LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 02:44AM
Has everyone noticed that the raised weight in the LLSS class in Kentucky has been a complete and total disaster/embarrassment ? TNT let a couple pullers ( the big 3 ) influence them into raising the weight and it has been a total disaster ( a laughing joke )---- 4 tractors at Madisonville this weekend at 6100lbs---- 19 at Brandenburg at 6000lbs --- NUMBERS DONT LIE --- its been that way all summer long for TNT !!!! Also the ( big 3 ) that was caught looking at the Prewitts old tractor at Sevierville are now calling an begging the new owner to come to TNT pulls ( go figure ) if it was illegal then should be now !!! BUT THE REAL MEANING BEHIND THIS POST IS -- LLSS needs to stay 6000lbs -- if anyone wants to run heavier ALL surrounding states offer it !!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 04:20AM
The national weight is 6200. In Ohio the is a couple of organizations the run 6500 and 6700. Outlaws run 6200. NTPA run 6250, and so does PPL Midwest Region. If they run 6200 just like the National weight then everyone would be on the same page. Now as far as TNT goes from what I from pullers was at the winter meeting it was brought up about raising the weight to 6200 but it started a big argument and Eddie got tired of them arguing so he said you are going to run 6100. Not the problem is it was not voted in and a lot of pullers didn't like it and are not running with TNT this year because it wasn't voted in it was forced in by Eddie. I see both sides. Some don't want to change and some want to get on the national weight but you to let the drives decide it. Last year in Georgetown, OH there was 18 and several Kentucky tractors was there and the weighted 6250.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 05:04AM
But if theres usually 12 to 15 at every BOB hook all yr long, and 3 sometimes 4 at TNR hooks you'd think that EVERYONE could see that 6000lbs IS WORKING and leave it alone and everwhere else would have 12 to 15 at their events like they do instead of of 3 to 8--- maybe just maybe they to other organizations should open their eyes an see who has the most perticapation and learn something --- Maybe they all should go 6000lbs !!!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 01:27PM
There is no national rules . never was never will be

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 07:33AM
Hey NTPA, if you’re listening, I agree. Run us at 6,000 with the same charger and re-level the lopsided field. Feels like the rules that help only a couple people are wrecking a good thing…

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 01:14PM
KY had the class first every one liked the class so much now its happening every were so how hard would it have been to take the original rules and run with it

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 01:31PM
6500 works for Badger state, 6750 works for ECI, why would they want to spend the time and money, to drop to 6000?

Add in the WTPA/R3 and tristate, no shortage of places to pull.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 02:24PM
Thats why everyone needs to leave the Ky boys alone ( NO SHORTAGE OF PLACES TO PULL ) between the 3 associations now that KTPA is back up an goin, there's at least 40 different hooks a summer and at 6000lbs they've got as many as 15 to 25 on average at every pull ( except TNT they lucky to have 4 because of going 6100lbs ) , if every other association want heavier weight thats their call ( apparently 6 to 8 tractors is a good show to them ) " all you got to do is go on YouTube an check, 6 or 8 is all they have most of the time " --- then you can go to YouTube and type in Battle of the Bluegrass or KTPA and watch 15 to 25 !!!!! Like i said earlier NUMBERS DON'T LIE !!!!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 01:36PM
6750 works for ECI

Lord... Why not just make it a Heavy Limited Super Stock class? Eye Popping

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
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Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 03:19AM
John Murray

6750 works for ECI

Lord... Why not just make it a Heavy Limited Super Stock class? Eye Popping

It's actually 6,700lb for diesels and 6,450 for alcohol powered tractors. We have some long time club members in this class working to get lighter, it just hasn't been voted on yet. When/if the time comes, weights will be most likely similar to, or the same as Badger State.


Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 30, 2022 03:03PM
I certainly agree numbers don’t lie but, with that being said, is it a weight issue that’s pushed pullers away from the LLSS class or the fact that if you do good and beat a certain few your always considered to have been cheating? Looks as if TNT may have turned to more of a truck pulling organization.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 02:09AM
Really I don't think the 100 pounds is a deal breaker. I think there's other reasons. I know Badger State , Ecitpa and Wtpa it's not an weight issue, we have 16 members signed up for our class . Two of ours are running points in Iowa which is fine , and a few are not out yet because of parts, 2 broke early and since some don't like the turbo rule in the Wtpa. 5.60 diesel fuel prices don't help the travel aspect of it. Some are staying close to home .

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2022 02:53AM by David Runkle(earls dream).

