2021 Midwest Winter Nationals (Gordyville) update for pullers & fans November 17, 2020 06:28AM

Pullers, if you cannot make it to the 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals due to the change in venue, please email Klint at klint@whatssmokin.net. we would prefer an email over a phone call to keep track of who cannot make it. We will then mail back all entry fees and any extra costs that were sent in.

Fans, those that traditionally have boxseats at Gordyville, we will be mailing a new confirmation letter explaining your options for 2021.

There will be some more changes over the coming weeks as we have to change many things ourselves. This will be new for everyone on our staff so please be patience. We will give updates as soon as we can, and will have new materials for pullers. We understand that there are some that are upset with moving the event, but please know this decision was forced onto us thanks to Champaign County Health Department. We are doing everything in our power to make 2021 work because we love this sport & want to make the best of the current situation.

We want to thank all the fans, pullers, sponsors, and everyone at the MEC with working with us! We still have some details to iron out, and stay tuned here, our website whatssmokin.net & PullOff.com for the latest information.

We wish everyone a safe rest of your harvest and upcoming holiday season!

Klint & Whatssmokin Crew

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals (Gordyville) update for pullers & fans November 18, 2020 09:59AM
Where is the new location?

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals (Gordyville) update for pullers & fans November 18, 2020 11:37AM
Michiana Event Center (MEC) in Shipshewana, IN

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals (Gordyville) update for pullers & fans November 20, 2020 12:14AM
first, i want to thank Klint and all of the whatssmokin crew for not throwing in the towel this year .would have been very easy and understandable this year. while we all look forward to returning to the tradition of Gordyville for 2022, i am also excited for the new venue!! a few questions many of us first timers to Shipshewanna may have....
1. how is the parking for haulers at the arena? lots of room? gravel?
2. what will the pits be like? can we leave tractors in all weekend? room for support vehicles?
3. is there power in the pits for chargers, block heaters, ect...?
4. what is the heating like in the building? long johns, flannels?
5. are the pits heated also??
6. who's sleds will be there?
7. what will the track be like?? hauled in? or the dirt under the horse stuff like gordyville??

Wishing everyone a nice thanksgiving and a merry Christmas.
Cant think of a better way to kick 2020 to the curb, and ring in the new year!!! Lets Go Pulling!!!

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals (Gordyville) update for pullers & fans November 20, 2020 02:35PM
Stacy, the excellent MEC facility is only about 4 or 5 years old. There are 3 large but interconnected buildings. All kinds of events are staged here year round.

In March 2019, at the NTPA pull, indoor pits was in the South building, adjacent to hauler parking on the south and southeast side of the MEC facility.
The Center building at that time was the Michiana Farm Show trade show. I do not know, but it could be a 2021 puller trade show and / or even possible more pits.
The North building is the pull track with spacious bleachers lining the whole 300+ foot long track on the west side. Bleachers for about 100' long on east side which allows the smoke tube ampule room to operate and the tractors to exit to the east.

Will Klint use the same flow pattern between pits and pull track, I do not know. I surmise it depends what he uses the Center building for.

For that NTPA pull, Center Trade Show building was very comfortable, South Pits building a few degrees cooler but still very pleasant. North pull track building was the coolest because with alcohol fumes, they did a fine job of keeping the air moving, by even opening the big east side overhead doors. Bauer's smoke machine & sled worked flawlessly. I think they had big portable fans by the overhead doors to aid air flow, too. That was the first day of Spring (March 20). Most likely, Jan. 2021 will be much cooler weather.
I suggest come prepared with enough warm clothing. Always easier to shed it than wish you had some to put on.

Track soil. This summer, we pulled on a 18" deep clay track on the paved north parking lot. I was told by MEC employees that was the same dirt used for that NTPA pull. And will be again for their March 2021 pull.

Hopefully, this starts to give you an overview of the MEC facility. Also google their name to access their website. Some of your questions can be further answered by those NTPA pullers. However, some of your questions, Stacy, really need to be answered by Klint.

Come and enjoy. I believe you will be pleasantly pleased. And of course, Stacy, with all the power your Mini has, there is only one gear to run - the tall one!!!

Jake, Dick, Other Moderators: November 23, 2020 07:24AM
I unpinned this post because folks DO NOT read posts that have been pinned to the top. I hope others will comment on this post to keep the info up-to-date and not unseen like many pinned posts.

Hope to see everyone at the MEC in January!

Track November 23, 2020 10:40PM
I know Groryville track takes all the power you can muster, I really wonder if the Ship track will be that tough??

