Only 4 Diesel SS? September 07, 2021 02:18AM
Only 4 diesel super stocks Saturday night in Hoopeston? Didn't I just read in a previous post numbers were on the rise?

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 07, 2021 06:44PM
So the talk of the super stock class being dead for the past 10 years really is a thing?

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 03:00AM
Yep, they really need to keep spending thier SSD class into oblivion. So much truth from Esdon during his boycott days, that he/they needed the Hyper aftermarket block to have reliability. Yeah, that has really proven out quite well. Hardly!!!!

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 07:02AM
Going to have to expect some of that at the end of the year. There was only 9 PS to make a pass the last night in Canton. When guys fall out of the points race and the year is almost done, the numbers will drop. I'm not saying there isn't issues with the DSS class, but let's not act like time of the year doesn't have something to do with it.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 07:15AM
I thought that's what precommittment was all about
So the promoters could schedule the class knowing that the pre pullers would show up. So much for that program. I see some guys are staying home or hooked with other association. If the pullers can't even support there own class why would a promoter even think about having them.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 07:33AM
From looks of meeting agenda items for Enderle weekend there is no movement afloat to increase purses or rework precommit program. So expect more of the same in 2022.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 08:36AM
The DSS class this year started out with decent numbers, but with breakage and parts availability to make it tough to make all the hooks. Like another person said at a certain point some may call it for the season if they aren't in points race. I can see where as a spectator and promotor you want to see certain competitors show up. Some competitors may have planned ahead and had extra parts or have been working on a complete engine. So when they had issues they could keep going where as some may not or used up there extra parts inventory and had trouble with getting replacement parts.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 09:34AM
They put out the same line of crap every year. I think some guys have been waiting on parts for at least 10 years. How many times can Lucy pull the football away from Charlie Brown befor he figures it out, something like 15 years.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 01:49PM
THIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A CLASS PRICESES ITSELF OUT and its going to get worse with prices going up every day on every necessity it takes just to keep the lights on at home

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 02:01PM
"I see some guys....hooked with other association."
And if said puller is down in the NTPA points race and still awaiting pay checks, from the NTPA office, from several past events, (pullers sure are grumbling about this) why not go to some other sanctioning body event where puller will get paid that night.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 02:33PM
Are you saying pullers sre not getting paid by NTPA ?

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 08, 2021 03:05PM
Correct, all checks now go through the NTPA office. All state associations now go through national as well as regional and national events. Because of this and being short staffed, they are behind.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 09, 2021 04:34AM
That is no way to do business. NTPA has become a laughing stock of management ineptness.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 09, 2021 11:53PM
The pre-committed pullers should try to make each event that was on the schedule that was listed when they signed up. Now, does breakage come into it as a factor - of course it does. But, the key word is commitment. By signing up you are committing to run at the scheduled events for the season. In a large class of entries, such as Mini’s and TWD, you can stand to lose a few as the end of points season winds down and some have no shot at a top points spot. Yes, I know it’s close to harvest time also, but teams knew that when they pre-commit. But in classes like DSS where numbers are already down, it’s very obvious in and a real shot to a promoter (in my opinion). Got to find a way to get that cleaned up - and it’s not just in GN classes, RN has had the same problems also.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 10, 2021 05:10AM
Does Napa still/ever have show-up points? That could also be a factor of why broke pullers don't show up. Yes, they get points at a rainout, but that is a different story.

Re: Only 4 Diesel SS? September 10, 2021 04:58PM
15 show up points, pending that you are a legal entry and pulling vehicle can run. Do not show up at another event with your known broken vehicle from a previous event,
expecting you will receive 15 points, 'cause you will not.


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