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 01:24PM
To the original poster: So in your infinite wisdom you are under the impression that a 100# weight is enough for pullers to boycott an organization? Then on top of that boycott a raised purse over 100 lbs Eye Rolling? What kind of overdramatic meltdown occurs if the scales weigh 200 light? For gods sake man, Jesus loves you but still…..

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 02:17PM
In my infinite wisdom --- YES!!!!! Look at the numbers for this year at all TNT events --- NUMBERS are 1/3 of what they were last yr --- KTPA got new leadership way late this yr and look what has been done in a short time with them --- just wait till next yr, give the new leader time and see what happens --- everyone knows scales can vary but what people aren't seeing is the 100lb that you speak of was forced on the class --- if it had came to a vote to raise the weight THEY knew THEY didn't have the votes, so THEY couldn't not let that happen !!!! Im still curious to where are all the tractors that THEY said would come if they just raise the class weight ---- AINT HAPPENED !!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 10:55PM
So you agree, it’s not abut the 100#, just how it was done.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 02:03AM
If they had voted an it had gone to 6200lbs there wouldn't have been anything said because it was voted on not forced on ---- now that bein said --- NOBODY has ever explained why change whats working- there has been fewer tractors pulling with TNT when a certain few preached that 6000lb was unsafe yet they still show up at BOB pulls an run 6000lb, they also preached that raising the weight to 6200lb would bring more tractors in, how they figure that i dont know because the surrounding states that run 6200lb dont have over 6 or 8 at the most at any of their pulls yet BOB an now KTPA will have anywhere from 15 to 25 at 6000lbs !! If TNT changes to 6200lbs it wont change a thing, i know for a fact BOB & KTPA will not go heavier and theyll have 15 to 25 at every show !!!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 02:32AM
I'm curious which one of the tractors is yours. You seem to be very vested in the class so you must have a tractor involved. I would say just continue pulling with the organizations that limit it to 6,000lbs, although I doubt that is the problem. Some people just need a reason to get upset, and I can understand that it is hard to keep putting in the effort and going to pulls when you aren't the one getting the trophy.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 02:35AM
And one other thing--- they very ones that are preaching to raise the weight are the very ones that absolutely was against raising it a few yrs ago when Larry Wright's tractor " American Beauty " or Travis Gordon's original " Total Recall " couldn't make weight - they told them to go work on them an lighten them up - Larry did, Travis sold his an rebuilt new -- but they was totally against raising the weight- now they want to raise it, go figure !!! Give Travis 200 more pounds and he'll put 25 more ft on them - he's already waring their asses out !!!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 03:07AM
It's not the weight, it's the 3.4 turbo that's wearing them out. Happening in the Wtpa too.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 04:13AM
The weight is the equalizer !!!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 06:10AM
Ooops i told everyone so

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 04:20AM
Not true. I pulled in the class at 6000lb for several years. Won points 2 years and 2nd 2 years. Never asked for weight. Only reason sold was to build light pro

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 05:09AM
I stand corrected !!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 06:56AM
Maybe no one wants to pull with the TNT LLSS because of the BIG 3 that are always at there pulls and bitching about everyone else

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 01:55PM
Dear, limited
light super stock pullers
As puller, promoter, and club official ID like to say that KTPA is for the pullers. It's a 6000 lb class
It's crazy to change something that has been working for several years. It's the new blood that gets in and simpley can't compete without changing the rules.
It's simple to me if the pullers want these things there's a process come pull earn your vote then settle it with a class meeting. That will never happen cause it's done fair and people like to push officials do it there way. To mainly benefit a hand full. On the other hand it's simple if you don't want to run by a certain club rules or be teched and held to a fair standard there are places for you to pull. We strive to be Fun Fair and competitive all at the same time. History is proof. 40 years of pulling. Be apart of something not a number. Stand up for yourself. I understand over the past few years you guys haven't had many options to pulling. There are more to pulls than just showing up and pulling it's the little things that make a difference. Let's be honest it's all about the relationships we build with fellow pullers and there family's but when it comes showtime it's time for bussiness. Alway remember a club that pulls together stays together. 40 years going strong and the fun has just begun. So pull where you want but remember you can always come home doors open lights on.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT July 31, 2022 11:02PM
sounds like immaturity, "I'LL TAKE ME BALL AND GO HOME" ! Please spare us, goooooooooooooooooooo.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 01, 2022 04:02AM
The 3.4 turbo is the dumbest thing ever. It basically started with one idiot that happened to have an old 3.4 from his ss days and didn't want to buy a new turbo.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 02, 2022 01:38AM
I personally think the 3.4 is awesome, what a ride!!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 02, 2022 01:30PM
If the cry baby’s cry long enough they get there way we need to boycott the other two organizations

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 02, 2022 01:41PM
How many will boycott 3 or 4 ---- probably won't hurt much !!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 02, 2022 01:43PM
Hell Yeah!!!! Let's boycott them all and shut down all the organizations until we have nowhere to pull. It will be so awesome then.

