silver diamond head on a 301 December 16, 2019 12:06AM
Any bolt on advantages of running a silver diamond head on a stock C-301?

Re: silver diamond head on a 301 December 22, 2019 11:55PM
Yes, good compression increase and better air flow. Need to use SD push rods, valve cover, rocker arms, and 1/2 of the head bolts are a different length. Check valve to piston clearance as well.

Re: silver diamond head on a 301 December 23, 2019 01:11AM
Why not just use the SD 308 truck engine? I assume it will bolt in the same to the 560 bellhousing.

Re: silver diamond head on a 301 December 26, 2019 03:26AM
Got a blue diamond slant valve head is this any good. Looks like the port is smwaller

Re: silver diamond head on a 301 December 26, 2019 03:57AM
the port is small but the slant makes them flow better i would choose that head if i was going to be getting pistons made and a port job

Re: silver diamond head on a 301 December 26, 2019 12:09PM
I have the silver diamond head. Valve cover, head bolts, pushrods, rockers, etc. Head has a small hairline crack in one of the valve seat areas, but it was a runner and did not leak coolant when I removed it from the truck. Call or text Neil @ 608-317-7321 for pictures or questions. I will let it all go for $250.

Re: silver diamond head on a 301 December 26, 2019 01:16PM
didn't ih make a 372 version of the rd, I would like a couple if they did

Re: silver diamond head on a 301 December 26, 2019 02:16PM
Yes,IH made a RD 372 and I have one laying in the shed that came with a WK-40 McCormick tractor that I bought..Its not for sale..


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