Changes after dropping the first hook January 20, 2019 04:59AM
Remembering a GN pull this summer where the first tractor came down at around 306'. The track crew decided to leave the sled and this was officially the first hook. Puller dropped the hook and came back later. His comes back and goes something like 354' and wins the class. Commentator asks what changes he made and he replies with "moved some weights, changed gears and moved the hitch". When a puller can make changes that add 50' to their hook, it seems like this is a pretty big advantage. Do any sanctions limit the changes that a puller can make when he drops the first hook or is this just the way it is? Is the original rule allowing the first puller to drop still relevant and warranted in the sport?

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 20, 2019 06:20AM
Most of the time in every class they pull 3 or four and then reset the sled if something seems wrong,, but could have been the ole buddy bullshit, probably was

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 20, 2019 07:34AM
My guess is the track probably changed significantly throughout the class. So I'd say it's very believable to make some adjustments and make a much better pass. Just the luck of the draw. Also you don't have to turn it down if you're first. Sometimes that's a big mistake. Been there done that.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 20, 2019 07:53AM
Most of the time the first pass is much better to keep,unless you really missed the setup,(mark) or drove all wrong.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 20, 2019 08:50AM
After weighing in you can only move 200 lbs or 2 weights. Without having to get your hitch remeasured. As long as he reweighed and remeasured his hitch after all the adjustments it's should be legal. That is one good thing about going first if your way off you can make major adjustments.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 20, 2019 08:28AM
We had a case this summer where my wife ran first made a monster pass so the sled was changed. We dropped to last as there weren't a lot of tractors. The track was one that we knew didn't hold up very well so we moved a significant amount of weight back. The tractor made a nice pass,she won but by just a little. Had we not moved the weight she would likey have been way back in the placings. As someone mentioned tracks can change a lot. We used to pull on a track in KY that you knew if you had last hook you knew you were likely to win,every tractors went 3 or 4 feet further.

S'no Farmer

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 21, 2019 12:12PM
What was 2nd place distance?

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 21, 2019 03:07PM
Diesel supers at Tomah last year. Red horse dropped to last. Added close to 50' and put 16' on second place. Seems like the ability to change so many things was a big advantage. Just wondering if anyone thought limiting the changes might be worth a discussion? I'm not trying to start anything or saying anything about the red horse team. Great pullers who did what they were supposed to do in order to get the win. I just wanted to see if anyone else thought the rule might need a little tweaking.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 21, 2019 03:14PM
Same type situation with blackbourns at Hillsboro too if I'm not mistaken.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 22, 2019 01:48PM
What are everyone's thoughts about organizations that do not allow the "test" puller of a sled reset to have the option to drop their hook?

Personally, I am not for that rule but I can see how it would "speed up" a show.

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
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Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 09:57AM
Diesel supers at Tomah last year. Red horse dropped to last. Added close to 50' and put 16' on second place. Seems like the ability to change so many things was a big advantage. Just wondering if anyone thought limiting the changes might be worth a discussion? I'm not trying to start anything or saying anything about the red horse team. Great pullers who did what they were supposed to do in order to get the win. I just wanted to see if anyone else thought the rule might need a little tweaking.

They changed the sled after RedHorse pulled

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 22, 2019 01:28AM
Don't forget some pullers will sandbag on first hook!

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 22, 2019 01:46AM
Hold on,so if minis are 1st class and let's say you pull a pro and its next class,you draw 1st hook,get to watch noone and now you must keep it.every other puller gets to view the previous hook except you.drawing number 1 is a huge advantage,you can accept the pull drop 3,drop 6 or drop to the last hook.taking that away will cause the 1st hook to bump the sled and drop to the bottom from mechanical,lol.happens all the time on big classes that have the potential to hook in the shade later in the class..

