry, don't want them now. But if I want just one or two sets at some later time, whenever it is convieniant for me, I still want the same price you quoted me, each, for the 8 sets of heads, just for whatever number I want. Whenever I want them.
If I was David P. Schrier, I would send Ken a bill for entry at the events he participated in and took advantage of free entry, and all other benifits of the pre commitment program, plus would make sure he paid all entry fees the rest of the year.
BTW, with Ken winning so decisivley at PPL, and he wasn't doing all that well @ NTPA, sort of answers where the toughest are.

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 29, 2009 12:48AM
You know, if you have such heartburn over this, why don't you just go to the source and find out yourself and get over your cheap self.

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 29, 2009 01:37AM
Do you know if Ken signed a contract? I know of one mod guy that called and asked about precommiting and was put on the list. Maybe you are getting the cart before the horse?

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 29, 2009 05:33AM
In PPL he runs against 4 engine mods. NTPA he ran Unlimited against 5 engine mods and got 2nd and 3rd at Tomah. Should compare mods with mods. Not Mods with Unlimiteds.

Jesse Post
JP Pulling Productions

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good point Jesse and rocky July 29, 2009 05:42AM
Agree with what you guys said. Just be thankful he is pulling! Besides his wife gives us something else to cheer for

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 29, 2009 06:35AM
attorney Wrote:

BTW, with Ken winning so decisivley at PPL, and he wasn't doing all that well @ NTPA, sort of answers where the toughest are.


LOL, are you flat out brainless? Firstly, Veney isnt mowing over the PPL, hes just now starting to really get his new 4 engine set up to its full potential. IF you had any clue at all about the PPL and NTPA's regular mod class, then you know that the top 10 four engine mods all pull on the PPL, because its a better gig, which is why Veney trashed his NTPA mod pre-com. And when your looking at 2008 NTPA regular mod results, you should know that Veney was still pulling 3 engines, while Jostock had 4 engines. And you should know that Veney is competing in the UNL with 4, while most guys have 5.

If you've seen Veney now that he has 4 hemis, and you've been to a grand national hook, you would know that Veney would spank Gueningsman, Jostock, and Bollinger all day long, as would the other top PPL mods.

Don't forget that Veney has never pulled PPL and maybe he wanted to pre-commit to both so if for some reason he didnt like PPL, he could fall back on the NTPA. But he, like almost every other top mod, found the PPL much better.

10+ guys do this every year on circuits all over the place and NOBODY cares, your just crying over another top notch puller leaving the beloved NTPA Grand National circuit. Instead of whining about some useless pre-commintment backout, why don't actually complain about the real problem, which is WHY VENEY LEFT THE NTPA!

Then you might actually get somewhere!

Re: Ken Veney shirt burner July 28, 2009 03:56AM
WHA WHA WHA ken won't come play in my sandbox, get a life and grow up, or better yet go build a mod yourself

Re: Ken Veney July 27, 2009 09:04AM
Any GN license puller can pull at Chapel Hill no matter what they are in the standings. RN license pullers can pull at CHapel Hill if they are in the Top 10 of the Pennzoil Cup points after Tomah. Then it is like an invitational with pullers either being invited or pullers asking to come and are allowed. They do this to keep the numbers reasonable. So it is kind of an invitational.

Jesse Post
JP Pulling Productions

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