Breaking TNT News August 02, 2022 11:46PM

Everybody freak out now…

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
Like LGP on Facebook

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 02, 2022 02:33PM
This is a good class it is here to stay it is going to be like every other organization there is going to be a different set of rules so get along and go pull there is a place for everyone you can’t go to all of them anyway

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 02, 2022 03:16PM
From the very bottom of my LLSS heart. I'm begging you guys to stop with this. It's embarrassing, and continues to give our class a black eye. Pick where you want to pull, follow the rules and enjoy your hobby. My schedule for the summer had 67 potential hooks on it within 325 miles of the house. Finding an enjoyable place to complete is easy. No one is forcing you to do anything. But this poor horse has been beat for way too long.

Re: LLSS Triple Header BSTP August 03, 2022 12:02AM
Oshkosh, WI August 5 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Winnebago County Fairgrounds Oshkosh, 500 E Sunnyview Rd

Classes: 540 Light Pro Tractor (540LP) Super Farm (SF) Light Limited Super Stock Tractor (LLSS) 466 Hot Farm (466HF) Pro Stock Diesel Truck (PSDT)

Utica, WI August 6 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Utica, 1390 County Road BCambridge, WI 53523 United States

Classes Pulling: 540 Light Pro (540LP) Super Farm (SF) 466 Hot Farm (466HF) Light Limited Super Stock (LLSS) Pro Stock Diesel Truck (PSDT)

Milledgeville, IL August 10 @ 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm Carroll County Fairgrounds, 28374 Milledgeville Road

Classes: Pro Stock Tractor (PST) Limited Pro Tractor (LPST) Light limited Super Stock (LLSS) 466 Hot Farm (466HF)

Re: LLSS Buffalo County Fair Friday August 5th 7:00pm August 03, 2022 04:19AM
I'll tell you why --- just look at the history of the LIGHT SUPER STOCK CLASS --- it got way out of hand and look at it now -- its crazy expensive !!! The old ATPA videos of the LIGHT SUPER STOCKS at 5700lbs are way more entertaining and enjoyable to watch and was easier to compete in-- the weight was the equalizer !!! Any Organization can do whatever they want, but the numbers of participants at the lighter weight proves what majority wants, and rheres still organizations that run it and will thrive on doing so !!! Im done with this post --- POINT ACCOMPLISHED !!!!

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 03, 2022 02:43AM
From the very bottom of my LLSS heart. I'm begging you guys to stop with this. It's embarrassing, and continues to give our class a black eye. Pick where you want to pull, follow the rules and enjoy your hobby. My schedule for the summer had 67 potential hooks on it within 325 miles of the house. Finding an enjoyable place to complete is easy. No one is forcing you to do anything. But this poor horse has been beat for way too long.

Preach! I just do not understand arguing about a couple hundred pounds. It's sooooooooo stupid.

good old days August 03, 2022 04:55AM

another LLSS thread... August 03, 2022 08:13AM
seriously hilarious how many topics are posted about LLSS and they always involve crying, whining and bickering...it's a joke. SET THE RULES AND STICK TO THEM! Try to make it exactly the same rule or atleast close across the board for all of the organizations.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 03, 2022 08:46AM
Idont pull the class anymore but just like i preached about the big turbos you will se how sooo stupid the couple hundred pounds are as the class keep progressing that weight is a huge equalizer

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 04, 2022 03:17AM
What do you do to get a IH 560 down in weight

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 04, 2022 03:35AM
same as you do any tractor,cut al. grind discard

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 04, 2022 11:09AM
They were 5000# when we pull um

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 04, 2022 02:33PM
Can you cut a lot out of the back end

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 04, 2022 03:43PM
I would love to see NFMS let LLSS in with a required National Set of Rules. Willing to bet most would make whatever weight is put forward. It's a garden tractor class until rules are standardized and it's evident the class is full of nothing but Sandbox pullers who won't let anybody else play. Enjoy your county and State Fairs if you're lucky.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 05, 2022 10:01AM
A friend has a 560 with Red diamond 501 down to 4300 ish with heavy rims yet.

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 05, 2022 12:45PM
its not a 560 any more

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 05, 2022 11:12AM
560 fan I would like to have a ph. Number to talk to to see what has been done

Re: LLSS WEIGHT August 05, 2022 01:53PM
some grindingin mid case, transcover is lite, al.frame,ta selete,no pivot on wide front-can also cut bull gears, hollow axles,al. rad. lite rims


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