how to cut tires at yourself? November 21, 2021 07:15AM
Can I use electric planer to cut town tread and use it for cutting back side of the lugs?
But how can I cut front edge?

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 21, 2021 09:20AM
you can use an electric hot knife to cut the faces of the lug

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 22, 2021 04:23AM
This is what you can use. The 1st wheel on the list cuts the front edge, the Flatter wheel cuts the top of the tread down. Its a dirty job but with a little skill iy can be done correctly and save a lot of money. I use a DeWalt 7" grinder

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2021 04:27AM by prostockpuller.

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 22, 2021 04:58AM
J-c.those are obsolete..
Get the kutzall cups and disc.
Real color or blue,10 times faster, 100 percent better finish,and use the 4 inch grinder.if you get a 7 inch disc be prepared to be tired ,you must hold the grinder up,exact opposite if grinding metal..kutzall is only way to go

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 23, 2021 04:06AM
could you post a link?

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 23, 2021 10:06AM
I have no clue how to post a link.
Google kutzall shaping disc,theres a bunch of them.i use a cup,and the flat disc,full the outer edge first with a metal grinder.i use the teal and blue colored sets.if your young and strong the 7 inch would work,but like I said you must hold the grinder up they get heavy quick.the finish is far superior to the bronze xs e colored rock disc,which are extremely slow

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 23, 2021 12:28PM

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 27, 2021 01:50PM
How important is the angle

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 27, 2021 07:07PM
I make my leading edge 90 degree or more so the front lip is not as narrow as it would be more vulnerable to wear if it is too sharp, not as concerned with bar angle, ,half bars get close to the original, but I like to have a little curl on the outside two inches, on slower antiques it seems to help with traction. I have won more hooks with less bar than more.

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 28, 2021 12:40AM
The big mistake I see on lots of home cut tires is maintenance, guys tend to leave the leading edge get chips in it,it doesn't take much effort to sand the edge to keep the tire sharp.long term the tire is going to be worn down,whether by cutting 1/8 inch at a cleanup to renew the edge or by sanding the edge every other week,when distance on track is important keeping up with maintenance is a good idea

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 28, 2021 02:12AM
A hot knife makes a more stable edge, being hot makes it more durable, - in my opinion, really sharp is not needed all the time, - the dirt is not that level, even and doesn't care if the tread is super sharp, tire speed, setup is more important, - but also depends on track and dirt type, weight and speed. So many variables to consider, never win or lose by just one factor, - unless big misjudgment by driver. LOL

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 29, 2021 05:42AM
This is what you can use. The 1st wheel on the list cuts the front edge, the Flatter wheel cuts the top of the tread down. Its a dirty job but with a little skill iy can be done correctly and save a lot of money. I use a DeWalt 7" grinder

we do the same thing. we use a larger grinder to make the surface smooth, then use a push-down hot knife to cut the bars.

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 29, 2021 11:56AM
I’ve used used those cups and discs and they work good but I got tired of paying so much for them. The last time I sharpened mine I used a 36 grit flap disc on a 4” grinder. I figured it would load up and wouldn’t last but I was wrong. Now I’m just doing garden tractor tires but I did a set of 26” and 31” tires with the same disc and it took it off a little faster than I like. The next time I’m going to try one a little finer. Try it sometime there cheap like me lol.

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 29, 2021 01:25PM
too dirty, knife and planer, no issues

Re: how to cut tires at yourself? November 30, 2021 12:03PM
Be sure to wear a mask I done a set of 38s was up in my deer stand and needed to take a poo poo and didn’t want to climb down done it from the tree and bounded around and scared my big buck off


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