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 22, 2019 11:26PM
If I remember correctly, the only thing you can’t do as far as changes, you can’t air tires up, you can’t raise hitch, but you can let air out and lower hitch all you want. Move all the weight around that you want to, anywhere on vehicle just can’t add weight that will make you overweight. Pullers that have been in sport for many years, you do not want to give them the opportunity to hook to the sled twice.

Eric Prewitt
The Prewitt Pulling Team
Public Relations for
The Pulling Radio Network

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 02:27AM
That's exactly my point. Has it become too much of an advantage? Why does a puller need the chance to re-hook just because they drew the first spot? Why was the original rule put in place and for what reasons? Are those reasons still relevant today?

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 02:46AM
The only way to make it fare for the first puller if the rule to drop first hook is done away with is to not let anyone change anything after first puller pulls, if everyone gets to watch the first tractor or truck run and then gets to adjust or change anything and the first puller does not get that option that in my mind is not fare, it has happened to me an everyone thought the track wasnt there but as soon as i ran everyone changed something and it made a huge difference in the out come, i was not allowed to drop an rehook.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 02:50AM
We went to a pull a few years ago at Hudsonville, MI to run our two tractors in the NTPA Lt.Unlimited class. My wife Tarry was the first hook of the entire show,the track was way better than anyone had thought. When she left the line the tractor did a major wheel stand,broke a wheely bar went for the sidelines hard,she had no choice but to let out of the throttle quickly. When she did that it pretty much wrecked the tractor bending the motor mounts and messing up the steering. At that point she wanted to come back for a second try but the tractor needed some major work so she was done not only for that night but for the second night of a two day show.

When this happen you could look back in the hot pits and every puller staged was either moving weights up or lowering their hitches, she didn't have that option because of the breakage but it would have been nice. An incodent like this can effect the final points for the entire season. Don't think for a second that this happened because of a lady driver,she is a very good driver. This happened so quickly and so violently that no driver could have driven through it. This tractor has been running in the Mod classes since the late 80s and has never broken a wheely bar that's how fast and violent it was. Did I drop the ball by not reading the track, maybe but if that was the case so did every other puller because they were all making changes after this pass.

S'no Farmer

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 04:35AM
First puller is the ginny pig,-- everyone watches how the track is,if that one can't change anything,why should others behind him or her change then,all judgement calls,but without the first hook all are guesses.Second or last hook,-- you still get to see how the track hooks,first one not so much.Now that being said,many times the second hook is much worse,not one of you are addressing that.Everyone always worries about someone's advantage,that is what is happening in today's world.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 11:23AM
First off, I never said anything should be changed and I'm not complaining about anything. I just asked if people thought it might need to get looked at. That's what forum's are for. People discussing things. I'm just a fan who wants the sport to keep moving along. And maybe the rule is just fine and nothing should be changed. But to sit around and act like all the rules from 40 years ago are still the best way to do things isn't the best practice either.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 04:47AM
So no changing gears?

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 04:57AM
All these yrs it has worked,why is everyone wanting to change what ain't broke.Why does no one ask what to do when second hook is worse? Come on people we make rules to be used and for reasons good yesterday and tomorrow,sure some can change with the times,but second puller always gets a better chance to succed after watching number one,now later the track changes,but the pack must then decide on their own how to adjust,first puller has no help.And I have been tols when no first pull - rehook obtion,-- just go pull -- YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO !!!!!!!!

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 05:05AM
If first hook dont get the opportunity to drop, the nobody should get to move the cone on where they want the sled set at.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 11:41AM
Everyone on here has some great points. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it used to be that you could only drop 3 or 6 unless it was a mechanical issue. If it went back to that instead of dropping clear to the end (as the track often improves...Not always...But I would say more often than not) but that would negate the opportunity for as many huge changes simply because of a time factor. I agree with some thoughts on here. In fact I always say that the worst pull position is #2. #1 can drop. #2 sometimes just plain gets what s/he gets.

But that’s pulling. I like first position. My Dad hates drawing it. Interesting to hear the different thoughts. I personally think that the biggest issue is #1 dropping clear to the back...

