Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 12, 2020 06:17AM
Amazing how much money these -farmers- are asking for there modified tractors now a days in the classifieds- guess with the government money thrown there way - why not , Make a killin for the year at tax payers expense

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 12, 2020 07:22AM
Doug G. Are you going to start this childish crap again.

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 12, 2020 10:26AM
Why are you so concerned about it ?? Does your Mother know you're on her computer again ??

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 12, 2020 12:11PM
I can agree with you kurt j I don't think it is correct for them to receive taxpayer money but they will someday if not already will be controlled by our government do as uncle sam says or no check and no one is stopping you or anyone from farming you can start anytime and then get a badass modified tractor or you can go and buy a antique stock tractor with the 1200 dollar government check you got and did not need and pull I have one I will sell you one lets call it the way it is

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 13, 2020 04:29AM
I farm and tractor pull and sometimes spend to much on pulling. But it something I do and will keep doing. I also take all the government money they will give me. But I don't spend that money on pulling. I took that money and bought a lake home and a boat so I would have somewhere to go in between pulls. I use the money my grandparent gave me on pulling. Some guys are lucky and others are real lucky.

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 13, 2020 05:43AM
umm, has anyone really asked mod pullers what they do for a living? Cause in the ntpa circuit i bet less than 50% actually make there living from farming alone or if they even farm at all...

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 14, 2020 01:40PM
There are a lot of pullers out there that are not farmers! There is getting to be more business owners pulling. If it's a persons dream to pull don't let someone stop you! Everyone has a money pit some where! There is many pullers that own trucking companies. Some work in construction trades and private sectors! All of them work hard and pay taxes. I wish people would pay attention and do the homework on tractor pulling before they start bashing great hard working people that make this country great!

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 14, 2020 03:36PM
I always get a kick out of people when they say farmers are rich, or they get all these government handouts. No one is stopping you from going out and buying a farm. The grass is not always greener on the other side. I would encourage anyone to go out and start up a new farm. Good luck, let me know how it treats you!

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 14, 2020 04:03PM
I always get a kick out of people when they say farmers are rich, or they get all these government handouts. No one is stopping you from going out and buying a farm. The grass is not always greener on the other side. I would encourage anyone to go out and start up a new farm. Good luck, let me know how it treats you!
This is the answer right here. If farming is the "Get Rich Quick" scheme people claim it is, pull out your checkbook big casino! Show em how it's done! Buy up every acre for sale!

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 14, 2020 11:08PM
that would be an interesting site having made money and lost my rear at times , it will change your thought process when you pay out a bunch of money and it dies halfway thru from no fault of your own. Buy insurance they said yeah boy that will get you enough to try again. Good luck to all that bought an input and hope for a strong output.

Rats & Cats July 15, 2020 03:04AM
I don’t care who you are, that’s funny rite there.

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 15, 2020 03:58AM
I'm 65 and always lived on the same farm. It's just a small former dairy farm in the hill country of Pa.. My wife and I started crop farming on a very small scale in 1980 using idle land in our area. As farmers retired or just got out because dairy was so un-profitable back then, before then and yet. They came to us to rent their land. My wife and I both had off farm jobs, sold seed, custom planted and harvested for other farmers that were trying to hang on without equipment debt. In 1997 I left a then $20 and hr. shift work job to farm full time. We've raised our kids and grandkids here and if nothing else they learned how to work hard and know where their food comes from. I did play the government programs for about 10 years of my stint but it wasn't worth the thought of the government trying to control me. I couldn't buy a good fuel pump for a pulling tractor for I got in a payment leave alone build a puller. I started pulling after watching a friend of mine pull the first Super Stock in this area about 1975. I got the bug and have never pulled in the big time but all antique, stock, enhanced and now with my grandson a Hot Farm. It's our time together with friends and family. I don't have a camper, boat or a time share. My sister in-law was on my case sort of like the guy who started this post about the money I spent pulling. My quick reply was 45 years of pulling was less money spent than the 3 campers and 2 boats they have had fun with. That's just not my thing. They farm too. So point being don't paint a picture with a wide brush. My thing is pulling yours might be-- whatever and that's great. Oh yea it's no concern to me what someone asks for anything they sell it's theirs to sell. If I want it and can afford it I buy it and if not I move on. Sorry for the long post.

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 15, 2020 12:24AM
Why are you complaining to the little guy? Take your complaints to the President and Congress. The tariffs hurt crop prices and President Trump is trying to help out. And rightfully so. But if you have a problem with it, bring it to Trump himself rather than bitching at the farmer.

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 15, 2020 01:48AM
why is it these keyboard complainers always bitchin about us farmers . move to china eat some cats or rats and then you can complain . what you live on rice and water . guaranteed not to starve in this country son .

Re: Pulling tractors now for sale ?? July 15, 2020 11:00AM
you have to admit that it looks like easy money with all the new and newer equipment that is on the farm these days,Sure some have 20 yr old stuff, but many show off 24 - 36 row planters, 60 ft diggers, two and more on some acreages and several combines and many semis, not cheap in today's economy with new pickups costing near 100K. Looks suspicious to me as a farm boy.



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