Re: Track November 24, 2020 03:25AM
That track dirt held up well for the NTPA and 2020 Labor Day weekend IPL (Indiana Pulling League) 2 session event. They were all easy to maintain. Each of those events was famed track builder Jim Miller's touch.
So obviously, the dirt has the capability.

"plb", to answer your question, it is all dependent upon how Klint's track builder preps the track. Same as any event, anywhere.
And you know it will be a 300' or plus track.

Re: Track November 24, 2020 05:14AM
Thanks for the feed back! Have pulled at Du Quoin, Cloverdale and last year at Gordyville, All were very good tracks! Looking forward to pulling there!!

Re: Bad Judgement November 27, 2020 05:54AM
With the spike in Covid cases and deaths in my area is this really a worth while endeavor? I doubt attendance will be a fraction of previous yrs. Best of luck to promoters and pullers.

Re: Bad Judgement November 27, 2020 07:52AM
“Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death.”
— James F. Byrnes

At some point we have to go ahead and LIVE life and not fear death. Death comes to all at some point.

In fact we may never know the effects of depression and other mental health issues that this "stay at home" deal has wrought in 2020. The mental and physical costs are incalculable.

The at-risk populations need to be very careful with the virus, no doubt, and I believe that we have a responsibility to interact with the at-risk in a manner that doesn't endanger them. Heck I am at-risk, but I have spent enough time figuring out how to pull the odds back in my favor to keep living as I wish to.

I am going pulling.

I know the risks and how to mitigate them as best I can.

I originally thought I wouldn't get the vaccine but now I will, it's not a cure-all but it is another line of defense.

Go pulling if YOU want to.

If not, watch the live streams of the events that will have them, it helps those events no doubt.

It is past time that we are allowed to make decisions without governments counting cars in driveways for Thanksgiving.

Doing things that you enjoy release endorphins that improve immunity so go pulling or do whatever activity brings you joy Spinning

God forbid we enjoy ourselves.

Re: Bad Judgement November 27, 2020 10:13AM
Bryan this is the truest comment ive ever seen! if you ever ran for president id vote for ya!

Re: Bad Judgement November 27, 2020 12:49PM
I agree 100% with ya Bryan. I’m fed up with the whole thing. I’m sick and tired of our “leaders” telling us to stop making wearing a mask political. Well guess what???? The day the government decided to start taking away our freedoms is the day this @#$%& became political. This whole thing has the stench of politics all over it and I’m going to go on living my life as I wish as long as I can. I’ve heard from several reliable sources at our local health care facilities that they were counting all deaths as COVID related. I have a tractor sitting that I can’t wait to get back out on the track!!! Who’s ready to go pulling!?!?!?!!!!!!

Re: Bad Judgement November 27, 2020 01:21PM
Agree with Brian 100% great analogy

Re: Bad Judgement November 27, 2020 10:57PM

Re: Bad Judgement November 28, 2020 09:27AM
I agree! Life goes on! We must live that way!

Re: Bad Judgement December 02, 2020 03:03AM
Very well spoken Bryan !!!

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 01, 2020 01:09PM
Tickets are now available 2021 Midwest Winter National Tickets

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2020 01:10PM by Ryan Zoellick.

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 01, 2020 11:57PM
Will the general admission ticket get me into the pit area or do I need a separate pass for that?

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 02, 2020 01:28AM
Normally the pit pass is at a separate entrance and higher price so the waiver can be signed. That's the nice thing about box seats lol!

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 02, 2020 12:58PM
Can you please explain? Will there be assigned seating or is it first come first serve on seating? And is general admission aloud in the pits or do you need to buy a separate pass? What is a box seat? Thanks.

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 02, 2020 01:26PM
The only reserved seating is the box seating along the track, which would be for a group 10-15 range. The pits will be open until a couple hrs before pull time then only those with pit passes are allowed. General seating is first come.

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 26, 2020 08:46AM
Several entries added today. We are getting pretty full in some sessions. If you are still interested in entering, email me at klint@whatssmokin, and I'll explain the process this year. Thanks

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 31, 2020 05:27AM
The state of Indiana is going to shut it down because that is the hotspot of the state

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available December 31, 2020 08:05AM
A little research tells us that Lagrange County is at the bottom of list in Indiana with just over 25 cases per 100,000 people at this time. I would take that number any day in my home county; we have been 50 to 70 for 3 months now

Re: 2021 Midwest Winter Nationals Tickets Available January 01, 2021 01:10PM
Bryan Lively
A little research tells us that Lagrange County is at the bottom of list in Indiana with just over 25 cases per 100,000 people at this time. I would take that number any day in my home county; we have been 50 to 70 for 3 months now

Why let actual facts get in the way of a good fearmongering rumor, though?



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