What does everyone else think?

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 04:58AM
I know it's not an apples to apples comparison and someone correct me if I'm wrong but NHRA they don't have practice ofany sort. I know they get to make multiple qualifying runs. Maybe the rule should be tweaked a little. Best way is to collect data from the last ten years and how many class winners came from pullers who dropped their first hook.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 07:28AM
If you are going to change that rule you better outlaw all 2 tractor teams so the can’t compete in the same class with 2 tractors

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 08:56AM
This is got to be one of the dumbest threads in a long time. Maybe the fairest things to is have all the driver's come out on the track, introduce them to the crowd, give them all a blue ribbon. Everybody's a winner, everybody's happy ,no one cheated and move onto the next class.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 10:40AM
OK -- do you have a point???????????????????? very certain you are not a driver,puller or even mature to any meaninful degree. We all if alive make the best of all rules,situations and opportunities to succeed,accomplish,win,get ahead,conque,wharever term you choose,being competitive means assertive confident and having drive and abilities - Period ! Most would not want to be first puller,so why the complaining.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 03:01PM
Wow wasn't expecting that, but to answer your question ,yes I pulled mini rods in Wisconsin in the late 80's early 90's and did pretty good. As of 3 years ago I was affiliated with a truck pulling club in which I spent 4 years as tech official and 16 years as president. So yes I have a idea on how pulling works. Personally if I couldn't draw test hook I preferred to be 4th or farther back. my feeling was 2nd wasn't that great unless they changed the sled. Maybe I misunderstood the last part of the original post and some statements after. Maybe at 66 I should've been given a more mature reply, but the idea of changing the test hook or limiting how many pulling vehicles you could own I couldn't help but give a immature smart a$$ reply on how to fix it. I hope this clears it up.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 03:14PM
Meant to say until 3 years ago

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 24, 2019 03:13PM
Wow wasn't expecting that, but to answer your question ,yes I pulled mini rods in Wisconsin in the late 80's early 90's and did pretty good. As of 3 years ago I was affiliated with a truck pulling club in which I spent 4 years as tech official and 16 years as president. So yes I have a idea on how pulling works. Personally if I couldn't draw test hook I preferred to be 4th or farther back. my feeling was 2nd wasn't that great unless they changed the sled. Maybe I misunderstood the last part of the original post and some statements after. Maybe at 66 I should've been given a more mature reply, but the idea of changing the test hook or limiting how many pulling vehicles you could own I couldn't help but give a immature smart a$$ reply on how to fix it. I hope this clears it up.

I actually think your first post was SPOT ON!

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 12:26PM
There was a cat first climbed an electric pole, he got in the juice and fell to the ground and hissed and growled for a bit then he jumped up and ran under a building. He didn't want to drop and try again. He kept his first climb. This is a true story by the way. Just trying to make a little fun and laughter for a change.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 12:49PM
There is the 75ft option everyone has to let off back up and try it again utilize it move a weight change gears or whatever

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 01:49PM
I think most organizations won't let you move weight if you stop and back up,if you drop the first hook yes but not if just stop before 75' or 100' what ever the rules are in the organization you run with. I could be wrong ...anybody know for sure?

S'no Farmer

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 23, 2019 01:52PM
I don’t think you can either. Again it’s changed over the years. You used to be allowed. Maybe you still are but don’t most put you on the clock now? So time would be a factor...

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 25, 2019 12:25PM
I want a free sandwich,three tries to move the sled,bigger turbo,fuel injection,water,Sema pump,nitrous,30 inch tires,and a trophy for biggest brain.

Re: Changes after dropping the first hook January 25, 2019 01:26PM
Yessiree, 7ate9, that describes today's selfish egotistical politically correct mentality to a tee! That's a prime rib sandwich, right? I'm sure you desire that trophy to be a huge, tall, heavy gold plated speciman with your name engraved in huge letters on each side.


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