Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys March 28, 2020 11:33PM
Ok so I think it's time for a new topic, looking for a little advise on an 1175 tractor, I've done some homework and found that if I were to remove the planetary axles and install standard axles off say a 970 that would speed up my wheel speed, question is HOW MUCH? Is it feasible for pulling? Or will the speeds just be way too fast? Also what kind of weight loss would I be looking at? Thanks in advance for the help

Re: Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys March 29, 2020 01:07AM
Way too fast. 1175 final is 26:1 as is. Planetaries and axles weigh around 500 lbs a side

Re: Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys March 29, 2020 01:29AM
Ok any idea what the final ratio would be in say road gear without the plantearys?

Re: Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys March 29, 2020 02:58PM
Let's just put it this way.... regardless of what engine you had it would never move the tractor.

Re: Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys March 29, 2020 09:08PM
Ok fair enough that's off the table, would or could a 930 tran/rear fit in place of the 1175 trans/rear? Would the shift cover off the 1175 fit? How bout brake linkage? I'm sure if that were to work I could shave a pretty fair amount of weight.....if I were to use either set up what would be the best way to speed up ground speed?

Re: Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys April 06, 2020 12:12PM
Yes the 930 rear would bolt on and u can swap out the shifter. How light are you trying to get I pull a 1170 in hot farm still running plantearys and it weights 8200 empty. You can loose a lot on the front end. What kind of speed are you trying to get?

Re: Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys April 07, 2020 01:05PM
Well I was thinking at least 8500 lbs, I was hoping to come up with a track speed in the 24-26 mph range, what's to be done for clutch shaft location and linkage for the brakes if I were to go with 930 rearend?

Re: Case 1175 rear axle swap to eliminate planetarys April 10, 2020 08:22AM
Your clutch shaft is all in the same location and for the brakes you might have to bend a new brake line and for you to get that speed I would just get bigger hi low gears that's what we did in ours and if your goin to pull that fast I don't no how much horsepower your planning on having but I would put in a triple disc clutch


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