Light super stock August 28, 2022 06:28AM
Just a question,do you think you could compete in outlaw light super with a single three by three,or three by 4 inch charger on 466 cubes,I know there's a few you wont touch, what do u all think.

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 06:36AM
I'm gonna guess 1500hp from a 3x4 466 isn't gonna be enough.

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 07:37AM
I would say you could have fun doing it and put down respectable passes, it would hook to the track better and be one of the most reliable ones.

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 07:37AM
A week ago there was a pull in Indiana a mixed open there was 4 charger light supper and a llss 466 and it was not close at all

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 08:05AM
Please keep in mind, in the Outlaw Organization a LSS is a cast iron rear tractor and no offense to any of their competitors but they are typically a far cry from say a PPL or NTPA LSS, Outlaw also offers this class but calls is Unlimited LSS.

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 09:16AM
There was a 3x4 466 John Deere at wisner that got 3rd and 4th. In the LSS class and it’s a llss. And he ran it in Madison. Sd also. Helped build the tractor. Called The Wanted. So you sure can compete in the class as a llss.

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 10:07AM
build a llss and pull with outlaws. if we can get the numbers up it could be there outlaw schedule and not just on heartland. I believe there's is allot in the works to bring up the numbers in the llss class but we need to keep weight reasonably light.

Re: Light super stock August 29, 2022 04:09PM
What kind of gear ratio you running if dont mind me adking

Re: Light super stock August 29, 2022 11:54PM
depends allot on your setup. alky tractors are around 20 to 1.

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 10:04AM
You may get a check if there’s not many in the class but you’re not gonna be competitive.

Re: Light super stock August 28, 2022 10:18AM
got to look at it on a promoter or fan side of things. do you want to pony up 3400 for a class and have have the tractors 50 to 75 ft behind the top 2 or 3 or for less money have 7 to 10 llss all within 15 to 20ft of everyone

Re: Light super stock September 01, 2022 05:42PM
A 640ci 4.1 can't keep up with these LSS,'s at same weight

Re: Light super stock September 02, 2022 01:27AM
What if you give diesels 200 more pounds over alky then would they keep up? Akly 6100 and diesels 6300

Re: Light super stock September 02, 2022 05:14AM
Alky is 6100 and diesel 6300 in the Outlaw Light Super class (cast iron rear ends).

A 640 cubic inch motor is allowed up to a 5" intake wheel (no limit on exhaust wheel). They can probably keep up, but will have to work on them to do so.

The multi-charger tractors will recent technology are at the top of the class and have been since 2009ish, nothing has really changed in the class.


Re: Light super stock September 07, 2022 12:08PM
So a single charger tractor making 2500 hp is or is not competitive in this class?

Re: Light super stock September 07, 2022 01:23PM
I don't see you getting 2500 hp out of a single charger at 504 ci. you go to the big block big cubes keeping the front end down with weight issues. are you thinking big cubes big single on alky you could get there.

Re: Light super stock September 07, 2022 03:40PM
The original post said 3x4 charger.

Re: Light super stock September 08, 2022 06:20AM
Brent Long’s 686 wasn’t far from 2500 back in the late 90’s . I’m sure today parts and Charger you could.


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