Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 05, 2020 08:52AM
The Governor of Illinois issued a reopening plan. Let's look at his 3 criteria: Vaccine this summer? Nope. Therapeutic treatment? Maybe, but the medical community will have to hustle. The third part, it doesn't say what the sustained period is. Is it a week? A month? And no new cases?

I suppose if Marshall and Putnam County, IL go a month with no cases, depending on his timeline, then in theory Henry could happen. Realistically, though, the Illinois Governor just squashed pulling in his state for this year.

His final step is: "5 – Illinois Restored: With a vaccine or highly effective treatment widely available or the elimination of any new cases over a sustained period, the economy fully reopens with safety precautions continuing. Conventions, festivals and large events are permitted, and all businesses, schools, and places of recreation can open with new safety guidance and procedures in place reflecting the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic."

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2020 08:56AM by The Original Michael.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 05, 2020 09:40AM
And then you have the CDC saying that a lot more people have or had the virus and it would drive the death rate down to below 1%. What is really the deal here? Now that it's warm people are out, just flat tired of sitting home.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 05, 2020 07:05PM
The deal is bud the “experts” cried wolf & we all listened. The expert of experts in all of this just got fired for having his married mistress to his house while he had the virus. That combined with so many mediocre people in power like all of these democrat governors. To date the average age of people dying from this is (and this is for real) 80. Yes 80. Because there are not a whole lot of people over the age of 80 certainly not 90 to offset any young deaths, this disease is hurting & killing people overwhelmingly in the 75 to 85 age range. If you are in the age group you need to stay in your home & away from everyone period. Wear a good mask if you have to go out, etc. If you take care of someone in that age group you need to stay as far away as possible period. You will not protect them with a mask you probably have gotten by now. For everyone else, you are going to be just fine. Your chances of getting killed on the road on the way to a pull are better than dying from this. The social distancing crap, masks, etc are only meant to scare you until these politicians have time to as Hillary says “not let this crisis go to waste”. You’ve been lied to. Your government has failed you. The politicians are still getting their haircut. Still have their servants, chefs, butlers, etc in their houses. That bitch governor in Michigan has had Botox during this. They even have the nerve to come on TV & tell you to wear a mask in public while standing in a room full of people & NOT wearing a mask. We are trying to get some pulls together. Liability insurance is tough to get right now as is a venue.

Marty Anderson
Big Ass Diesel

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 05, 2020 12:44PM
Not on a county by county basis, it is by “region”, and it appears that the region map looks a bit like our gerrymandered election district map- every region has a large population center which will probably continue to have cases when the rural areas don’t.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 05, 2020 12:55PM
If know vaccine comes up will trade pulling tractor for food is just going to become a reality tractor pulls is history

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? Farley Iowa still a GO! May 05, 2020 01:12PM
I was good to hear the PPL pull in Farley, Iowa is still ago! I will be there!!

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? Farley Iowa still a GO! May 05, 2020 02:30PM
Bring those Illinois tractors to Show me state we gonna pull

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? Farley Iowa still a GO! May 05, 2020 02:47PM
I doubt my tractor would be legal.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 05, 2020 02:30PM
Here in Missouri (except for KC,St Louis,Springfield) we went went from a limit of 10 people on Sunday to no limit on crowd size on Monday..Social distancing is still required but I doubt that it will be heavily enforced....Who knows? We can have pulls here if a promoter is willing to take the risk and believe me it will be a risk..I'm sure that we will be having some antique pulls as they cost so little to put on.

Restaurants are opening back up with a 50% capacity limit...I and the wife are going to hit our favorite buffet tomorrow evening..

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 04:00AM
Here in MO, Where is the easiest way to find list of MO pulls. I might come down.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 10:50AM
Here in MO, Where is the easiest way to find list of MO pulls. I might come down.


All the pulls are listed on here but I'm sure some will be cancelled..Just keep checking in.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 12:06AM
Lewis your true liberal idiocy is sure showing

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 12:17AM
Let's please stop the liberal vs. conservative, democrat vs. republican name calling in every thread. I'm quickly reaching my limit of people interjecting those shallow hyper-partisan comments in a thread when it just doesn't need to be there. If you want to start a new thread calling Lewis a liberal idiot then do that but lets stop ruining good conversations with childish putdowns.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 03:01AM
Jake Morgan
Let's please stop the liberal vs. conservative, democrat vs. republican name calling in every thread. I'm quickly reaching my limit of people interjecting those shallow hyper-partisan comments in a thread when it just doesn't need to be there. If you want to start a new thread calling Lewis a liberal idiot then do that but lets stop ruining good conversations with childish putdowns.

Spoken like a true snowflake.


Edited to remain somewhat on topic:
That's the fun part of this whole ordeal is the vagueness of the deadlines. A word I'm hearing a lot is "soon"

To quote Spaceballs:
"When will then be now?"
- "Soon"

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
Like LGP on Facebook

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2020 03:03AM by John Murray.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 03:10AM
Time dealing with Mother nature is always a factor, not a lot of real info yet, numbers are very mixed, time solves everything, pessimistic or optimistic outlook to the future is hard no matter what the issue,speculation makes little sense, going forward we will be able to make better assumptions when Time passes.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 03:55AM
Attached is the "Restore Illinois" plan that Governor Pritzker rolled out yesterday. Even in Phase 4, gatherings are limited to 50 people or less. It looks like pulling won't be allowed until we reach Phase 5. I highly doubt we see any pulling in Illinois in 2020.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 05:17AM
Putnam co. il. has NO cases of China flu.
Marshall has very few.

Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 09:08AM
Doesn't look good for our 2 state fairs


Re: Pulling cancelled in Illinois for 2020? May 06, 2020 10:34AM
Look at the states opening up and look at the socialist run states like Illinois.

This is political, goes right down party lines.

Sorry but it is...


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